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Everything posted by fordmajor

  1. The new 5000 looks good until you see the rear hitch ! Why spend loads on tooling just to spoil it they could have done much better.
  2. Mod rock over a former. Mod rock is a bandage soaked in pollyfilla, put on dry paint on water / or put on wet [ got some but have not tried to use yet]
  3. try brass or alloy tubing [ home base] not sure how youd bend it though
  4. Have you got your own factory? Great stuff as usual.
  5. Should paint on wood ok. You could always prime it first.
  6. Cheers look forward to that -- mabe we should have a comp ha ha! you can be the judge
  7. Wow i can do the stella n roll ups but not the rest . I think you should post a start to finish convo for us mere mortals .
  8. It was me asking for the pics n thanks they were a great help. Got all the bits but have not got as far as you great job. Oh and have tracked down a deralict Highlander. Thanks again robbo
  9. Are you going to fit a duncan cab? [ if you do let us know how to do]
  10. Are they Deutz rears? n how did you fit the axle [ askin cause it looks so good thinkin of doing one me self]
  11. Any paint stripper from your local DIY.
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