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What really annoyed you today

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Yesterday actually - Having to pay to go into Wales and then sitting in traffic queues for ages and ages!

it took us 7 hrs to do a 4 1/2hr journey on the EASTBOURNE EAGLES coach to see the Speedway GP so we missed the chance to get in the pits with our priveleged passes!  ..road works, prangs on the M4-(including rubberneckers...GET A LIFE PEOPLE,YOU WON'T SEE ANYTHING INTERESTING!) Still the racing was great,' so pleased that Chris "BOMBER" Harris won as he really deserved it on recent form! Let's hope the sport gets the press coverage it deserves unlike the Formula  1 farce.

  Anyone want the soapbox now! ;):)

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it took us 7 hrs to do a 4 1/2hr journey on the EASTBOURNE EAGLES coach to see the Speedway GP so we missed the chance to get in the pits with our priveleged passes!  ..road works, prangs on the M4-(including rubberneckers...GET A LIFE PEOPLE,YOU WON'T SEE ANYTHING INTERESTING!) Still the racing was great,' so pleased that Chris "BOMBER" Harris won as he really deserved it on recent form! Let's hope the sport gets the press coverage it deserves unlike the Formula  1 farce.

   Anyone want the soapbox now! ;):)

and hes from down this way to, good to see a local lad do well

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Buying a new cover for my mobile phone, only to discover that, despite showing the guy at the counter which model it was, the cover was incorrect.

Then, took it back today and that's the only one they had in stock, so now I've got to go back again to collect one that's on order >:(

Only a little bit annoyed really, as it was friend's shop ;)

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always paint the frame before cladding.....then detail after ;) ;) ;)

I normally do but being the impatient kind I wanted it to look like a shed too early. Paying the price now though, need to be ambibloodydextrous for this job!!! Nearly got it done though :)

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Got an e-mail from Outback Toys that stated the IH 806 Precision from Ertl would not be released until November. I am really starting to get disappointed with Ertl...can't get their models right, and now can't even get their delivery dates within a ballpark. I really think that there is no excuse that the model has to be delayed four additional months... especially considering that the prototype images have already been released and that it has been publicly announced for June delivery at least three months ago...  >:(

vent over, sorry chaps  :-[

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Poor baa baa's. You going to get them inside for a few days then Mand?

Unfortunately, I'm away for a few days for a toy auction - so I've brought them in today and treated them all, but left the barn door open so that they can shelter and at least get their feet off the wet :(

Think I might have to reconsider keeping sheep now that I'm so busy :(:-\

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then i realised when i got the parcel, it wasnt even corrugated roof!!, it was a pair of shoes for my big bro!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrr >:(

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

That got me laughing!! Can just see you now, racing back in to the attic, glue and paint at the ready, ripping the packaging apart like a child at Christmas. .. then the big pause. ..

  ... .... Shoes?  ::)

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Went down to the Registry Of Motor vehicles, only to find that I could not take the learners permit test today because they had stopped admitting anyone else for the day only three minutes before I arrived  >:(::)

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Went down to the Registry Of Motor vehicles, only to find that I could not take the learners permit test today because they had stopped admitting anyone else for the day only three minutes before I arrived  >:(::)

Bad luck Timmy B.... poor chap... never mind mate... there is always Monday I guess  :-\
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HSBC Bank calling off their corporate day in Sheffield where we did all there marquees yesteray, only to hear this morning that it's cancelled! They just wouldn't listen and now they'll have to pay for nothing, but is just frustrating to find that out afrter all that effort of loading two lorries, paying 6 people e.t.c. >:( >:(>:(

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