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Tractor Accidents 2011.


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Accidents involving farm tractors are still happening and probably will keep happening. I thought that starting a new thread on the subject would give all a reminder of what can happen and keep the awareness of this in everyones mind.

This happened not far from me, no blame on the driver, just one of those unfortunate circumstances that happen. Fortunateley the driver escaped with just a few bruises and a dented pride. I can't say too much about this but the driver lost his Brother in a tractor accident 2 years ago so as you can imagine, he's not in the best place at the moment. The tractor slid sideways down accross the field with the load of silage  bales until one wheel dug in and flipped it all over. For those of you that are a little squeamish, look away now.




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just goes to show the huge steps forward all companys have made over recent years in safety that a driver can get out of that with no more than a few brusies, doesnt take much on fresh cut grass and after a shower to let something slip , especially on the hills round here

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The loader was close to the ground with the bale just off the ground. The field is steeper than it looks and there had been a shower of rain just before. It was the rear lower wheel digging in the ground that sent the whole lot over, you may just be able to make out the semi-circular 'dig' in the ground between the camera and tractor in the first picture. Apparently the whole lot slid sideways down the field nearly 100 yards before turning over. Someone said that it was the trailer staying attached that stopped the tractor turning completely over on its roof, the ring on the drawbar was at right-angles bent downwards.

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I'm with Ricky on this one,......I would say that there would have been quite a fair chance this would'nt have happened if he'd come down with an EMPTY loader..... ;) ;)

I agree John, but everyone occasionally takes risks without really thinking about it, climbing ladders or going in with bulls. We've all heard of incidents when people have been killed because of this yet we still do it  :-\  Its much the same with this I would say, driver thought nothing of putting the last bale on the loader to take it down the hill and well we can see the result

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I agree John, but everyone occasionally takes risks without really thinking about it, climbing ladders or going in with bulls. We've all heard of incidents when people have been killed because of this yet we still do it  :-\  Its much the same with this I would say, driver thought nothing of putting the last bale on the loader to take it down the hill and well we can see the result

likes most things, at work, you take the right steps to avoid injury, correct PPE etc., you do DIY at home and you dont do any of it!

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Exactly Ben, take for example my (former) boss, he was killed in an acciedent falling off a ladder from only about 10ft in the air, most people wouldnt even think twice about climbing a ladder that height  :-\

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We all take risks but if we do then it should be a calculated risk, think first, trouble is, so many people come to greif doing something they have done for years and have become too farmilliar with it that they don't see the danger or just don't think about what they are doing and what the concequenses could be if it all goes wrong. You're a long time dead!

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Very true Tim... I think it's also very easy to forget the substantial forces involved when using heavy machinery like tractors and trailers.. tractors (like the 6480 in that set of images) have become so comfortable, quite and generally 'remote' from their actual field of operation (no pun intended) that a driver can soon become complacent.

Some accidents are avoidable... some I think are, regretfully inevitable.. thank goodness he wasn't hurt badly.. or worse

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