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Everything posted by SPN

  1. Can we have pics of it beside the old (9527) 5000? I see major improvements in some details, but also some disimprovements. Grrrrrrr! \ Why is it not to the JQ4020 standard I would have expected?
  2. A brand new Lexion 570 just passed by my office on the back of a Nooteboom lowloader.
  3. Dronningborg: Danish outfit. Now owned by Marky.
  4. That's a pity. I've spoken to a couple of people who have dealt with Accurate and they all tell stories of utter incompetence. If they are as bad as is made out then we can only hope that UH pulls the plug and appoints someone competent in the near future.
  5. One for Marky! immaculate Massey 135 pulling a transporter with an 07 Ford Fiesta on back.
  6. Wait 'til you get to the Orbital Spreader!
  7. Brand new JQ 7530 on very narrow wheels. 07-WX plates
  8. Michael has put up pics from the Bunclody Show on [url=http://www.farmmodels.net]Farm Models dot Net Here's a couple to whet your appetite:
  9. Used to be known as King's County, or maybe you know it better as Parlon Country.
  10. We're trying to plan the next one at the mo. Prolly in the County Arms in Birr. When are you out of the Country?
  11. Never mind the entrance fee - It's the exit fee you need to be worried about! You will spend every penny you possibly can while you are in there. It's not funny! \ There used to be a direct train as well as the one where you changed en-route. The 10 minute walk feels like 3 minutes. You can see the hall the minute you come out of the station. Crossing the main road can be interesting what with the cycle tracks and the fact that they drive on the wrong side of the road. You can take a train from the Airport into Central Station in Amsterdam. All the City Centre Hotels are within a 10 minute walk (or thereabouts) of Central Station. Following morning, walk back to Central Station and take the train to Zwolle. It is actually very simple and straight forward. I'll be in the Irish Pub behind the Royal Palace (great grub, top totty, excellent beer - what more could you want?) on the Friday and Saturday nights.
  12. It's a Ford thing! You wouldn't understand ......
  13. Many thanks to all who attended today. The show was superb - absolutely superb! We estimate we had more than 500 people through the doors. Special thanks to Joe, Michael, Paul, Brian, Trevor and the other guys (names escape me just now) whose scratch built and custom models and dioramas put the 1:50th boys to shame. Scratch built model of the day for me was Paul's Dooley Lowloader. Hopefully he'll post some pics of it here soon (he did have a thread when he started working on it). I was bogged down helping Leo on his stand so I didn't get to take as many pictures as I would have liked, and the ones I took are not really up to scratch. Here are a couple to give a flavour of the day.
  14. There's a silage crew running up and down past my office this afternoon, TM120 TS110 TS115 DX6.06 TS115 Deutz 165 mk1 TM150 DX6.31 TS115a MF390 It takes them a half hour to get to the yard and back from here. Not sure how far from here to the field, but it is over an hour since the 6.31 last headed by empty. <update> I think they had stopped for lunch! It takes between 55 and 65 minutes for them to go to the field and back (from here), and between 25 and 35 minutes for them to go to the yard and back (from here). Deutz 6.06 disappeared for a couple of hours. A muppet in a VW Polo pulled a U-Turn right in front of the TSA while it was bowling along with a full load. Luckily hew was able to slow/avoid the prat. I'm bored! Does it show?
  15. Here are resized pics of the 7530. This is an animal of a tractor. When I saw the Siku model I thought they had screwed up the proportions, but it really is a 6620 on steroids with a Tristopher sized cab. Here is a picture of Hanley's Jag 8550 mower. They were baling silage with a big McHale outfit at the site of the new Racecourse today (they had some big red thing - what are they called again? - driving the baler, but it was too far from the road). I think I know where the 8550 was heading so I might be able to get some pics of their full outfit tomorrow. Mulhearne's yard was full of TMs and Thorpe trailers. No sign of the Big M or the rakes. I'll have a look for them tomorrow. I love this time of year!
  16. The Harvester is a Jag 900. She was filling a trailer every 3-4 minutes.
  17. I decided to take a spin today and lo and behold, there was a convoy of Murphy Bros. tractors lining up in a field beside the main road. Enjoy! (There's 18 pictures in this, so if you are on dial-up ...........) First up is the Fendt 926 reverse drive with Claas 3 gang. John Q 6820 and Claas Rake The Fleet! NH TS115, Case MXU135 Pro, Fendt 818, 6820, 2x6920S, 6930 and 7530 ... and from behind. I'm sure this little baby will go down well with some of you. For those with a more discerning taste. Back at the pit.
  18. Cracking model, as always! Try it with Siku 5455 rear wheels. I think they are almost identical to the originals.
  19. Just topping this thread again. Lots of goodies due to be on show, including a couple of 1:1 Fendts and a massive mobile Crane. There are a couple of new scratchbuilds due to be ready for the show, and a couple of new dioramas in 1:50 and 1:32 Who's coming along? 'cos we plan it that way
  20. Super Major based Doe Triple D just went by on a lowloader. WOW!
  21. The first one was Euro Spec. This one is Septic Spec.
  22. SPN

    Case 2470

    This hadn't been made in 1:32 up until now. It is the latest release in the ToyFarmer Series (JQ7020, MF1500, Oliver, IH4366). Wonder what they'll do next?
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