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Harvest 2011


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All views and preferences are equally valid - and that includes yours and mine and everyone else's too. Truth be told I'm a tiny bit miffed my local farm has deserted Claas for JD, so a little Schadenfreude at the number of dead JD's I've seen this year (and it is lots!) should be allowed in my book?

Besides, if we all liked the same things wouldn't the discussions be dull?  ;)


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and besides its only an opinion...I happen to think the T670i is a lovely looking combine, so Malc isn't an authority  ;)  :P

I have to agree with Joe here, Claas are the best combines i will admit, which probably goes against my love of John Deere but their combines are by no means the best, but they do look lovely, can't wait to get my hands on the T670i, even if i do have to sell my lexion 600, and my self propelled beet harvester AND spud harvester, an expensive model, but i think it's worth it to go in my John Deere collection.

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I have to agree with Joe here, Claas are the best combines i will admit, which probably goes against my love of John Deere but their combines are by no means the best, but they do look lovely, can't wait to get my hands on the T670i, even if i do have to sell my lexion 600, and my self propelled beet harvester AND spud harvester, an expensive model, but i think it's worth it to go in my John Deere collection.

Get back on topic please, you've just ruined it having a colour war so congratulations.

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The princerple of how each brand/model of combine thrashes out the grain must surely be more important than the colour or size of the header.

Were diffrant because were beter...

It's what's on the inside that counts...


The kind folk at Gleaner will happly post you a nice dvd showing the truth behind there two mission statements.

The results of testing againts Claas,Case IH,Deere in a rang of condtions and crops make for interesting veiwing. ;)

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a combine no matter what colour it is , only as good as its operator- only an expeienced operator who is interested in his machine and wants to get the best from the machine. the name of the game clean sample in the tank and lowest possible losses over the back. As an ex agricultural technician with a fair experience of combines it is definitely the operator thats the most important part of a combine not its make, colour or looks. All manufacturers have faults and problems claas included. The comment about jd combines being broken down is the machine or the way they were being used.I can only speak as i found in the past, most problems  contribuable by operators or maintenance issues- esp borne out in situations of two identical machines in same field one working the other not working. only a seasoned operator with  lots of hours under his belt day in day out will know a good combine.

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The results of testing againts Claas,Case IH,Deere in a rang of condtions and crops make for interesting veiwing. ;)

Unless these tests were carried out in controlled conditions by engineers/technicians independent of any one company and with the 'control' and 'actual' data freely available for peer reviewing, then it's probably just propaganda along the lines of "8 out of 10 cats (when faced with a three week old rotting pigeon carcase) prefer Wiskas."  ;)

Anyway - who wants to see some more photos???  :)


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Server fixed, disaster averted, doctors happy - time to head back to the office, via the scenic route!

To show no hard feelings, I had to walk across two fields to get this 'un... Luckily I keep my wellingtons in the car!




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