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What did you see today that made you laugh?

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Obviously thinks his reflection is a competitor to his lady I'd wager Sue..

Or... as above... he likes you...

lets face it... everyone LOVES Aunty Sue  :-*:-* :-*

Aww Bless!

I think that is exactly what he is doing, Marky.  Below my window is a very old honeysuckle and when the leaves dropped last year I found this tiny little nest deep inside and it is still there.  I suspect he built it and is defending it against rivals.  He was jumping up and down almost all day, with only short breaks in the yew tree for feather adjusting.  Made me feel quite tired!

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Yeah, that's my tickle too mate. Childish humour, nothing better. ;) People tripping and breaking into a jog to hide it, walking into sliding doors when they don't open as they should. . . :D

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Yeah, that's my tickle too mate. Childish humour, nothing better. ;) People tripping and breaking into a jog to hide it, walking into sliding doors when they don't open as they should. . . :D

I'm laughing already and it's the first time I have all day, I've had an awful day  :'(

But I agree, if I see any of those things happening you'l be sure i'm silently laughing so much my stomachs hurting  :D :D

A jogger on a country lane running into stinging nettles rather than stop while I passed him :D :D :D :D

Just as I was about to post you come up with that cracker too  :D :D

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I was loading dump trailers today with the Farm Master 414s, and matey was having a drink in his tractor, so I put the bucket right in the air before crowding it over in to the trailer, and as the silage dropped you should of seen the lemonade go up his nose as it hit the bottom of the trailer :D :D :D :D

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A jogger on a country lane running into stinging nettles rather than stop while I passed him :D :D :D :D

I had similar with two cyclists on a track where I used to work, there was a big puddle at the end of the track i was going down so i waited for them to come past it, one was sensible and got off his bike and pushed it through the mud at the edge of it, the other tried to bike through it resulting in the bike getting stuck in the mud and him sailing over the handlebars and landing in a big lump of stinging nettles, his mate wasn't much help to him as he was doubled up with laughter as was I :D :D :D :D

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I was loading dump trailers today with the Farm Master 414s, and matey was having a drink in his tractor, so I put the bucket right in the air before crowding it over in to the trailer, and as the silage dropped you should of seen the lemonade go up his nose as it hit the bottom of the trailer :D :D :D :D

Luke, I'd pay money to watch you for a day pulling pranks like that clanger! :D

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havent been able to get into FTF recently due to work and Harry and there seems to now be an influx of more lmtd edition models and orange again....and Fendt! :D :D :D :D

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I like that!! :D For me, the farm we were chopping at today started the day with a 531-70 on the clamp. It blew a hose so they got their second one out, it blew the same hose! They got the TM270 out which belongs to the guy they rent the farm from but didn't want to work it too hard so ended up doing the last few loads with their JS130!! Four JCB's in a day!! :D And they broke their brand new Kuhn rake after 60ac. Not their day!

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well while i was hovering the inside of the car the hover started struggling while cheaking the end turned around and the ruddy thing was alight (onfire) and still going it didnt want to give up pulled the plug out and it all stoped  :D :D :D :D :D :D

got to buy her a new hover now  :-\ :-\

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