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  1. The John Deere 4960 (4955 in UK) will be a good addition - plenty of scope for conversion - 4850/5 etc
  2. International 445 & 445D conventional baler.
  3. Didn't realise that was the case, (tweak a shape or a size) and I suppose the very fact that something is many times smaller than the real thing, can alter the perspective - and how we perceive/view it, so it does make sense. That said - some of the high end models state on the box - "exact scale replica", so in that case you would expect them to have gone off dimensions alone? Interesting subject - perhaps not quite as simple as getting the dimensions correct, although from a scratch building point of view - dimensions is the main goal.
  4. Interesting info James. Thanks for the time/effort posting. Being a bit of a scale freak, l often cross check a models dimensions against the actual dimensions....and it seems quite rare for models to be bang on scale. A little out, l can understand - but sometimes they can be a few percent out, which when advertised as a given scale (say 1:32) l think is unacceptable, especially given the price of models now. Slightly off topic - but it will be interesting to see the difference in size, between the Britains MF 760 combine, and the UH one (if it appears..) as the Britains one (in most aspects) is more 1:35-1:36 scale.
  5. Again, absolutely stunning 😲 Would love an hour or two walking around that yard, looking at all those classics!! Keep them coming John.
  6. Liking that a lot Sean, Classic 70's Farm Grain truck. Excellent job. Look forward to seeing it finished - Your MF or JD combine unloading into it!! Did you print the wheels yourself?
  7. Absolutely brilliant!! All stunning, and as for the Ransome - it is on another level John!!
  8. Be great if they do a bring out a 2000, and like wise, l would probably prefer a 4000. That said, a 2000 would be a good base model, as the 2000-4000 all had the same tin work (dash panel/bonnet/nose cone) Fingers crossed UH actually bring it to the market.....
  9. Brilliant stuff James!!! Looking forward to seeing this progress.
  10. Another excellent build James. Love the look of them old TM's. Regarding wheels/tyres - 3D seems to be coming into its own. Few years back - wheels seemed to be one of the big problems when scratch building - basically hope a donor model would have something close to what was required, or if you wanted a not so common size - get one of the specialists to produce one in alloy and rubber (which seemed to require a long wait, and could be relatively expensive). Keep up the good work!
  11. Master pieces John! Stunning work, the detail you put in gets better and better. Been waiting to see these finished, and they certainly don't disappoint!!
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