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Limited Editions


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There are so many variables that it is hard to give a straight answer.

It will depend on how limited the model is, some are limited to 50 and others to several thousand but are still considered to be limited editions.

Some marques are also more desirable than others, the more popular makes seem to be more in demand and therefore hold their price better than others.

How long is your piece of string?

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It depends on the number produced indeed, and also the desirability of the model. I remember buying my Valtra in bronze, one of 100 made, for about 45 pounds, and when I took it on display to the fair in Zwolle last year, I could have easily sold it for 250 pounds. Or the Fendt Black Beauty's?

On the other hand, have a look at the silver edition of the Schuitemaker silage trailer, or some limited models made for the fair in Zwolle, I can still easily get hold of them.

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But as Hajo pointed out, there are still any number of "limited editions" that are still widely available and some that don't seem to sell at all, take the Schuco Fendt 211 in gold, that is on eBay on a regular basis and doesn't seem to sell at all. I know that my local dealer has about 5 on his shelf and has had for some considerable time.

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And what is a "limited edition"? A model that hase been produced by a few thousand, or just 100 or so? A few years ago just a few "limited editions" were made, today a new "limited edition" is issued almost every week, at some point customers will not buy them anymore, just because the "limited edition" has a different colour and a new sticker on the bonnet.

Some "limited editions" are just hot, like the Black Beauty, or for example, the new "limited edition" which will be issued by the Dutch Landbouw Miniaturen Forum (in which I am heavily involved ;) ) based on the still top-secret model made by Marge Models. Just 250 2WD and 250 4WD examples will be made and I have no doubt they will sell very well. But to keep up with the FTF, ever thought of the County? I joined FTF just before it was announced and ordered it right away, because it was a "limited edition" of a special model.

So, some "limited editions" are a good investment for the future, but just buy them if you like them.  :)

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the future is just the thing , as i mean if you wanted to sell some models at this present time that you had collected over the years  for a future investment  ,or that so called rainy day came and you need the cash now ,would they be worth more now than what you paid for them ?,or would it be just the case of you will have lost nothing and got your money back in most cases ??? ???

because i have got to say if my house burned down tonight ,i bet i could replace most of my collection for less than i paid for them 7 years ago or so at the moment , how long is this recession going to last 2015 +,you can see on the likes of ebay that standard toys are doing better than most limited editions at the moment and can you afford to collect limited editions just to sit on them for that rainy day,

years ago kids like me got a toy tractor for a birthday or Christmas and this is were my collecting ( addiction )for these things came from,so now me at 39 years young i am a  serious collector,

now kids today what do they get for birthdays and Christmas ps 1,2,3,4,---16 or what ever they on now  ,so what i am saying is ,will there be still a keen interest for these sort of things in years to come ??

now i collect this things because i have a keen interest ( addiction ) but as an investment even i am not to sure weather model tractors will be a good investment ,,,please don't get me wrong i would hope so  :) :) other wise £00,000 down the drain ,,,,, just my opinion  :)

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Some "limited editions" are just hot, like the Black Beauty, or for example, the new "limited edition" which will be issued by the Dutch Landbouw Miniaturen Forum (in which I am heavily involved ;) ) based on the still top-secret model made by Marge Models. Just 250 2WD and 250 4WD examples will be made and I have no doubt they will sell very well.

I'm sure of that Hajo, because I know what its going to be and most people don't  ;D8) . Next week the prototypes will be at my home for last inspections and next friday (30th september) it will be officially announced on the web. The first two weeks only existing members (as from 12th of september) of the LMF can order the max of 1 set. After that (if there are any left) everyone can order as many as they want.

Numbers of 50-500 are limited in my opinion. Higher numbers, it depends on what it is. I have a lot of limited editions in my collection. Some are worth more and some less. It really doesn't matter to me, because it is no investment to me, but a collection. I wont sell them  ;) .

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have to say anything under 500 is a limited run to me, the lower the better, i have a good few now that are under 50 runs, and a few at 100 runs, some bigger runs do seem to hold price well, the siku and wiking black beautys for one, along with the white uh mf 5480 and white xerion ,, sure theres other that do to, sounds like the bronze siku valtra t andy did a while back does, which i luckly have, but most i have i do not see for sale to often so its hard to gauge a price for them

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What annoys me is the ability to get the limited models.

