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The Weather in General


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Under Winter Weather advisory here (first one in many years)  Most of last week our temperatures were almost near 80 F.  Monday, the temperature was 75 F at 9 am.  By 9:15 am the temperature had dropped to 55 F.  By the evening we were in the 40's.  Yesterday it didn't get warmer then 38 F with the wind blowing and small drizzles frequently.  Last night, there was a threat of bridges icing over.  They are still giving warnings of possible sleet and freezing rain, but not nearly as likely as last night.

I a warm weather guy, I think 95 F in the shade during the summer is quite cool and pleasant.  I don't like freezing weather.

I miss being able to wear shorts outside, and riding in the car with the windows down and the sunroof open.

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have battened down the hatches here tonight, as we are getting another pasting from a storm, 80mph plus gusts, so prob wont be allowed over the tamar bridge tommorrow to get into cornwall, what a shame as thats where i want to go

Well it wasn't too bad here this afternoon but I was speaking to a mate of mine on the phone earlier and he said a lorry was blown over on a fly-over crossing the main Aberdeen bound road, the A90......I might have a picture tomorrow if it's in the local parpers...... :-\ :-\ ;)

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just put the car in the garage, very windy and cold,,,,,,,,, and it has started to snow!!!!! great! the forecast for the n.e of scotland for the next four days is crap >:( going to start putting a roof on a house tomorrow interesting times ahead with all the wind forecast :'( :o

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currently sat in yard about to go 30 miles out of my way as yes you guessed it the tamar bridge is closed to high side  stuff, which they calss my transit as, oh the joys, 30 miles with all the other lorrys ect, down single lane narrowish main roads, thats an extra 2 hours out on the journey now

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