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one word c##p, I dont know if it's just my one but with it in the up position there's no room for a trailer toweye?? ???

No, they are all like it unfortunatley, but they are all right if you leave it down. ;)

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My accountant telling me my corporation tax bill... lets just say it's a luxary car... and some  :o>:( :'( :'(

Oh... and ?275 quid for 4 brakes pads fitted  >:(

You should be happy Marky. You only pay tax when you are making money !!!!

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The final score, they didn't deserve to lose tonight and Waterman i am speechless, the referee was apalling  :o>:(

13-12 to Holland, yeah the ref should have atleast made them take all the ones he saved again!. Did Carsson do it, i'm not sure he did :-\ :-\

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got what looks like 2 dutch? or other nations hueys helicopters flying round and round at the min, have been for the last 15 mins, seem to be lost?????? making a hell of a racket like hueys do, why cant they just land at the airport 2 miles away then,our lot just seem to follow the roads everywhere,no good at sea though

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Coming home yesterday to find my neighbours garage broken into and my new motorbike gone...

Oh... and then the following insurers "whimping out on me"

Household contents

Fleet motor policy

and now... Work contents

Waaaaaaaaa  :'( :'( :'( :'(

all that money down the swanny  :'( :'( :'(

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Coming home yesterday to find my neighbours garage broken into and my new motorbike gone...

Oh... and then the following insurers "whimping out on me"

Household contents

Fleet motor policy

and now... Work contents

Waaaaaaaaa  :'( :'( :'( :'(

all that money down the swanny  :'( :'( :'(

so how was it covered then ??? ???

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Coming home yesterday to find my neighbours garage broken into and my new motorbike gone...

Oh... and then the following insurers "whimping out on me"

Household contents

Fleet motor policy

and now... Work contents

Waaaaaaaaa  :'( :'( :'( :'(

all that money down the swanny  :'( :'( :'(

what your bike was in the neighbours??? or they did your garage to,

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Someone at work who is constantly rude and acts like he is the boss of the whole place...just about had the last straw of him and his rudeness today  >:(

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Was he ruder than this Timmy B....

Pwwwwwtttthhhhhhhhh  :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

Much...bad part is that I have been letting myself get pushed around by him the past few weeks..i've had enough of that!  >:(

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