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To what extent has the recession affected the hobby?

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i was paying 1.50 euro's for Diesel before the recession, it has dropped to just below 1 euro and is now slowly rising again to around 1.18, but still far less than before. Prices for petrol were crazy before the recession. 2.20 euro's a litre..  :of , dropped big time, but have risen a bit more compared to Diesel lately. But a full tank of Diesel (65 liters) costed me around 100 euro's and is now costing me around 70-75. So that is a lot better  ;)

but hoping the financial trouble of Greece wont be affecting the euro more then it already does..

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some interesting comments, i changed the way and what i was collecting before the down turn, which everyone refers to as a recession.

The recession is only just begining all the measures that have been put into place by governments/ institutions have just delayed the inevietable, its not rocket science.

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some interesting comments, i changed the way and what i was collecting before the down turn, which everyone refers to as a recession.

Same here really, while I appreciate some people have suffered misfortune I decided to change my collecting trend just over a year ago. Since then, I have also bought a house so really I guess the recession hasn't had a huge effect after all.

i was paying 1.50 euro's for Diesel before the recession, it has dropped to just below 1 euro and is now slowly rising again to around 1.18, but still far less than before. Prices for petrol were crazy before the recession. 2.20 euro's a litre..  :of , dropped big time, but have risen a bit more compared to Diesel lately. But a full tank of Diesel (65 liters) costed me around 100 euro's and is now costing me around 70-75. So that is a lot better  ;)

but hoping the financial trouble of Greece wont be affecting the euro more then it already does..

Christ, Will. It has been somewhat unpredictable and very unstable where you ar then! :(

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  • 4 weeks later...

I for one do not believe any of the government figures on growth and believe the recession has hardly begun let alone ended!!  I read a lot of financial and economic articles and most of these are carefully avoided by the main stream media who dont want to panic the people (you lot in other words)  The Greece situation was being written about 1 year ago and yet the media only reported on it for first time in march this year!!  The future I can tell you is "extremely worrying" and its coming up quicker than the politicians think!  I like my little hobby of buying models albeit in a very discernable way  but I fear THE REAL problems to come are going to put such trivialitys into sharp focus :(  I certainly would not wish to be a model seller with a vast inventory of stock in the current climate and I would be very surprised if there werent more casualties like Toptractor before the financial hurricane ceases in maybe 10 years time :of  Just wait for the emergency budget figures and then the second and third wave of emergency austerity measures all due this year!! Remember we are vastly more in debt than the greeks and they are already bankrupt!

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Looking on the plus side - the Euro is bombing! 15 to 20% off, if the savings get passed on.

It probably won't due to the extra distance to deliver to the UK, rising fuel etc!!!

I'm lookin into buying from the French sites!!

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I for one do not believe any of the government figures on growth and believe the recession has hardly begun let alone ended!! 1. I read a lot of financial and economic articles and most of these are carefully avoided by the main stream media who dont want to panic the people (you lot in other words)  The Greece situation was being written about 1 year ago and yet the media only reported on it for first time in march this year!!  The future I can tell you is "extremely worrying" and its coming up quicker than the politicians think!  I like my little hobby of buying models albeit in a very discernable way  but I fear THE REAL problems to come are going to put such trivialitys into sharp focus :(  I certainly would not wish to be a model seller with a vast inventory of stock in the current climate and I would be very surprised if there werent more casualties like Toptractor before the financial hurricane ceases in maybe 10 years time :of  Just wait for the emergency budget figures and then the second and third wave of emergency austerity measures all due this year!! 2. Remember we are vastly more in debt than the greeks and they are already bankrupt!

1. a Labour government keeping quiet the truth until after the election by influencing the media.

2. Greece's GDP $343billion, its debt is currently at 115% of its GDP ($395 billion), UK GDP is $2.67trillion, and our debt is $610billion.

