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Posts posted by farmernick06

  1. Yes the shop in Tenterden went first after they double the rent after the first year !

    I think its the same chap whos running with littletoyfarmer although I could be wrong  :-[

    I was gutted with that, especially as my Dad agreed to take me there the week after it shut  >:( >:(

  2. yeah arround the big arable areas they do, but truth be know a lot of farmers still use 5 furrows in most areas,thats the biggest you tend to see round this way

    I agree with Sean, around here they use 7's because the guys are rich and are running big machinery but on most farms you can expect a 5  ;)

    But don't get me wrong looking forward to this, will be interesting. Looks like he's definetly been watching what the collectors want  ;) Will hopefully be on my list  :)

  3. i did see the doe FarmerKnotted-NumptyKnickers06 it was a good day i go every year my best part was seeing that 9620t that was cool :o :o :o :o :o what did you think???????

    It was quite cool, only saw the Doe from a distance though. And yeah shame it was locked  :( But yeah i think it was again an alright show but a bit expensive again and a bit too big for it's own boots but overall an awesome show  ;)

  4. Now i know you've covered this before but i thought i'd bring it back up again. Basically im trying to perfectly scale down a drivers tractor i know quite well. So needed a number plate.

    This site does show plates, therefore you can get rectangles like on tractors.


    Basically make your plate in there, you should see one i made earlier with company name for effect  :D

    If you print screen and paste into word you should find a toolbar that allows you to trim it down to just the plate.

    And thats as far as i got, im assuming you can paste it into paint and save as an image and then shrink down and print but thats yet to be done. So if anyone can confirm how you save it as an image to shrink that would be great  ;) ;)

  5. dont lok to bad mate I would go a little bit smaller ;) If I remember rightly someone did fitted a tax disc on one of there tractor conversion on here, think it was a david brown tractor or white case :-\

    I would if i could mate  ;) ;) The smallest hole punch i've got im afraid but does the job to me. And i have seen it done, was in CT on a classic NH or clayson combine.  :)

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