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Britains County 1884

Steve P

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Here are some pics of my County, its not perfect as it has a replacment cab though the original glass and roof was re-fitted and the motor is unsuprisingly seized or broken, still i am very happy with, i have wanted one of these for years.. 8) 8)


My old TW-35 was a compete wreck when my brother gave it to me several years ago i have tidied her up a bit since, he told me that he remembers the motor worked from new for about 6 months before it went caput!! :laugh:..


the County is in pretty tidy condition and the replacement cab looks ok.


I am certianly addicted to collecting tractors now, i am sure a few more Countys will be added to my collection in the future... ::)

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theres a topic on how to get the motor working on here somewhere steve, usally its just seized, my one was along with the forager and the combine, but i followed the topic and they all work just fine now

I've done a few of these, I found the following works every time;

1) Get some WD-40 with a thin nozzle end and spray liberally into the PTO chamber, there is a small hole where you should see the white cog that turns the mechanism. Leave for about 5 minutes

2) Ensure the battery contacts are clean so a bit of emery on them if they look corroded

3) Pop in a fresh battery

4) Get a pair of pointed end pliers, gently grip the PTO shaft and begin turning side to side it will (sometimes gradually so don't force it) start to free up keep doing this and before you know it the motor should spark into life.

This has worked on a TW and 3 Countys for me

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Blinkin ekk it really does work!!,

Thankyou so much for your help, earlier i popped a battery under my Countys bonnet turned the motor on and nothing happend, so i done the pliers on the pto shaft trick, seconds later the wheels started turning!!!! Yippee.  After this i thought i might try my TW-35, again placed a battery under the bonnet and turned it on and as i knew already nowt, out with the pliers again and amazingly the motor started working!!, i have had this model for about 4 years now and my brother had it from new beforehand so i know the motor has not worked for a god number of years. Earlier my son and i raced them accross the living room floor! :laugh:, the County left the TW standing, ill give both motors a good dose of wd-40 tommorrow just to free them up a bit more.. I am stunned how simple it was to get them running again, thankyou all again.. 8)

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I also posted about the same problem, but I just substituted the pliers by puting the tractor in drive and gently turning the rear wheels, works just the same as you are still turning the motor like you are with the PTO but without any potential damage to the PTO, I to sprayed WD/40 through the hole but also added an extra squirt once the motor was running, this method also works on the combine and forage harvester as they do not have a PTO to turn, the post is on here but was 2 or 3 years ago.

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