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what did you take you test in


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Didnt do my tractor test as wasnt needed to go on the road so waited & have done my car test, in a  1.2 corsa

@ ploughmaster - thats very usefull information thankyou for posting that it has cleared some concerns up that i had  ;)  where abouts did you obtain the information ?

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I'm the same as archbarch; I've never taken a test on a tractor, having passed my car test before first driving a tractor and subsequently driving tractors etc on a Cat B licence. The first tractor I drove on the road (in 1980) was a 1974 model MF 165 with a flexi clad cab  :) 


same tractor as me then clive :D :D :D :D  ours must have been arround the same age

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were abouts?

Your local driving test centre could organise it for you. Pretty much an instructor comes to your nearest town and watches you drive around it and then asks you questions etc.. Pretty pointless really, not many bother with it, I didn't  ;)

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mf 3095 2wd from the local mf dealer i was working for at the time in 1995, passed 1st time in the sept then took car test in the nov and passed first time, i know i could have just done the car test for both but thought the practice would help and i guess it did.

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we had a young lad called phillip working with us at one farm & he took a ford 6610 down to the village for his test , after half an hour the lady examiner came back looking for him , ,she'd apparently asked him to go down to the church, turn then come back for an emergency stop. trouble is she saw phillip go down the road & keep going ................................. we didn't see him for another hour gawd only knows where he went , by the time he came back , she'd gone home with a message for him that he'd failed  ???

poor old phillip we used to tease him something wickid  got quite a few newbie stories about him  'the long weight (wait)'  & fetch 1.5mm of fallopian tube etc.....

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we had a young lad called phillip working with us at one farm & he took a ford 6610 down to the village for his test , after half an hour the lady examiner came back looking for him , ,she'd apparently asked him to go down to the church, turn then come back for an emergency stop. trouble is she saw phillip go down the road & keep going ................................. we didn't see him for another hour gawd only knows where he went , by the time he came back , she'd gone home with a message for him that he'd failed  ???

poor old phillip we used to tease him something wickid  got quite a few newbie stories about him  [glow=red,2,300]'the long weight (wait)'  & fetch 1.5mm of fallopian tube etc...[/glow]..

or a metric adjustable wrench,glass hammer

i think the best one was a lad who worked with us in the warehouse we where talking about wild animals like badgers ect when this midle agged bloke with a face sooo serious so genuine

brought up a story "add libb" about his time in scotland on a "Haggis Farm" ...........now they are the animal that can be nasty

not to corner especialy if its wounded as they have real sharp teeth and they go for yer lower leg the calve  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

the lad just took it all in and we all were in agony trying to keep straight faced but we even pulled that off :D :D :D

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Reminds me of the time that my young cousin had a budgie, I sent him to the village shop to get half a pound of nanny goat seed to feed it with, off he went but the shop told him they didn't stock it so he came back with some Millet. Double result!  ;):laugh:

But not as good as asking the young female assistant in the local hardware shop for a 'left-handed smoke grinder', she knew they didn't have one in stock and then spent half an hour looking through their suppliers catalogue.

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