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Everything posted by Kiwi6920

  1. Yup thats addy, there are pics of me on it also but we dont need to see them.
  2. Here is a couple of pics i snaped at the dinner, not the easyest place to get a pic of 20ish people, That place didnt seam to like us much... The Big bosses table... Thats all i got, as those who were there know it was a long table in a small space so pics were nearly impossable..
  3. A couple of pics i snaped of the fendts, i could have left with these Very easily they looked good Some not very helpfull young man.... he just told me not to do this.... woops i sliped And group pic outside, affter lord fergy got his one so every one turned around...
  4. Heres a couple of pics from the drive and destroy day... I have a vid of me and ad ill post up later
  5. So you split her yet mark? that thrust bearing didnt sound that good to me.... Bloody fun little tractor to drive, better than that other one.... This thing is a real tractor as you said. I shall get on the hunt for those mf pivot pics... and a few other rare girls i know of i didnt mention Now i would like to see a pic of your desk please...
  6. Yeah the 24hr flight.... Well i got home, sleept for most of the LA- nz flight, I was glad when we got to auckland, got all my models thru customs around 3x over the $$ amount i was aloud... Was good to meet you ben.... Atleast we spoke even if it was for 30sec... Im working on 2011 and might try bring a diorama with me....
  7. Was a Aussome weekend. Even the wife enjoyed it, Thanks ad for bringing your folks, saved my a$$ by aimee chatting to your mum. Was realy good putting a face to the names on here, meet ALOT of people, made it realy worth the trip, Hope to be back over for the 2011 april event, bye then it might be called the FTF spalding tractor show Thanks for a aussome fun filled weekend guys, sorry to those who missed it,
  8. Got home form your folks side of the world, now just relaxing, off to buy our new lounge sweet soon so i can relax in comfort for the next 2 days
  9. My spalding hual/ pick ups My 7810jd, 8400 jd jcb 3cx contractor(25th scale) jd 9420t, jd 690i combine, Dirty fendt 820, Jd 310SJ backhoe, and to keep marky happy, a MF skid loader with atachment set...
  10. We atleast one of us has been doing some work over here.... well if you call that work...
  11. Was a good day all in all, even if it was only red on display and you got straped into the computer chair watching a slide of 1500 mf brochures..... Some nice pics there mark, ill add mine when i get home, Thanks for a good day, and sorry i nearly made you cry.... sean cant have helped you on there, you got that smell out of the seat yet??? the one you left from the endi we all herd about on sunday Any one get pics of the wheel nut indercators?
  12. Nice pics there mark and simon, when i get home to nz i will put up my pics, Was a aussome show, realy enjoyed it, i doubt i will ever see that many models under one roof in nz ever Was a good night on sat, realy nice, was good to meet all of you there, made it easyer on sunday to name faces, realy enjoyed meeting all that i meet, Congerats to the scratch build guys, some stunning work there, I manged to get my bargin and pivk up all my orders. Made for a realy good weekend, i think i have pics of the saturday at markys...
  13. I am in dunstable, now heading up to cambridge shortly...
  14. Wow that is a stunning cloection, any more pics of the orange fendt xylon type tractor with the reach mower? looks intreasting
  15. ha ha!. hows down under... diffrent sitting on the top looking down...
  16. Hey Ben..... You want to do the honurs?, close enough to the toytrac day earily some one did last year....
  17. Got 2 Jd 690I combines from hamelys in london for 8 (Eight) pounds each, all the other ones had 44.00 on them, cant see any fualts with these at all... My bargin for my whole trip i think
  18. Cant wait to see it tris, shes looking swell
  19. Saw about 20 of those jd with inker cab in the jd shop in moline usa, also saw the 9330, i to noticed it was 1/16th... muppets, and i to cant see how the extra cost is justified, hence why its still on the shelf...
  20. Very nice pics, that volvo looks realy nice, would be nice to own i recon some thing diffrent
  21. Leaving the USA today to cpme to the uk... That good or bad.... I hope lonon is better than usa...
  22. Cant wait to have a play on farnkie now mark, been in the USA 3 days, only seen one tractor not in a building..... roll on uk and spalding
  23. JD 4240s Ad you know it makes sence...
  24. Got a flat tyre on the truck carting silage so i have to sit and watch every 1 else while i wait 4 the trye guys
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