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Everything posted by robbo

  1. The driver is fine, he got a cut on his hand but the lads are still on scene mopping up. We took out Manitou and bucket up and just shovelled it up into a bulker, I will see what is left when I go back in tomorrow. >
  2. I have no idea sorry, we just got asked to pull it out of the dock
  3. Not me, I was at home over the weekend decorating the kitchen, I believe the Police divers did it for us.
  4. Now there are those that say a Duck likes water and that might well be true....... At the Albert Docks in Liverpool they have a small fleet of yellow Duckmarines that take visitors around the harbour and docks. However, over the weekend one of them decided to become a submersible much to the chagrin of the crew and passengers, thankfully no-one was hurt but it tokk a bit of extricating. First the news story http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-21990326 Then our efforts to get it out again, stand by your beds, here we come Divers attached the cables and then we winched it out And finally on dry land
  5. Is that what you paid for it because the listing has ended, I assume he accepted a buy it now price for it?
  6. Buy a full Britains collection in one go............ http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Britains-Farm-sale-of-Century-toys-agriculture-john-Deere-JCB-/281083982024?pt=UK_ToysGames_DiecastVehicles_DiecastVehicles_JN&hash=item4171e930c8
  7. A Google Nexus tablet for Sharon and a new camera for me, Samsung 16.1 megapixels for just £49.99, couldn't say no now could I?
  8. Our driver has got a new headcam and he filmed the recovery, he is going to edit it later and then I will post a link to it.
  9. Tris, I had painted out his name to protect his modesty especially as it was just outside their yard. Bob, he swerved to avoid a car that didn't stop and the load overbalanced.
  10. Anyone on the A533 near Northwich needs to avoid the area for a few hours until we get this one back on it's feet
  11. I know this isn't a model but come on......£40 for a key ring http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=370775276860&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:GB:1123 I have got 2 of them still in the packaging and I paid under £5
  12. I was going to make a start in the garden but it's lashing it down, maybe some other day.
  13. I did find some pictures online of it before the accident but I can't remember where, I have got the details at work so I will post a link next week. I have painted out the signwriting to protect their anonymity though.
  14. A sad and ignominious end to what was once a very smart Scania
  15. Another unusual one today. This was hitched to a tractor unit and had a load lifted onto the front end. The driver then unhitched to go for his lunch and the weight of the load bent the front of the trailer, maybe he shouldn't have put 20 tonnes at the headboard end!! And then just because they were parked up together in the yard
  16. I think I would have to go for the Marge version just because if the more realistic rear linkage but I shall wait until Spalding to see both of them in the flesh.
  17. No that one is further North in Cumbria, just out of our area at junction 36. This one is between 22 and 21a southbound M6. Not a good day to be on the M6 today!
  18. If you are on the M6 on the Cheshire lancashire border this morning you may be slightly delayed, at least until we manage to get it upright
  19. Our mission for today To be continued.......................
  20. Got a couple of Dealer boxed Renaults, Atles 936RZ with front linkage and Ergos 100 and hedgecutter, I think I have almost all of them now, then I managed to get a Yaxon Lamborghini 1/43 scale to match the Same's
  21. I haven't see that one Tris, I didn't watch Cop shows when I was in the Force and I can't really see myself watching a programme about recoveries, too much of a busman's holiday, I like to come home and forget the day job if I can, just come on FTF and view tractor porn!
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