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Everything posted by catkom3

  1. I believe Paul,if you pop the lights out and remove the silver paint they look an awful lot better,?? Regards Joe.
  2. No problem Paul,but have you noticed,a lot of 4220's have different sizes wheels anyway,I've got quite a few German DVD's which feature a lot of 4220's and the front and rears are different,??
  3. Big and green eh,like this,?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UTLlWsaB-A Regards Joe.
  4. Think I'd have the new one, Regards Joe
  5. Spotted some nice destoneing and ridgeing today,the Scanstone must have been a new machine as the Scanstone pickup was also in the field,was a wee bit surprised the Massey 7626 was on the powered ridger and the 936 was on the unpowered version,?? The wee D2 was being "bump" started by the Manitou,my Dad was probably the last man to drive that on a farm over 50 years ago,nice to see it running again,although Chic,the guy driving it is looking for a magneto for it , Regards Joe.
  6. I wonder if FGS Organics owns Liquid Digestate Solutions,as there doesn't appear to be a business as such called Liquid Digestate Solutions https://www.duedil.com/company/09212270/liquid-digestate-solutions-limited and FGS have Liquid Digestate Solutions equipment on their web site,??? http://www.fgsorganics.co.uk/digestate/ Regards Joe.
  7. Don't know if it's much use Sean,but Noch have their own web site,http://www.noch.com/ Regards Joe. PS,this might be handy,http://www.modelbuildings.org/scale-conversion-calculator.html
  8. Is that why there are two versions on G&M's web site,?? Regards Joe.
  9. Henry does one Paul,might get one through Mandy,http://www.farmmodels.nl/Webwinkel-Product-5702108/20655-Fronthef-La-Forge-JDI-ST5-7-(04128).html Regards Joe.
  10. Nice to see a right hooker,how do you do that,?? Regards Joe.
  11. Is this the one Sean,https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.grostracteurspassion.com%2Fviewtopic.php%3Ff%3D121%26t%3D48105&edit-text= Just reread this when Paul replied and noticed you hadn't replied, Regards Joe.
  12. Well spotted that man,no such thing as a 765,756 yes,guess "pastajoke78" screwed up, http://www.tractordata.com/farm-tractors/tractor-brands/ih/ih-tractors.html https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=International+Harvester+756&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj6m5G2l8jKAhVLtBoKHc3BD-4QsAQIMA&biw=1920&bih=971 Regards Joe.
  13. Sellers name say's it all really. Regards Joe.
  14. Sean posted the photo's from his iphone,same operating system as your ipad,that's why your seeing them the right way up,I'm on Windows 10,different system,!!! Regards Joe.
  15. Not on my computer they don't Sean,still upside down,?? Regards Joe.
  16. No Paul " Prestige" so a wee bit cheaper,http://www.outbacktoystore.com/Farm-Toy-Replicas/IH-Farmall-Collectors/1-16th-Prestige-Series-International-1206-Wheatland.html Regards Joe.
  17. Just found the perfect tractor for your lowloader Paul,?? But I don't think your into Internationals, Regards Joe.
  18. Type,!!! copy and paste, https://www.facebook.com/RCBedfordModels/ Regards Joe.
  19. Yip,they were all square tops when I was a kid,here's a photo of the late Mr Wood beside his 135,I see from the reg it is ASV,which I'm guessing would have the suffix D,= 1966,??? That's why I put square mudgaurds and a Duncan cab on mine, Regards Joe.
  20. Well I haven't been able to get hold of a particular items for the flock so will have to wait on that for a few days after a eBay buy, but we have receive a new bit of kit ready for the summer, our old grab was showing its ages and a few welds were going so we purchased a new Browns one,just got to make a flat 8 bale pack from my hand made ones to mount on it properly ,and of course order some more bales I'm guessing you probably tried already,but you might get more results useing "scatter" as well as "flock",also if you got the "tea strainer" type head their only good for short stuff 3-6 mm,I tried 10mm in mine and got nowhere,!! Regards Joe.
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