Italy's national debt is over 100% of its GDP, Japan's national debt is over 194% of its GDP. We are far from bankrupt.  indeed we were closer to bankrupcy after WW2 while repaying marshal aid, our national debt was 180% of our GDP. Panic not. The entire  EU economy is about 1/4 of the size of ours.

3. yeh great so the UK government have announced plans to make savings of £6.2billion between 2010-11. what do you expect?

we aren't in the Euro currency wise so I'm not inclined to panic, the lib dems wanted to take us into the euro though...

i'd keep reading those journals if i were you, and after that i advise you start on Harry Potter books....

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You make a fair point Alex, but Harry Potter?!  ::)  ???  ::)  :laugh:  Unlike many of us you have the benefit of extensive and, by the sounds of it, a high standard of study. Lots of us don't have that insight and we form opinions only by what we see and experience in our daily lives of 'pay in, pay out, what do we get for it'  ;)  :)  Lots of us still think students are hippies....  ;):laugh: :laugh:

That being said, you're right, our economy is not anywhere near as bad as many other near neighbours' and if we refocus our borrowing & spending, [both as a nation and as individual consumers] we could well be 'all square' relatively quickly [one must look at exactly what the GDP consists of though before taking a final judgement, many of these countries with higher debts as a % of their GDP don't perhaps have the same levels of recirculatory economy [like that one? I made it up!  ;);D ] that we do here... for instance they may not have huge public sector employment which we do which could twist the figures somewhat.... the NHS is the nation's largest employer isn't it? That must have a bearing on things somehow? I wouldn't stake my life either way but I wouldn't 'trust' any published figures 100%...] The secondary issue is, a country lives and dies by export and differentials in the standard of living. We only really manufacture premium products.... our customers must be affluent for this trade to continue... we might be OK, but if our customers are bust, then so are we.... granted, Greece has never been a huge buyer of XKR's, DB9's & supercharged Range Rovers, but it's something which needs to be taken into account, particularly as more of us start trying to save to purchase rather than borrow, that will cut our personal spending at home as well....

Back to the subject in hand.... yes, it has then surely affected the hobby.... Not least because it has seemingly exploded in the last couple of years, just like house prices and technology.... More people became involved with the hobby seriously and more of us curbed it pretty quickly when things got tight. If we had a sales graph for the UK the last 5 years [maximum] would probably see a huge spike. This has likely affected those retailers who bought a lot of stock on the back of the rise in popularity more so than the smaller traditional toy shops who had a steady market of only mildly interested collectors....

I have bought sod all in the last 18 months, whereas I used to happily spend 2 or 3 hundred quid each at Spalding and Toytrac, not to mention the 80 quid or so travel & subsistence costs associated with it..... I was also picking stuff up off the shelf and ebay throughout the year, but for a long time now, nothing. I went to the Brum show the other week because it was close and didn't cost me a lot to get there.... but I didn't take any money with me! There have been sooooo many lovely blue things I would have bought in the last 12 months had i the money, but I didn't so I, well, didn't!

We're not on the breadline, thank god, I've still got my job and our order book is stacked out for the summer, the mortgage is always paid on time and I haven't defaulted on the finance on Mrs H's car, the Disco is bought and paid for and we are getting by fine, there are many far worse off than us and I thank my lucky stars we've held it together... it got close in the winter.... but it has made us refocus things drastically.... come the end of the lease my car is gone and I'm out the company car scheme, it's just too much of a commitment for the business, and for what? A new number plate and fancy wheels? on a GERMAN car?! Second hand JLR product for me next.... We haven't been able to afford a foreign holiday, but with the Euro-zone so expensive why would we want one, we had an early season week in rainy Devon and that was lovely.... I think we are all just being more careful, even if we don't realise it, and for me, cutting out my splurges on toy tractors was the first thing to be done!

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Alex , Simon some very good points  ;)

I see both sides of our hobby..

There have been 15-20 dealers that have ceased trading in past 12 months or so that I have had dealings with (probably due to the recession) and lack of margin  ;)

Huge quantities of stock is being offloaded at extremely low prices between dealers where certain dealers have obviously bought too much pre recession and now cannot shift it.

