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What would you do if this happened to your car

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I was horrified to see what had happened to a car belonging to a pal's relief drivers car. A 14 year old foster girl from a nearby village was caught on video jumping up and down on the roof of Kenny's car. A total of £ 2,800 worth of damage and another £ 1,000 if the roof cloth is to be replaced. What would you do if this happend to your motor :huh: ...I think I would be tempted to take the law into my own hands...but that would not be the best course of action me thinks.







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I'd be embarrassed to have to admit to owning a PT Cruiser.... :lol: :ha ha!:

But yes, I'd be paying a personal visit to the culprit. Had a jogger knock the mirror back and the cover off of my van last night. Saw it happen but well I ain't no jogger ;D ;D

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All I would want to know is ( WHY?) why did you feel the need to jump up and down on my car :@ thats whats wrong with young people now a days they just dont care about anyones stuff or care what they do if I had done that when I was that age I would of got the biggest hammering from my dad.

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Exactly Robert....she has been in trouble with the police before but apparantly here foster parents were absolutely devestaed by what she has done. They have given he a second chance in life and look what she has done to them.... shocking behaviour :angry:

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Unfortunately with children in the care system, there is a lot, lot more to their mental and emotional state than we can comprehend. Rational questions like Why? don't get a rational answer as often the children are in an irrational state of mind and so on. The answer experts could give could well he anything to do with the girls last 14yrs....

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No idea Barry...thats his second one his last one was written off when someone ran into him at a junction so he must like them. Not my kinda car but then again each to ones own as they say ;D  ;D

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Definiteley get the Law involved, tell them you wish to press charges and prosecute the vandal as it's 'wilfull damage'. This person should be made an example of as a message to others. Although the car owners insurance should cover it, it's the principal of the matter. The vandal, if under 16 will not be held financially liable but the act and subsequent findings of the Court will go on this persons record. Ultimateley, although you may feel that they have been trying their best with this animal, the foster parents at the end of the day are responsible for their charge. A big stick and a good beating would have a better effect but alas, these days!

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Hopefully insurance pay out and the wee girl calms herself down and learns not to do things like this.  However if she's a foster child who knows what she's been through.  If insurance didn't pay out I'd be tempted to get inside, lie on my back and use my feet to pop the roof back out!

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Tim / Andrew....I think the insurance are paying out the £ 2,800 to replace the roof and to respray it and the bonnet and the back passenger door and quarter panel that was scrapped by her feet. Kenny is the innocent victim her and the chances are his insurance premium will go up next year as well through no fault of his own.I'm not sure exactly why they are not paying out on the £ 1,000 for a roof cloth but maybe that would have put it into a write off position.

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I take it you don't have children with personal issues nor foster those that do then, Tim?!



No I don't, fortunately. But there is still no excuse for this sort of behaviour, how would the child like it if one of her peers trashed her favourite toy or mobile phone or whatever? Her foster parents should have known where she was, who she was with and set certain boundaries from the start as they are ultimateley responsible for her, if they can't control her then she should be somewhere where she can be, background and past history taken into account.

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I am only a year older than the girl who did this, but i would never ever ever dream of doing something like this! It's disgusting the behaviour of some people of similar age to me, i was horrified when I read what had happened. I have been taught right from wrong since i was very young, but obviously she hasn't, i would personally take action of my own and give the girl a firm talking to and ask why on earth she has done this!

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She'd probably answer you Will with a mouthful of expletives. If I were one of her fosterers I would make her wash all the cars in the street where she lives, by the end she would probably be sick of the sight of cars and would never touch another.

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its like if someone smashes a window on one of the machines, its annoying not just because of the cost to get it replaced or to get your insurance involved, but also the inconvenience  the time the police come out and have a look, get all the glass out, phone th insurance, get the glaziers in, a machine could be down for a couple of days, and if you've got a £95,000 excavator sitting idle it aint earning money, meaning your not earning money. if that was my car (after laughing at myself for owning such a monstrausity of a car) id deffinetly be getting the law envolved, regardless of the fact the child may or may not have had a troubled past, at the end of the day, the child isnt even going to get a slap on the wrist, the owner on the other hand is going to be out of pocket, a car for a while, some kids these days dont have respect for anything anymore

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I am only a year older than the girl who did this, but i would never ever ever dream of doing something like this! It's disgusting the behaviour of some people of similar age to me, i was horrified when I read what had happened. I have been taught right from wrong since i was very young, but obviously she hasn't, i would personally take action of my own and give the girl a firm talking to and ask why on earth she has done this!

she'd probably give you a wedgie and steal your classic tractor magazine money. 

my car is subject to a fair amount of maltreatment at the hands of some fairly feral criminally bound youth, after a few phone calls to the police (and Gavin from Autoglass) I have given up and resigned myself to having a heap of crap on the kerb outside worth a lot less than it ought!  Toxteth calling, as the kids responsible say F The Matrix.  

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We were selling a VW Golf for a friend and kids knocked £300 off the value by playing ball on the bonnet. I wouldn't own anything half decent where we live (and it isn't a particularly rough area - just home to a lot of kids) and we even park our van down the road. Sign of the times really - bored kids with little discipline or respect. You can only blame the parents, who should be keeping an eye on them rather than kicking them out on the street to play.


Different in Kenny's case of course, with a teenager in care. Wouldn't tackle the culprit directly - the police need to be involved - particularly with a teenage girl, as she could accuse your friend of anything and cause more trouble (it happens I'm afraid). Tricky age for a girl in care.

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Rotten thing to have happen to your car. Don't know the lass so not going to comment on that.

Mrs TOG owns a Cruiser, fun wee car, at least its easy to pick out in the car park, not like all the other look-alike dross out there. I'm very lucky that she likes stuff that looks unconventional and off the wall.....The other green, the human PT Cruiser!

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It can actually be a good thing having a vehicle that looks like all the rest as a 'stand out' one can attract attention to it and not always for the right reasons. Anyone noticed that in recent years that the 'go faster stripe' and 'boy racer' cars seem to have dissapeared?, apart from blacked out windowed black VW Golfs with a 6 inch bore exhaust tail pipe!

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Sadly Kenny at the age of 71 has suffered a heart attack and is awaiting a triple by pass operation. My mate Stuart is sad not only has he lost reliable  and experienced part time Class 2 driver but Kenny as his friend may have been so stressed out by what had happened to his car it may have caused the attack.Who knows but the chances are at his age and heart condition he won't be driving his recently acquired Seddon. On the bright side maybe Kenny who was going on a road run with his Seddon on the weekend of the Aberdeen show will be out and able to attend as a spectator...since he was the first to say he could not attend due to a commercial road run.

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