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UH price wars

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As the new massey combine starts to reinforce dealer's stock rooms and stores, the commencement of the second round of price wars begins. We all saw with the Fordson Power Major, the effects of mass distribution within the UK model dealer community, with some models being offered for barely much more more than trade, and the same is set to occur with the magnificent massey combine. I have already seen this highly anticipated model changing hands for a tiny ?37.50, a whopping ?12.50 less than the RRP and it's only just come into stock!

I know some people can afford to drop prices to sweep the market and competiveness can only be good for the consumer but the question is......Can the industry continue to thrive in such a hostile and fluctuated market or should prices be frozen?

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I am with you on this one Andy.

What gets me and probably you is that people are selling these as loss leaders  ;) which i can't understand or afford to do for the fact that it may bring them future business.

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everyone likes a cheep model!! but then again i'd be prepared to pay more for a good model! PS any one want a JD 8530 i seem to have obtained several! which i only wanted one! ?70 plus p and p and those NH big bailers for ?17 postage at cost? ha ha!

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everyone likes a cheep model!! but then again i'd be prepared to pay more for a good model! PS any one want a JD 8530 i seem to have obtained several! which i only wanted one! ?70 plus p and p and those NH big bailers for ?17 postage at cost? ha ha!

This is exactly what we are talking about!

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:D :D :D :D but the offers there!!!  the bailers worked out expensive at 17 i'm breaking even i think on what they cost me i just happened to get a load. I DONT WANT TO KEEP THEM I only wanted one and i got 3!!
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I don't understand the price from uh siku or britains. But the problem is this i think many people are thinking you can make some money with the items that is truy. But the need some space on the market so they sell their items for less. For us buyers it is good but for in the future i don't think. Because some sellers have to stop (the sellers that have all items in their shop) and we buyers have to buy ore items at more different shops because they don't have all the items in their shop. My opion is that in 4 years only a few big shops will survive.


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I find it hard to believe the price difference between items sold over here and in Britain....The new balers for example $17 over here ?17 in UK  ??? ??? I just hope UH cracks the US market then I'll be all set, hopefully I'll nab that combine for $50 instead of ?50  :D

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I find it hard to believe the price difference between items sold over here and in Britain....The new balers for example $17 over here ?17 in UK  ??? ??? I just hope UH cracks the US market then I'll be all set, hopefully I'll nab that combine for $50 instead of ?50  :D

i was gonna say somthing like that, our prices are a joke compared to other countries....but not just for models :( :(

so who can get it for the cheapest on here ???

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It's all very wrong Andy... we call the sellers "Train Fair Johnnies" - The kind of people who turn up to a model fair... book a table and don't have enough money for the train fair home - PROPER businesses have PROPER overheads... the importers should only supply TRADE so far as I am concearned... and if a new business wants to come in they should be made to stick to a religious price structure on a kind of probation period... I do admire my mate Clive... he doesn't do big discounts.. he won't sell items cheap as he's never in a rush to get his money back... which brings me to my second point... I think the model trade should be made to pay cash up front - no money no goods - or better still... you want an account it's trade plus x%  :)

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It's all very wrong Andy... we call the sellers "Train Fair Johnnies" - The kind of people who turn up to a model fair... book a table and don't have enough money for the train fair home - PROPER businesses have PROPER overheads... the importers should only supply TRADE so far as I am concearned... and if a new business wants to come in they should be made to stick to a religious price structure on a kind of probation period... I do admire my mate Clive... he doesn't do big discounts.. he won't sell items cheap as he's never in a rush to get his money back... which brings me to my second point... I think the model trade should be made to pay cash up front - no money no goods - or better still... you want an account it's trade plus x%  :)


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The reason prices are falling, is because there are too many dealers. Untill their numbers decrease any new sought after model will have its price driven down. It happens in all commercial lines. Its turnover that business's require above profit. Ask any bank

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The reason prices are falling, is because there are too many dealers. Untill their numbers decrease any new sought after model will have its price driven down. It happens in all commercial lines. Its turnover that business's require above profit. Ask any bank

Sorry but I disagree... Turnover is for vanity and PROFIT is for sainity... A proper businessman/woman will chase profit above turnover - anyone who thinks they can please the bank manager with turnover is very much mistaken in my experience of business  ::)

Sorry to disagree but that's my thoughts  :-\

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I don't know if you agree with me on this one guys, but I've found it's better to be resputable and reliable than trying to make a quick buck. Whilst there is a healthy competition and people who are willing to pay silly amounts of money for complete tosh, other customers will always come back because of the quality of the seller. Britain is dearer than the European countries and America because of Gordon Brown (T**T). Theres no point cutting off your nose to spite your face with your prices though. All I can say is if you offer a quality in your service and to your customers then they will come back time and time again, even if there is a cheaper version somewhere else.  ;)

But that's just my point of view :-[

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Yep sorry as i'm not one to agree with Marky, but for just this one occasion I agree with him shhh .

Whats the point of working your gonads off for extra turnover  ???

Its surely all about the bottom line  ;)

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