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Everything posted by robbo

  1. That Same Trident is in fantastic condition, most have rusted away by now 8)
  2. My daughter (who is 25) has been a Disney fanatic since she was small, she has worked in Florida for the summer season and is currently a Supervisor in a Disney Store. The Company run a Trivia competition every year and so she decided to enter. First she won the store comp, then she won the Regional Comp, then she won the National Comp and today, she won the European Competition. First Prize is a 2 week trip to Disney California for her and a friend, (not me ), clever girl and a very proud Dad.
  3. In that case Sean, we are taking mine to Zwolle. The thought of you stiffening up is too much for me :of
  4. Windows 10 is really getting me hacked off. Couple of weeks ago I upgraded my desktop computer and found that my email wouldn't work, took all day and a few phone calls to my son in law (bit of a computer geek) and I finally managed to get it working. The desktop has been going OK since then, a bit slow and certainly slower than 8.1 but I started to get to know my way around it. So I decided to upgrade my laptop that I use for work. I take it out and about to the clients house and then print out the result on a mobile printer for them to sign. BIG mistake Now my laptop cannot find the printer and I have tried everything I can think of. I have re-installed the software and bought a new connecting lead but no, I still cannot print. Now reloading Windows 8.1 to see if that helps
  5. Hardly MINT as described, it is missing the hedgecutter of the back http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/universal-hobbie-model-tractor-/321830806636?
  6. The sky looks a bit dark and threatening in that last photo, is that a single leg or twin leg subsoiler?
  7. Guys we had a slight issue with the server yesterday but everything has been resolved. Basically, David was charging his camera batteries ready for the harvest and we forgot to put another 50p in the meter AND on top of that, Sean (who works for BT and should really be a broadband expert) managed to pull out the wrong wire. I am not quite sure what he was trying to do but he is now sat in the corner of the Mod room sulking. All should now be back to normal but it may be some time before we let Sean loose with a screwdriver again. David has also gone skipping out of the room waving an Ordnance Survey map with lots of red pen marks on it, those of you who live in Yorkshire beware, he may be lurking in your fields.
  8. Looks like you can cover some serious acreage with that spread, how many per day?
  9. I am with you on that one, I have bought two items recently and both tiimes I have left feedback for the seller to let them know it has arrived, neither of them have left any feedback for me so far despite it being over 2 weeks. I think it shows a lack of respect for your buyers.
  10. The brand new printer that I bought on Monday packed up after printing 2 pages this afternoon. By the time I got home the HP helpdesk is closed until Tuesday, sometimes I hate bank holidays >
  11. I know it's rare but .........phew....that is a lot for one model http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CHROME-TTT-Minneapolis-Moline-G-1355-1141-Nebraska-Test-Tractor-1-of-12-1-16-/221752116767?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item33a174c61f Edit: And this one is even more..............twice the price http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CHROME-Allis-Chalmers-TTT-7030-Tractor-1-of-only-3-made-1-16-/321733893312?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ae8d59cc0
  12. This has got to be a copy of a DB 996 or a code 3 conversion, I don't think that Britains made a 996 to go with the Muledozer blade http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VINTAGE-BRITAINS-DAVID-BROWN-996-TRACTOR-AND-BULLDOZER-BLADE-/151636123763?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item234e37a073
  13. How did you manage to see that Peter, its camouflaged? ;D 8)
  14. Been a while since I last updated this thread but managed to get a couple today of a nice old Deere
  15. I saw that and thought why? You can still get them from the model dealers for about £18-19
  16. I was prepared to go to £200 for this one but is surpassed that by a mile, not bad for a Britains model http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/331477191336?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT I will just sit back and watch it now
  17. Barry I understand your dilemma and I would agree with you about items that can potentially sell for high prices, I have no problem setting p & p at a reasonable rate for tracked and insured postage. However, this is a Britains model that is unlikely to make more than £20 and it is also under the 450gramme limit so can be posted by Royal Mail for £2.80. Hermes would charge more but that is the sellers choice. As a buyer I just get angry when I see sellers trying to make up their margins, and the ebay charges, by charging excessive postage rather than by being open and honest and starting the item at a higher price. I was drawn to this one as it is a model that I would consider buying to add to the SDF collection.
  18. Classic example of why you need to watch the postage prices, the model has a cheap starting price but £9 for postage is highly excessive. :of This will cost £2.80 to post so add a bit on for packaging and charge £3.50...... daylight robbery http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BRITAINS-HURLIMANN-SX1500-TRACTOR-1-32-SCALE-/331460043736?pt=UK_ToysGames_DiecastVehicles_DiecastVehicles_JN&hash=item4d2c8ee3d8
  19. Unusual Fendt seen through the snow today
  20. Finding out that a former colleague, a female Police Officer, died yesterday 4 weeks after giving birth to her first child, so sad
  21. Happy birthday JohnnyMF I am sure Sandra will look after you today
  22. Just tried to replicate this problem as I wasn't getting it using my normal browser (Firefox). However, with IE I did get this expired certificate warning. We have had this once before and I think Andy just needs to update it with the tech guys and it should be sorted.
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