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Aberdeen Model Show 2014

Big A

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I will put a bet on that you have at least one of them drunk before the weekend is out >:D >:D>:D

if 2 years ago is anything to go by and the whole group are their it will be empty bottles that peter is taking home with him

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Landed at Carlisle for the night ...my god there's some dodgy weirdos round here....

Still trying to work out when Steve shuts his eyes if it was a Cummins or Perkins that he had stored away in his throat

I take it the engine has lost its exhaust into the bargain Barry

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if 2 years ago is anything to go by and the whole group are their it will be empty bottles that peter is taking home with him

Yes I will share the whisky ,, chip in @ £20 a shot / drum I might just break even on one bottle , looking at the map for tomorrow's distillery visit ,,,Dufftown area , it is almost like you going round the John Deere dealers Brian

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Sorry I haven't been on for ages but I will be attending this show... It's gonna be my first in the uk :P... I couldn't believe my eyes when I was going to work last week and I saw a massive billboard ad for this,stuck to a trailer in a field (I walked into the field to read it...me eyesight isn't the best :P)

Anyways I'm looking forward to putting some faces to names on Sunday :D

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Sorry I haven't been on for ages but I will be attending this show... It's gonna be my first in the uk :P... I couldn't believe my eyes when I was going to work last week and I saw a massive billboard ad for this,stuck to a trailer in a field (I walked into the field to read it...me eyesight isn't the best :P)

Anyways I'm looking forward to putting some faces to names on Sunday :D

Chris are you coming over for the day or stopping over on saterday night ,there are a few of us going for food and a few pints , you would be more than welcome ,

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Chris are you coming over for the day or stopping over on saterday night ,there are a few of us going for food and a few pints , you would be more than welcome ,

I've been working in Aberdeen for the last 7 months :) and am so glad I finally get to attend a show :)

Where will you be socialising tonight.... I'll more than likely be going into town to watch the match (we call union street town btw :P )

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popped into the show on my way home from work, had been up all night working so was very tired, but it was great to see some of the models i have seen on here up close. i picked up a bale handler from north east agri models, been wanting one of them so glad there were some left. i think its great that the time has been taken to organise the show, and a bonus that its in my area!

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Just not long back from an absolutely cracking show in Newmacher,great to catch up with some old faces,the show seemed to be very busy all day I was there,plenty of folk leaveing with lot's of carrier bags,always a good sign,I also picked up this fantastic paint job from Peter,( convo ) lovely job,,






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just home from Newmacher and have to say what an excellent new venue , great dispalys and an excellent turnout for the show , congratulations to all involved in organising the show and roll on next year

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Well well well...what a carry on ...massive thank you to all the northern weirdos who came and spent their hard earns cash with us today much appreciated.

Stunning show great venue, sorry if I looked more vacant than normal when you spoke to me but it was just I had absolutely no idea what anyone was talking about even although it did help after a couple of colas.

Big swizz the auctions but hey that's for another day.

Never the less I now own a couple of cracking variants of the show model.

roll on next year.

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And relax!

That's another show past with, a big thank you to all who attended, everyone who traded and exhibited, and to those who helped set up, pack up and through the day on Sunday.

Hope everyone enjoyed themselves, I had a great day.

Now have to start thinking about next years show!

We had 929 people thought the door.

The auction of the special Blue power show model raised £170 and the useless tractor shop county raised £130.

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I have to agree with all the comments thus far!!! Although I got there late,I still managed to meet a few forum members (BC,Mr Softie,Big A and Convo) sorry to all those I didn't get to talk to.... It was a fantastic show with some great displays.

I parted with some cash at Convos stall... It was great to see all his models in the flesh and he's a pleasure to deal with.

I came away with a black New Holland and a black Claas Uniwrap Baler :)

Hopefully I'll be still in Scotland next year to attend this show again !!!!

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Well once more a fantastic event, Andy,Brian and team have pulled off a show to remember in a new light airy hall, with a steady flow of visitors all day. Here's to next year. Thank's for a good weekend. 

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Just got through the door.WHAT A SHOW.Fantastic new venue and great credit to Andy and Brian for putting this show on.Great to catch up with everyone again and thanks for coming and buying models off all the traders including myself.Great night in the pub.Bring it on next year :)  

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A couple of pictures from the show.




Mr John setting is stall out.




Mr Peter Hardy doing is bit and i mean a bit as Sharron was doing all the work.




Cant forget little Nathan.






My addition to the show.More pictures will be put on .

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