There will no doubt be the same old people going to Agritechnica and buying a job lot of the limited edition models, then selling for extorsionate prices on ebay. 

Or the Marge Model, seems like you have to be in with a particular crowd to get one, almost "invitation only"?

I like collecting the limited models, but find it difficult to get them as fairly as they should be available

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barry i do agree with you it is flustering that the limited editions are in some cases hard to get hold of from were they are launched ,but i think that goes for all collectors all over the world ,i have been asked already by 6 guys from Europe to pick up some of the mc cormick spalding models and 2 of them want 2 each ,now i will not make profit from these but i will get the favor returned ,so it is not so bad for me but i total understand ,on the other hand if you can make a few bob from some show models /limited editions it could well pay for your journey there /back or even both in some cases then that just makes the outing a bit sweeter

the gamble is as we all well know when a new limited edition model comes out is

A : do you jump right in and buy it a double the show price from some one on ebay just so you have it

B : wait for it to come down in price with the possibility of missing out

C: buy it at over the odds then find out it was a bit of a flop and see them on ebay not even selling at the show price

D:pass up an opportunity to get one and find out a year later they are making 3 times what they cost at there launch

??? ??? ??? ???

barry i thought i would just cheer you up mate  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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Also with some models the prices will go up down through time and might reach a peek then drop after..

I bought a model for £40, sold for near £500. Now I doubt you'd even get £200 for them  :-\

It just really depends how much someone wants said model.. There is no 'Real' value for them..

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I don't think i even have a limited edition but i just wanted to ask something and i'm sorry for going off topic i will make it up to you guys by staying on topic in another topic sometime in the distant future. But...

because i have got to say if my house burned down tonight, i bet i could replace most of my collection for less than i paid for them 7 years ago or so at the moment , how long is this recession going to last 2015 +,you can see on the likes of ebay that standard toys are doing better than most limited editions at the moment and can you afford to collect limited editions just to sit on them for that rainy day,

I hope your house is still standing? Said on Radio 1 earlier there was a fire last night, i instantly thought CONVO!  :laugh:

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I have to agree with Sean.  A run of 500 or less is a limited edition anything more is a marketing ploy. 

Most of the model car manufacturers have "limited edition" on the mounts of almost ALL their models even though it says "1 of 3252 pieces" or similar figures in thousands.  Most of these models are available years later at greatly reduced prices. 

Personally I mever buy a limited edition just because it is a limited edition but because I like/want the model.  True limited editions have certificates.

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I don't think i even have a limited edition but i just wanted to ask something and i'm sorry for going off topic i will make it up to you guys by staying on topic in another topic sometime in the distant future. But...

I hope your house is still standing? Said on Radio 1 earlier there was a fire last night, i instantly thought CONVO!  :laugh:

are your humor josh  ;D ;D ;D ;D ,,i am not to sure how to take that ,,just think ,,, if i died in my house fire there would be no more pink john deeres no more controversial paint work ,,,the world of model tractors would not be a colour full place any more :( :( :( :(  just who would take my place  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

josh i do like your crack,,,by the way that is a Geordie word for conversation ;D ;D ;D

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are your humor josh  ;D ;D ;D ;D ,,i am not to sure how to take that ,,just think ,,, if i died in my house fire there would be no more pink john deeres no more controversial paint work ,,,the world of model tractors would not be a colour full place any more :( :( :( :(  just who would take my place  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

josh i do like your crack,,,by the way that is a Geordie word for conversation ;D ;D ;D

Well i've got to do something to brighten my evenings up, especially whilst working through a 1500 word essay on a writer's attitude to something or other, it gets to the point where you just feel like banging your head on a brick wall  :laugh:

And if you weren't around what would we do?! John Deeres would be green and yellow, Massey Fergusons would be red and grey, New Hollands would be blue and white, that isn't right surely? There would just be no variation, the world would just be so... Normal :-\

And there's no fun in that!  :laugh:

Mind you, it might have been universal hobbies holding the match, after all, their ways of making money by changing the colour scheme, calling it a limited edition and charging extortionate prices don't really work when you're around! See, i should be a detective  ::)

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