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Everything posted by robbo

  1. Got a trailer of muck for the garden today and started to dig it in, the rest of the family are complaining but if they want organic veg then they have to put up with it ;D :
  2. Well there is one Britains Ford 5000 in the lot but it is a bit too much to pay for just that model if I only want that one http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/joblot-diecast-toys-and-collectable-toys-/231164661440?pt=UK_ToysGames_DiecastVehicles_DiecastVehicles_JN&hash=item35d27ccec0
  3. Sometimes I really don't believe listings, this lot sold last week and hey presto, it is up again this week. Smacks of insider bidding and when he ended up as the high bidder he had to relist it http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Britains-Ford-farm-toy-Set-/151232542336?pt=UK_ToysGames_DiecastVehicles_DiecastVehicles_JN&hash=item2336297680
  4. The wind! We haven't got it anywhere near as bad as the South West but it is still a bit breezy. It snapped off the gatepost at the base and left the side gate flapping and banging on the side of the house. So, I decided to try and chisel the old post out as it was set in concrete, which is when I walloped my hand with the damn hammer, now sat with an ice pack on my knuckle, ouch! It may be tomorrow before I finish digging the old gate post stump out now.
  5. OK Bob, you know what comes next.........PHOTOS and a new topic
  6. I sold one of them on eBay last week for about half of that...........
  7. Good heavens, what would they pay for the limited edition version if that is the standard one?
  8. Royal Mail........bunch of jobsworths My stepdaughter ordered an item for her boyfriend's birthday and asked for it to be delivered to my house so that he didn't see it before the day. Unfortunately I missed the post yesterday so it got taken back to the sorting office. She gave me her driving licence and I took my own along today as well. They would not give me the parcel even though I had her licence and my own licence because the address on her licence was different to the address on the parcel. This is why I had taken my licence along, it obviously has my address on. Not good enough! Apparently if I had taken her bank card, which does not have any address on it, I could have have had the parcel. I now have to wait in tomorrow for it to be re-delivered. My ghast has never been so flabbered >
  9. They are usually unboxed factory seconds, buyer beware!
  10. Standing in the veg aisle at the supermarket and hearing a woman exclaim to her daughter "Whatever next, they are putting Sprouts on trees now" DOH!!!
  11. Finally !!! Got a decent broadband signal after years of having to wait for less than 1 meg to load..........73.5 meg woohoo!! :laugh: Long Live Fibre :laugh:
  12. Sean, there comes a time when Old Father (or Mother) Time speaks and it is time to hang up the boots and watch the younger ones doing the running around, maybe that time has come
  13. Here's hoping Sean but they have annoyed me today though. They have switched off my current Broadband whilst they do the changeover even though it is not scheduled to happen until next Friday, I am having to log in via the lap top on BT wifi as my home PC is hard wired and doesn't have any wifi capability.
  14. At last I have managed to get Fibre Broadband (ordered at least), should be fitted in time for Christmas. After years of struggling with slow downloads and you tube clips constantly buffering they are promising around 50meg which is a bit better than the 1 meg I currently get.
  15. My Zwolle buys all seem to be SDF related. Artisan 32 Lamborghini 1256DT UH Same Virtus 120 Britains Same Galaxy 170 Unknown make but probably a conversion of a Same Saturno 2WD Oh and the LCN show model, a JD 6190R by Siku
  16. Thanks Pete, I haven't taken it out of the box yet, I am going to go back to the company and show it to them first. I have a feeling they might want one as well but I will keep in touch with you if they do.
  17. People often talk about limited editions but I have just picked up a DBP Massey Ferguson display with both silver and black versions of the 390T limited to 10 and I have number 7.
  18. I no longer work for this company but I picked up a model today that was ordered some time ago. Pete (Convo) Hardy has done a wonderful job with it. First the real thing as a reminder And then the model version based on the new Britains 3350
  19. Happy birthday to "The Big Cheese" as Marky used to call him Andy, aka The Boss
  20. Just got back from London after watching the 49ers thrash the Jacksonville Jaguars in the NFL Wembley game, great entertainment
  21. Was doing a bit of DIY today and needed to pop to B & Q to get a small part to finish the job off. Pulled up in the car park and went in, found the aforementioned part for the grand total of £1.35, paid up and then headed back out to the car park. To find my wing mirror smashed and lying on the floor!!! I had only been in the store 10 minutes, MAX. I went back inside to see if they had any CCTV to be told that whilst it is recording the operator is on a day off and won't be able to check until tomorrow. Now this is where it starts to be "what really pleased you" When I got back into the car park there were 2 Police cars with scruffy reprobates wearing handcuffs. I was just in time to hear the store detective saying "and then I chased him between these cars and he knocked the wing mirror of this car". He then looked at me standing there with a piece of broken plastic in may hand. The Police officer then laughed out loud as he looked at me and got a mouthful of good natured abuse back as he was someone I used to work with. I tried to get him to take a statement from me but he said "you can write your own". So alls well that ends well and I even managed to put the wing mirror back together.
  22. I am also thinking that I need to add a Roadless to my collection but my funds are already spoken for, they are really nice models though
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