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uh mf 2680

Paul Palmer

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might have posted this before,we all know that the exhaust is on the wrong side of the bonnet and also the front weights are on upside down,but also i have noticed that there are steps on each side of the cab,for this bonnet decal model ,that is wrong as the very first 2000 models were 1 door cabs,so i will have to cut off the right hand steps,another boob from uh

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Dont want to sound critcal, but who is giving the final checkover on these models in the UH company before they go into production & approving them ????? Such silly mistakes from UH lately over the last year or so with their new models. I was thinking of getting a UH MF 2640  4wd & 2620 2wd. Now im having second toughts. Thanks for sharing that info Paul. ;)

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you are right justin,when i get the model ,i will just have to cut them off,i might apply for a job at uh,its not that difficult to give the models a checkover,biggest mistake is the exhaust on the wrong side of the bonnet,that means spraying the bonnet >:( ,oh and the upside down front weights,dont know if i can put that right until i get the model

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i think a lot of people forget just how small tyres were in them days, on fords jd's and mf's. we have all become so acustomed to seeing huge boots on stuff now, and older stuff being pimped by owners to suit modern kit , in them days they were big tyres on that 2680 compaired to most 2wd tractors arround , which were a lot more common than the 2680 ,these were the days when big 4wds were a pretty new sight on most farms

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