Having said all that it continues to amaze me where the collectors find the money from  ;):-*

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I've read that in this recession women's spending on cosmetics and skincare has actually increased -perhaps it is the same with men and their hobbies ie. a determination not to let a lack of money intefere with something you enjoy/deem important?  ...hm just an idea :-\ :blank:

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I think there are two main issues in this topic, the first being the purchase of models. There will always be a collectors market but as collectors obtain the models they desire the market slows, especially for older models and collectors are now looking for these models in mint and boxed condition as opposed to just buying a 'good example'. This to my mind is because collectors are becoming more educated in what to look for and spend or save their money accordingly. Secondly, over the past two years there have been so many manufacturers, both long established and recent banging out more and more models that the collectors market is awash with choice which is affecting the market as the collector can't buy everything that comes along and only buying the best of what their pocket can sustain rejecting or dismissing models that are just a variation on a theme, all these Valtras is one example that springs to mind, just buying a single example as just that, an example of that model or range. At the end of the day, recession or no, if we were to collect every model that was available, one we'd be spending a fortune every year and two, we' all run out of room to house them without going to even more expense extending our houses to do so. You wait, hang in there, save your money and there will be loads of models on the market in the not too distant future as some will loose the will to keep their collections and stock that the dealers are having to hold will eventually have to be disposed of, I know of 2 or 3 that have so much stock they are still holding that is over two years old that they have drasticly cut back on quantity of units on new model orders.

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some very good points!! The input or lack of money into the hobby from other countries will affect this country, traditionally in a reccession the first thing to get hit is research and development this time its different, not just models but other lines of business are out to screw the competition.

I wouldnt believe any published % figures, on my travels ive noticed things are worse than 12 months ago, builders yards arent as busy, new developments are going slow, people are prepared to work for less, the system is at overload it wont take much to break the country.

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I've read that in this recession women's spending on cosmetics and skincare has actually increased -perhaps it is the same with men and their hobbies ie. a determination not to let a lack of money intefere with something you enjoy/deem important?  ...hm just an idea :-\ :blank:

You're not wrong... my wife sells cosemtics and when this recession came along we bricked it a bit, I suggested that luxury purchases such as cosmetics and cushions would be the first things to collapse.... how wrong was I?!!! Doesn't seem to have affected it at all.... there are loads of new girls signing up and they all appear to be doing well.... go figure!

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You're not wrong... my wife sells cosemtics and when this recession came along we bricked it a bit, I suggested that luxury purchases such as cosmetics and cushions would be the first things to collapse.... how wrong was I?!!! Doesn't seem to have affected it at all.... there are loads of new girls signing up and they all appear to be doing well.... go figure!

Girls are getting uglier = need more cosmetics!!!  :laugh:  (especially up in north Herefordshire  :P  :of )

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Oh I don't know, it seems that the older you get the prettier girls seem to be and I've always said why cover a pretty face with all that unnecessary scrape. O naturelle, that's the way to go! It has always facinated me that girls from around 14 years of age spend the next 20 years trying to look older and the rest of their lives trying to look younger, too much like hard work I say.

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Oh I don't know, it seems that the older you get the prettier girls seem to be and I've always said why cover a pretty face with all that unnecessary scrape. O naturelle, that's the way to go! It has always facinated me that girls from around 14 years of age spend the next 20 years trying to look older and the rest of their lives trying to look younger, too much like hard work I say.

Tim, welcome to the club of not understanding women in the slightest.... that makes you officially 'normal'! [bet you never thought you'd be called that!]  :of  ;)  :laugh:

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Nope.. I'm sorry.. I am just not having that...

You can insult all the ladies of North Herefordshire.... acceptable(ish)

But I am NOT.. I repeat NOT.. having you call Tim Normal  >:(

No way Mister... you just watch your mouth in future... whatever next.. let me guess... Sean helps write the Oxford English Dictionary  ::)

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Tim, welcome to the club of not understanding women in the slightest.... that makes you officially 'normal'! [bet you never thought you'd be called that

A man was walking along the beach and found a bottle.  He

looked around and didn't see anyone so he opened the bottle.

