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lower Narratons farm

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Picture the scene.....

Its 1984, Dartmoor a place of mists and rain, unpredictable and near impossible to farm, its summer the meadows are being cut and the cattle are out to graze. Third hand machinery is being beaten and botched into submission before the seasons end.

That is lower Narratons farm.

Bringing the house cows in.


John lights his pipe before trying once more to get the fergie fired up.


An overview of the layout so far.


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I would like some hay making scenes, with horses still being used to some extent. I have plans for a small wheat field. machinery will be minimal.

some facts about the farm:

  • Its around 25 acres, around 20 acres of which is pasture with about 5 acres down to arable crops.
  • horses are still used for farm tasks, and the little tef-20 has only been on the farm 2 years.
  • the farm has  50 ewes, 5 south devon suckler cows and 2 british freisian house cows.

John fettles with the mower ready for cutting next week.


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1984??And your still useing te20s and horses? ??? ??? ::) ::)::);D ;D ;D

No but seriosly shouldn`t it be 1944 or even 1954

nope 1984, dartmoors always been a bit backwards! ;D 

that looks great lad what make is the T20

the tef-20 is wiking, i got it off the metcalfe models site.

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Love the granite stone buildings! What ground material did you use for the farm yard and peat uplands?

The ground cover is woodland scenics,the yard is fine turf-earth and the upland is a mixture of fine turf-weeds and fine turf- green grass.

Sheep graze the moorland slopes behind the farm.


john loads the muck trailer..... eventually! ;D


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I've extended the main field and track. also i have added a Nissan hut like those on many moorland farms, everyone loves military surplus! ;D

After finding  this on the internet a tattie harvest scene is on the cards. but its a lot of money! :'(



anyway back to the farm ;D

John was doing some topping, I think He's nipped off to get a spare knife.


the new paddock and hut in all its splendour.


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tahe t20 didnt cart all them bales in now did it and what are they made of

Nope the neighbour carted them in on his deutz and unloaded them, we don't have a loader see.

they are from a German company called Busch, i purchased them from a model railway shop on the isle of Wight when i was on holiday.

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