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What Do You Grow In Your Garden

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Got the veg patch dug over today, onion sets are in and a few lettuce seedlings that came from B & Q. I will plant a few every 3/4 weeks to try and give a succession rather than a glut. I haven't bothered with potatoes this year as last years were poor and I am wondering if there is a build up of something like potato cyst eelworm as I have grown them on the same land 5 years straight.

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Got the veg patch dug over today, onion sets are in and a few lettuce seedlings that came from B & Q. I will plant a few every 3/4 weeks to try and give a succession rather than a glut. I haven't bothered with potatoes this year as last years were poor and I am wondering if there is a build up of something like potato cyst eelworm as I have grown them on the same land 5 years straight.



Lettuce...good rabbit food and dieting food as well Mike...I think I need to sow some now I am on a weight loss kick ;D  ;D

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I got my veggie plot dug over but me thinks I need to spray that hedge with some green paint....emulsion or gloss :huh:




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PB missing :angry:  :angry:









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Not many flowers about here and those that are out are being burnt with the wind, especially the Polyanthis  and as for the poor daffodils, the last 2 months constant cold has held them in bud and made them droop to the ground and now that they are out in full flower the strong winds we've had the last few days have been thrashing them and breaking them down. Poor stuff doesn't stand a chance!

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I got my veggie plot dug over but me thinks I need to spray that hedge with some green paint....emulsion or gloss :huh:




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PB missing :angry:  :angry:









Bill,When the conifer hedges go brown like yours have its just about game over for them.

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first year seeding spuds this year since I was a kid. Ploughed part of the garden 18th of March and now have part of it ready for the spuds. Hoping to plant them during the week, now that the weather is getting warmer. 

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Bill,When the conifer hedges go brown like yours have its just about game over for them.


Yes I did think it was beyond recovery Shaun....saves me having to cut it. maybe I do need to invest in some green gloss paint now ;D  ;D

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There was a drying wind last night and sunshine most of today so eventually I managed to get my uncle Jim who had been digging his garden at Dyce. I left work at 2pm collected him and then out via Hatton of Fintray and Kintore and to Kemnay to pick up some new prescription's for dad who is going through a rough time at present with swollen and infected legs. Anyway by the time we got going we which must have been near 3pm we had 5 drills and 105 tatties planted by 4.45pm. All early varieties...1 drill Aminca, 2 drill Red Duke of York,1 drill White Duke of York and 1 drill of Sharpes express. We decided to rotovate side ways and have 3 passes before putting up 28 inch drill and putting in dung and potato fertilizer. That is more than a 1/3 of them in and well my uncle is 80 and I have been suffering with my back of late so we thought that was plenty for one day since the rest to put in are main crop varieties.











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Your soil is a lot drier than mine Bill, I've been out in my garden today, cut out the old ones and tied in the new raspberry canes and generally tidying up and lifting the dandylions that have been growing through the winter and the soil is very wet.

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Yesterday I collected my uncle Jim from Dyce and we started the second day of tattie planting in rather windy condition's. We werte doing fine and had the first two drills in when disaster struck...teh pull start rope on the howard 350 broke and I had to shout "son of unmarried mother". I had another piece of rope so i though easy fix but unfortunately when replacing this time the recoil spring flew out. Instead of trying to caputue it and replace rope we jumped in my car and headed from Drumoak to borow the recoile starter off my Howard 350. All in all we lost an hour but by 5.45 we had 6 drills and over 130 tatties in. Just leaves the snmall trinagle which I will get done at teh weekend or next week when on holiday.








And there will still be spare dung me things :angry:



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The remaiming seed which are sitting behind the sofa in the bay window of teh folks living room. I need to select enough seed out of their from my own small veggie patch at home.





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At last the daffodils are out.






Ready for drilling




Don't think I'll bother transplanting these now.




6 varieties of seed to go in total 48 tatties



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48 spuds Bill is the number that it takes for one full row in my garden, depends on how far apart they're placed but I usually place them 2ft apart and when I say place, I put them down with the strongest growings up, putting them down does not break off the growing shoots. Within reason, the closer together you plant them the smaller the new ones are, the further apart the bigger they get. I always put spuds in fairly deep also, this stops them breaking the ground too early and get frosted shoots plus it gives more room for the new spuds to develop and grow as the new ones grow above the seed one.

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Well I have planted 295 now at the folks with only 48 to go so I ain't sorry but glad to see them in. I have the Howard loaded for taking home to rotovate my own patch and hopefully I will get mine in tomorrow. That is almost a month earlier when I got them in last year.




And still spare dung but it will do for the sweet peas and next year assuming I'm planting them here again.






Not many spares but I assume someone will be able to use them.




First cut of grass of the season. Need to get scarified next





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Good to see your finished up at your folks Bill that back with grow a good crop how many spuds would you get out of that back yard looks a good size have you started planting at you own house was looking yesterday to see if my onions have started to grow but nothing yet need some more heat also my mate give a new tool for the garden well a new tool to me will post it up on here I think it will come in handy for weeding between the drills.

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If you've got any large empty planters Bill you could plant your spare seed spuds in them or fill an empty compost bag with garden compost and plant them in the bag and just roll down the top.

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Got the veg patch dug over today, onion sets are in and a few lettuce seedlings that came from B & Q. I will plant a few every 3/4 weeks to try and give a succession rather than a glut. I haven't bothered with potatoes this year as last years were poor and I am wondering if there is a build up of something like potato cyst eelworm as I have grown them on the same land 5 years straight.



I would say you could be right about the disease build up Mike. We have fields at work which have a high content of Potato Cyst Nematode in them and need to apply pesticide to them directly into the soil when we grow potatoes on them, not a cheap past time when it costs aprox. £134 per 20kg container of the stuff! We've increased rotation to up to 8 years between potato crops now so leaving a bigger gap may help in your case too.

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Good to see your finished up at your folks Bill that back with grow a good crop how many spuds would you get out of that back yard looks a good size have you started planting at you own house was looking yesterday to see if my onions have started to grow but nothing yet need some more heat also my mate give a new tool for the garden well a new tool to me will post it up on here I think it will come in handy for weeding between the drills.


Yes I'm please the whole operation got done within a week and earlier than last year 8)



If you've got any large empty planters Bill you could plant your spare seed spuds in them or fill an empty compost bag with garden compost and plant them in the bag and just roll down the top.


Good idea thanks Tim ;D

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