A genie appeared and thanked the man for letting him out.

The genie said, "I am so grateful to get out of that bottle

that I will grant you one wish.  I can only grant one."  The man thought for a while and finally said, "I have

always wanted to go to Hawaii.  I've never been able to go

because I cannot fly.  Airplanes are much too frightening

for me.  On a boat, I see all that water and I become very

claustrophobic.  So I wish for a road to be built from here

to Hawaii.  The genie thought for a few minutes and finally said, "No,

I don't think I can do that.  Just think of all the work

involved.  Consider all the piling needed to hold up a

highway and how deep they would have to go to reach the

bottom of  the ocean. Imagine all the pavement needed.  No,

that is just too much to ask."  The man thought for a few minutes and then told the genie,

"There is one other thing I have always wanted.  I would

like to be able to understand women.  What makes them laugh

and cry, why are they temperamental, why are they so

difficult to get along with.  Basically, what makes them tick." 

The genie considered for a few minutes and said, "So, do you

want two lanes or four?"

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  Brilliant!  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  Two lanes or four... ::):laugh: :laugh:

Maybe i was a bit adrift with Tim being normal 'per se' marky....

Sean does help write the English dictionary doesn't he?  ??? ... the picture version....  ;);D

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1. a Labour government keeping quiet the truth until after the election by influencing the media.

2. Greece's GDP $343billion, its debt is currently at 115% of its GDP ($395 billion), UK GDP is $2.67trillion, and our debt is $610billion.

Italy's national debt is over 100% of its GDP, Japan's national debt is over 194% of its GDP. We are far from bankrupt.  indeed we were closer to bankrupcy after WW2 while repaying marshal aid, our national debt was 180% of our GDP. Panic not. The entire  EU economy is about 1/4 of the size of ours.

3. yeh great so the UK government have announced plans to make savings of £6.2billion between 2010-11. what do you expect?

we aren't in the Euro currency wise so I'm not inclined to panic, the lib dems wanted to take us into the euro though...

i'd keep reading those journals if i were you, and after that i advise you start on Harry Potter books....

The UK government plan to make 6billion of cuts initially and its  hardly a dent in the huge deficit Labour have run up!!  They are aiming to half the deficit in double quick time with "no money in the kitty" as explained by the leaving Labour government >:(  The best way to pay the debt quickly is very high inflation which we are already beginning to see in grocery bills and at the petrol station (go ask your mum & dad) but seeing as inflation plus higher taxes and static wages = less money in your pocket (if you still have a job that is) and nationally it means lower growth if any at all.

What you fail to realise is although we are not in the euro and therefore not suffering from a bad currency crisis yet, our banks are owed vast somes of money from various countries around the globe and its mostly going to be defaulted on which will lead to another round of money printing (UK bank bailouts) which will further add to and not subtract from the massive debt!!  The worlds leading independant economic analysts (not lying politicians) predict with 100percent certainty that the euro community will break up sooner rather than later and regardless to the massive bailout!  I suggest you will need to look beyond your weekend copy of the financial times for real insight ;)  and it will take more than Mr Potters wand to get the country out of this horrific mess and a descent to third world status (bye bye welfare system)

Sorry for going slightly off topic and going to the root of the problems but what I am trying to say is dont be fooled into thinking that everything is rosy in the garden as it most certainly is not,  you are all going to have less to spend on your hobby in the coming months/years and I am suggesting that you choose your purchases sensibly. It is better for you to let the toy dealer keep the expense of holding your desired model on his shelf for longer until you know you have the money available to buy it rather than spend what you may find you need for more essential items in the tough times ahead :(

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i dont think you are going off topic Bluegreen, the state of the economy has an affect on peoples spending no matter what theyre buying.

I would say we are in a worse position than Greece as they can only go up the Uk can still fall further.

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