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The Weather in General


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It's been baking hot here most of the day.... VERY warm this arvo... BUT... we've just had about 1" of rain in the last 10 mins here now  :o :'( >:(

was it???.....looked cloudy in town :-\

anyway it rained around 19.30 and hasnt really stopped now :( :(

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The weather an impact on harvest was first item on Scottish 6.30 news tonight - farmer in East Lothian with shots of sodden potato and wheat fields. 

In Fife we actually had sun this morning - pissing down by lunchtime again, now just dull.

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East Sussex.........cold, wet, total cloud cover, drizzling, and no sign of any improvement.

    I was going to go to The festival of Transport at Hellingly (Helling..lie, correct pronunciation) but will be unlikely to now. Sadly if we have a day like this, many of the exhibitors have a habit of going home early, leaving a poor display for Monday.

  Global warming..............global bowlocks more like........ :(::)

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