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UH New Releases 2011


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How is this uh's fault ????? They have produced a model on request from a show , no different to the ones Sikh do for zwolle or spalding and no one moans about them . Fine if it's just a uh created run to cane the moulds a bit more , I will try and get one but won't go out of my way for it .at 1500 I guess we will only see them on eBay anyway

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All you ones complaining, Would you's not do the same if you were in UH's shoes?  :-\

I don't blame them, Fair play!

very true, its all done  as they know people will buy them, and as tractorman 810 said they have been asked to make them

im sure if we all decided on a limited edition we wanted we could get uh to make some for toytrac

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judgeing by the branding desighn  on the box are these not toys now

as they arnt over 14 years old in the box picture  ,isnt that miss leading or even dangerous

as i know RC2 can do that as their products are toys but UH are MODELS ,,, and these models have allot of fragile small parts :-\

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I only buy very select models and am not really into any particular brands but i feel annoyed for those who started off collecting masseys, it was ok when you had an industrial 35x or 135 and even the chrome versions, but it is becoming a bit of a joke-especially as half of the varients don't even look well in their new colours!!! 

Though in saying that people do have a choice, would I spent a fortune on models i didn't really like the look of just to ensure i had a complete collection?  I seriously doubt it, I think i would just say enough is enough, i'll buy ONLY the ones i like in that brand.

I wonder, and would like to learn, why people go for the dealer boxes (especially when they seem to be dearer).  To me a box is to get it home or transport it about and I can only see a need for a dealer box if you intend to sell it at a later date and hope to make a wee bit of profit by having a rarer box.

Take it this influx of masseys given every colour under the sun shows massey must be their biggest seller???  That way they know there'll be a big uptake on limited editions and different colours without actually investing in a totally new model???

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How is this uh's fault ??? ?? They have produced a model on request from a show , no different to the ones Sikh do for zwolle or spalding and no one moans about them . Fine if it's just a uh created run to cane the moulds a bit more , I will try and get one but won't go out of my way for it .at 1500 I guess we will only see them on eBay anyway

your 100 percent correct. the only one at fault are the ones buying them. easy: if there is no demand they would not make them. I am not complaining, I am just not falling for the trap.

I couldnt agree more with AV, perhaps I am a traditionalist but I will not buy any colour variant tractor as it instantly loses its heritage. 

One of the reasons I hate Valtras so much is they have NO identity due to an any colour policy (they are also ugly and without charisma but thats beside the point ;D )

The only nice colour change ive seen is the Fendt828 in dark green with silver wheels but I wouldnt consider buying it.

I actually really liked the Fendt 939 in burgundy red! but did not buy it either.

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I give up I really do. I'm sick to death of so many different coloured models. Why can't they just do the standard colour then one other as a limited.... Doing 3-1million different colour models just takes up space on my shelves which I really could do with for other models, but being the sad fanatic I am, to not get this model would mean one missing from my collection. It is getting to the point which I feel like just calling it quits with models. There's too many and too many variants. TBH the different colours are rubbish. I mean where are you going to see one of these yellow ones? The 7499 is too big for an industrial tractor in the UK. I stopped with fendts because the colour variants just took the biscuit, now they are doing it with Massey. Are we only safe with JD's Claas or Ford/NH or will they then start this rubbish with them?

Rant over, but it takes the mick.... I buy alot of models as I don't have to pay high rent/mortgage so have a fair disposable income, but if I didn't I'd be in so much debt keeping up as I only collect dealer boxes where possible, and they limited themselves!!! Please model builders stop this stupidity with colours.


Well Rob... this is one of the greatest posts I have seen on here in a long while.. and one that I personally agree with 100% .. you really have hit the nail on the head and saved me making the effort to type all that out... so I thank you for that buddy  ;):)
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I'm all for people voicing their opinions on here and having a discussion, but it certainly gives the term 'colour wars' a whole new meaning.  :D

Perhaps the mods could split this debate if it is going to continue, I tend to look at this topic to see what is coming out rather than listen to peoples opinions on UH model policy.

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Limited edition Grey MF5470 due out... UK MF dealers to get 250 only... created for Pes Creation club (?) ... total production run of 2500 I do believe - based on a real one produced by MF Switzerland (the one with the flamey dragon thingy on the sides of the bonnet)... Atte Hibma... your mission... should you choose to accept it... find a picture please... and fast.  ;D:-*

I think it's about 7 or 9 per dealer... I wasn't listening properly in all honesty  :-[ :'(

Has anyone found a picture of the real version of this tractor and if so could they post it or a link to it.

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Hello everybody.....Happy new year to all people who read that.... ;)

now, some info about the MF 5470 grey 1/1 scale...

Her has been paint for the Swiss MF 50th and showed in Bern BEA convention..2008

And the black one has been a special customer request after have seen the MF 5470 Grey in Bern BEA convention... nothing else. Only one model of each have been sold.

now, something else about the PES model....the frame color is wrong just because the grey has been build with the black frame and PES Creation paint the frame anthracite.....and the black with the anthracite frame....You can easily check that on the following pictures.....








One of my French friend and I have made some models sold in Chartres 2010

Here, some pictures of them build...

the grey on the first row is our prototype...number 1

and the black prototype is to my French friend ( Ptitgris on the French forum  GTP)


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Think that massey above should have just been sent out on a standard quickie loader rather than the massey painted quickie. But as said before, im not a fan of the funny coloured varients, a massey looks so much better in red, as a deere looks so much better in green as  nh looks so much better in blue........... maybe im just an ole farmer stuck in my ways but i dont like change ha ha!

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Those pictures are just what I have been looking for on the internet and could not find!

Thanks very much for posting them.

I have a catalogue of all my models with info about model and real tractor and also a photo of model and real tractor. The only 2 models that I have not got exact real pictures of now are the 2 Britains Fiat halftracs

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great pics from ranger and great comments on the subject...like lord ferguson i have already given up on the whole colour thing a long time ago,itd break you to keep up..to be honest now that ive seen the black 5480 i might just make my own as itd save money and also chasing after a limited model....id love to get a good decal shot of that dragon on the side and then id do a black one.....the 5480 would have looked much better on its quicke twin as the black would be nicer as someone said....i found in the past that if you buy all the colours then you look at them on the shelf and think what am i doing with those,even to pick out a tractor to picture an implement with you find with a yellow or orange tractor there not really suited to most implements as it can be more industrial or council related to most of the stuff we are used to....if we had a new mf instead of a colour variant every time i suppose we,d have trouble keeping up as well....im so far behind now that io havent even got the 1250,133,7499black,6475 and 2190 baler yet,slow down uh at least until i win the lottery or something

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There's also a Manitou MSI 30 T due out for the Toyfair "Spielwarenmesse" , but I can't see who's makeing it,



very interesting, its about time some decent manitou models were made as i know of many farmers that use them and they are a good machine

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