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Posts posted by farmernick06

  1. Funny thing about this topic is i went to kmart yesterday, and the have the construction sets there and the tractor i want is in one of them.... The most expensive one 2 ::)

    I know what you mean mate, i wanted one of those mini milking parlours but they were in a huge set full or rubbish so didn't bother  :-\ :D

  2. Today i got up at nice and early at 9:15 run out doors, got my John Deere hat and went to see the local contractors start harvest at JJ Barkers, running a John Deere 98.. STS something or other, John Deere 8520 with Hawe chaser bin and another 6920S w. Marston tipping trailer.

    After a few runs i got offered a go in the combine and he never really asked me to leave so i stayed in for a good 3/4 hours  :D:) :) They moved about 12 lorry loads at 30T each so we shifted just under 360 tons.

    But whilst getting back i caught my leg on something and thought 'ouch' then looked down and my whole foot was covered in thick blood. So now with my feet up  :)

  3. Mandy - Yeah i've always loved tractors, i still don't know how i lost them all  :D But when i found them they were pretty deep in the ground  :o Now what do i do with them  :D :D

    And Nashmach, thought exactly the same about the Renaults, it seems to be that New Ray or whoever make them make a cheap version of real machines, e.g. the combine is a Claas Dominator  :-\ ;)

  4. Ohh the joys of begging mum to buy me new ones every time we went to the toy store ::) I remeber the yellow ones well, id love to get one again, it had a grab on the ront and a grapple on the back i think ??? they were pretty hardly lil beggers 2, alot of mine were friction powred,

    You reminded me nick, next time i go home i have to dig up the gradens to find my old britans, they are there some where ::)

    Yeah Nick, i don't know how i got soo many  :D There all the same, but they were soo much cheaper than a Britains and soo much easy to replace.. they were designed practically to be played out or broken.

    And our garden is like a gold mine .. about 4 years ago i found a kids set of dinky toys, all metal ... still got that somewhere  :-\

  5. Nick you legend i also remember many of those great sunny days playing with them up in north yorkshire or ploughing up the beach. Good times if your looking to sell one of those water bowsers im may be after one.

    Oh soo many memories, i remember i used to sit behind the shed and then run outside when i heard a real tractor and just play and play. Wish it was like it now  :-\ Yeah mate drop us a PM and well sort it out if you want one  ;)

  6. NICK!!!

    I remember those  :o :o

    I used to have some of those. The tractors with the digger on front,the dumper,the loadall and the bale conveyer :) :)

    I also remember those type drivers with the "knob" between there legs to go into the seat :D :D

    Good Days  :D

    Thought you might remember Blake, being around the same age  ;)

    Tell me about it good ole days ... yeah i always wondered why those drivers why like that .. i've never seen a farmer like that  :D

    But you still see some of these toys kicking around .. a few alterations from the original cast. Still making quick easy cash  :-\ ;)

    Glad you enjoyed it, i certainly did  :)

  7. Yeah these literally are straight out of the ground  :-\ I must of been called in one day for lunch and forgot completely about them and say 8 years later they've been dug back up  :-\ :-[:D

    And forgot to mention if any budding conversionists could do with any parts feel free to ask, i'll check if it's condition is ok and wash them up and you can get them  ;)

  8. OK lets get the jokes out of the way, firstly i did not play with lipstick or barbies as a kid... glad thats sorted.

    OK well i was sorting out our overgrown spare garden and found these in one corner behind the shed. There was a huge pile with all different little holes where i'd obviously sneak behind the shed and play with them ... 

    I hear alot of you say about Britains as your childhood toys, and my childhood was mainly dominated by these plastic horrible things. To be smashed up and played with Britains was not an option  :-\

    You may be thinking Nick's lost the plot but i feel passionately for these little plastic things, whereas you may of had your Britains when you were young these cheap sets were perfect ... you probably could of bought five or 6 for one Britains tractor.

    So here we go ...

    First up my pride and joys, sprayer tanks ... may convert these into water bowsers or even fuel tanks  :-\



    Then the fleet of tractors, very damaged but packed with character  :D




    A few construction things, shortly replaced by Joal but these were my garden toys  :)






    Some random bits, interested about the conveyor  :-\




    Then this, a Bruder truck ... a bit smashed but every week my Dad brought me in one from work ... i love 'em  :o:D


    And lastly something i can proudly carry onto my diorama and my models ... Drivers!


    Thats it folks , hope you enjoyed a short history of my childhood toys  :)

  9. Think i might Masseyrules and Blake, really do especially as he used to be one of my close mates.. im certainly not afraid to give him a whack  >:( Will teach him a lesson for trying to go behind my back  >:(

    And today i've been up to London with my Dad in Kings college in London, he needed an operation on his kidneys and they got him in there and told him he was absoelutly fine so let him straight back again. Then just got this silly MSN virus just when i didn't need it to see if i still had a girlfriend .. or if the baseball bat will be meeting a certain nose  >:( >:(:D :D

  10. Know what Ben... suprised how long it took you to figure that one out :D

    Please Ben your frightening me mate, she wonders why i had a little moan at her because she told me to stop flirting with people when all i say is how are you? And then today it leaked that she is going to the park with some other guy tomorrow on her own  :o :o .... And he usedto be one of my best mates at primary  >:( >:(>:(

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