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What did you see today that made you laugh?

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Whats going to be on the back of a group of Young Farmers T-Shirts at Blackpool.....

"Spilsby young farmers, working hard so chavs don't have to"

Place your bets now on how many escape Blackpool (A.K.A chav central) alive :D :D

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Whats going to be on the back of a group of Young Farmers T-Shirts at Blackpool.....

"Spilsby young farmers, working hard so chavs don't have to"

Place your bets now on how many escape Blackpool (A.K.A chav central) alive :D :D

Ours are 'Beds Young Farmers- Fancy a ride on my first CLAAS chopper and have a nibble on my corn?' :-\

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Whats going to be on the back of a group of Young Farmers T-Shirts at Blackpool.....

"Spilsby young farmers, working hard so chavs don't have to"

Place your bets now on how many escape Blackpool (A.K.A chav central) alive :D :D

then they can try Great Yarmouth if they survive! :D :D :D :D ::)

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the ict teacher  :D she said not to go on the internet ,so i went on  ::):D and she paused my computer screen and put it up on the interactive board to try and imbaris me ,but i didnt mind them seeing ftf  :D :D so when she unpaused it ,she left my account on the board at the front of the class  so i started to type blonde jokes up behind he and she didnt see any of them , but everyone else in the class could see them  :D best laugh ive had in ages :D 

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Not a 'what did I see that made me laugh' more of a 'what happened to me that made me laugh'

I normally use a works van to go to and from work but yesterday I needed to leave work by midday to attend a furneral so I took my 1971 Honda ST50 DAX (like a monkeybike) to work in the van to use it as a quick getaway ::) ::)

Anyway I got home in good time and needed to use the bike again to get to work this morning :)

My job for the day was to go and pick up a 14ton digger from Reading by 9am so i needed a very early start to make it there on time.

I got up at 4.00am quickly made a flask of coffee and a packed lunch and jumped on the bike for my 13mile journey to work ;)

I went straight through the centre of Ipswich with no one on the road I was merrily making my way through the town when I notticed flashing blue lights in the shop windows ??? I looked over my shoulder and there was a traffic cop in his car pointing at me to pull over :o :o

He wound down the window and said 'MORNING' I replied 'MORNING OFFICER'  he said 'DO YOU HAVE A SPEEDOMETER ON THAT MACHINE' I said 'yes but I haven't lokked at it this morning' :-[

he said 'so would you be supprised if i told you you were doing 46mph past the swimming pool' :o :o :o

He then said 'anyway I know it's early and there's no one about but please observe the 30mph speed limit' I replied 'OK sorry about that officer' and he drove off :o :o

Do you think that's my 'get out of jail free card' used this year ::) ::)::)

Anyway it woke me up and I laughed soo much my cheeks hurt when I got to the yard :D :D :D :D :D

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Paul you are a legend mate. That is class, I can just imagin it too. Head ducked down in slip stream mode, bare ankles, bouncing along with the rozzers in hot pursuit. . . What a picture! No wonder you had to have a snooze, all that excitement :D

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