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Photo Booth for taking pictures of Models in


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I have constructed this white booth for placing models in when you want to take photographs.

I bought a pack of 4 artists canvas's  and screwed them together.

The canvas's were only £4.99 from a shop in town called 'THE WORKS'


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spot on! I was just thinking today I need to make one of these, as I do need to start getting better photos of my stuff. Spot on, I will be off to find some canvas's soon ;) . thanks for the tip

I saw them and thought you don't get much for a fiver these days :) :)

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Paul... that's brilliant mate... but... if I may make a suggestion to make it even better... get some of that white foam stuff they sell for craft making in sheets and lay it in the booth to form an ark... that way you won't get the corners and edges in your shot.. kind of makes the background dissappear if that makes sense.

I think I may have a sheet or two spare at home

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Well I've been on line and ordered a pack of 6 boards 22 inches by 18 inches delivered to door for £ 30.49.

Will save the hassle factor of town shop's and parking. Will be put up in loft where most models are since I plan a big photographing exercise before too too long.

Will need to consider better lighting. Presently tend to use one of those 500 W halogen portable lights since it gives off heat too.

Anyone ideas on best type of lighting to use ???

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Paul... that's brilliant mate... but... if I may make a suggestion to make it even better... get some of that white foam stuff they sell for craft making in sheets and lay it in the booth to form an ark... that way you won't get the corners and edges in your shot.. kind of makes the background dissappear if that makes sense.

I think I may have a sheet or two spare at home

Mark what is the technical name for the "stuffy" you are suggesting above ??? ???

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Well the canvas boards I purchased on line yesterday arrived today but obviously not the same as Paul has bought since there is no way I could screw them together since I would say they are only 2.5 to 3mm as a guesstimate think. Never mind they stood up on the kitchen table. Think I will maybe just tape them together with masking or parcel tape since only being used up in the loft and won't be moved around when in place.


And a photo of an older Britain's Deutz and Dung spreader


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i was just using a folded bit of cardboard, lined with a few sheets of a3 paper from work, but it had a slight accident with 2 cats and dirty paws :D :D :D :D  was ok unless it was a long item like a lorry where i couldnt get the full item in, but for smaller stuff it was fine, like the canvis idea mind,

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