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What Do You Grow In Your Garden

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After all the rain yesterday the sun actually tried to come out in the afternoon and it was a mild 7 to 8 degrees so I thought I had better cut back the hydrenga and the quince.






Robbie keeps popping about to say hello 8)




I was a bit concerned to see the amount of water between my house foundations and my patio.




I had to do a check and was glad to see no water under the house and that's where that Ford and Farmal Cubl front wheel rims ended up.



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A dying neighbour's hedge....in fact it needs so dye or paint to refresh it ;D  ;D


After 25 years two fence post have broken with the strain of holding back too much soil in my veggie plot. I don't think I will bother replacing and use these railway sleepers to shore up the garden...they should last more than 25 years me thinks ???







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No Ol but a few years ago I remember me an a neighbour were chatting and we saw one of these little characters waddling down the drive opposite...not a bad animal to have in your garden.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Did some sorting of tattie seed when I got home from work today these will be left in the shed to harden off before planting going to try and get them in at the end of Feb


Fist up got these little boys from Home base a day of so ago



Many moons ago we use to grow spuds on the farm so this seed box came in handy all ready now to be hardend ive British Queen's on the right and Charlotte's on the left.



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It's a just a low powered fungicide dust you put over them to help protect them tubers while the sit in cold soil in the spring.It's in all the garden centers here.


well il be keeping a eye out for that thanks olly :)

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No prob Bob,I've got sweet corn almost ready in my graden.

Olly I always try and grow some every year but I never turns out that well think il be giving it a miss this year going to put in some more spuds this year

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday I decided it was time to dry out the veggies plot so I could get it dug ;D  ;D




I took down a couple of fences which were 13 / 14 years old and served their purpose at the time.






The potash will be good for the ground and well it was a chance to de clutter my garage of wood offcuts ;D  ;D



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I started digging the veg plot yesterday as it is finally dry enough to walk on without carrying half a ton on my boots when I walk away. I have set potatoes for the last 5 years but yields have started to suffer so I am having a break this year and concentrating on salad crops.


The Garlic I planted last November is through so I am hoping for a better crop than last year.

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  • 1 month later...

Yesterday after fitting a new recoil starter rope to dad's Howard 350 I fired her up and rotovated his back garden. Much later than last year and it was very hard but after the first run I only took on a 1/2 pass to make things easier on the old girl.






Don't know if I will try riding or not.




I lost a screw holding the throttle so two tie wraps sorted that out.






I had my own 350 over as well as a back up in case I could not get dad's one started.



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I haven't been able to touch my garden yet this year, it's been so cold down here with a biting East wind for 3 months continuous and now it's wet, going to be a very late season again this year I think. Our local agricultural hardware store has had seed potatoes on sale since the beginning of January but I haven't purchased any, if I had done they would now either be all frozen or grown out and soft. I'll wait a while longer.

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It's getting a bit of an annoyance this wet weather Tim. I should have gone and rotovated it again at right angles after tea last night but I didn't   and today rain.....but there is always tomorrow afternoon and evening which is looking more favourable.

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Good to see you have made a start on the garden Bill I got my spuds planted last Sunday and last year I had them in on the 15th of march so I'm late this year :( also put my onions in on Sunday but that's the lot need some heat in the ground before I plant anything else

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If you've been burning stuff on your potato patch Bill you'd best pick up as much ash as you can and clear it off as leaving it and incorporating it in the soil will introduce too much potash in the soil and your new crop of spuds when you come to dig them later in the year will have scabby skins, like the bark of an Oak tree, It's ok to leave a bit of ash and work it in if nothing has been burnt there before.

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No Robert that is a sore point...regarding the dung. A 70 year old friend of dads and his brother appeared with a load of it for a second year. Good yes but extra work and why bother when we use potato fertilizer's. But hey ho we will have to use it in the drills now and I suppose it will improve the quality of the ground. This year I'm demanding the drills are 28 inches wide and adequate turning space at the 6 foot high fence side so I can fur up the tatties with the rotovator and ridger.I don't believe in making work or don't bark yourself if you have a dog ;D  ;D


Good to see you have made a start on the garden Bill I got my spuds planted last Sunday and last year I had them in on the 15th of march so I'm late this year :( also put my onions in on Sunday but that's the lot need some heat in the ground before I plant anything else


That would have been around the time I rotovated the folks garden last year but this year it has been so wet it really was tough going for the old Howard 350.

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