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What really annoyed you today

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last thursday my computer went and fryed its self ,the mother board went for a long holiday. >:( >:(>:( >:(

mine just re-started for no reason :-\ :-\....uninstalled the latest game i put on as it was fine before then ;) ;)

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Sodding walkers who seem to think I am topping these fields for their bruddy benefit. As well as thinking if there is a gate open or missing or a gap in the dry stone walling it means it's public access. Even the horses are reigning (no pun intended) free across the fields. Still, I've tied what gates I can find up with barbed wire covered them in blackthorn trimmings. Ouch!!

cuz I'm a bit weee, I'm a bit woooah. . . I'm a geeeeza int I!!

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Sodding walkers who seem to think I am topping these fields for their bruddy benefit. As well as thinking if there is a gate open or missing or a gap in the dry stone walling it means it's public access. Even the horses are reigning (no pun intended) free across the fields. Still, I've tied what gates I can find up with barbed wire covered them in blackthorn trimmings. Ouch!!

cuz I'm a bit weee, I'm a bit woooah. . . I'm a geeeeza int I!!

I had a better method than that, I'd go and tell them to keep to the footpaths as our gamekeeper could end up accidently shooting them whilst contolling vermin in the fields if they didn't, worked a treat every time ;D

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Honda F1 open day. We live 10 mins away, but stuck to the rules and parked in their park and ride. Had to drive by the venue to get there!! Waited 45 mins for a bus and then when we got in couldn't see anything as there were hour long queues. Still it was for charity.

Fairford was better!!!

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I had a better method than that, I'd go and tell them to keep to the footpaths as our gamekeeper could end up accidently shooting them whilst contolling vermin in the fields if they didn't, worked a treat every time ;D

Your too kind Gav, this way I do not give them the choice whether to suffer or indeed avoid injury  ;D ;D ;D

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Your too kind Gav, this way I do not give them the choice whether to suffer or indeed avoid injury  ;D ;D ;D

True but I didn't tell them about the owner, she's worse to tackle than any barbed wire, even scared pikey's off :o :o :D :D

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Your too kind Gav, this way I do not give them the choice whether to suffer or indeed avoid injury  ;D ;D ;D

I know what you're talking about Tris. We rent about 10 acres of church land up in our village, with a foot path runnig down one side that goes under the railway line and across our land for about a mile to another village. However the villagers see it as a nice little walk to go into the field, around one side and through the gate. Trouble is they don't think they are doing anything wrong or they just have a nerve I don't know. So one day last Easter when we fencing in there a lad about my age walked through with his dog and attempted his usual walk right infront of us, so we said "exscuse me" and just looked up and said "F*** off".......I just thought what's going on here, so after some probably well deserved words he turned arounsd and went back. So we then went and coiled-up about 20m of barbed wire on the 8ft gate......no trouble since. Best of all the entire footpath is barely used now as they can't be bothered to do the entire walk. :)

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the NH combine driver >:( >:(, stopped on a corner down the cycle route, missus having a break, i saw the combine earlier stopped so took off down a bumpy track dodging puddles, got to the field and took some snaps....got back, and the missus said didnt you see the combine move, i wondered where you went (she couldnt see it where she was stopped), i turned round and upset the wildlife with my foul mouth  :D :D :D>:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

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I know what you're talking about Tris. We rent about 10 acres of church land up in our village, with a foot path runnig down one side that goes under the railway line and across our land for about a mile to another village. However the villagers see it as a nice little walk to go into the field, around one side and through the gate. Trouble is they don't think they are doing anything wrong or they just have a nerve I don't know. So one day last Easter when we fencing in there a lad about my age walked through with his dog and attempted his usual walk right infront of us, so we said "exscuse me" and just looked up and said "F*** off".......I just thought what's going on here, so after some probably well deserved words he turned arounsd and went back. So we then went and coiled-up about 20m of barbed wire on the 8ft gate......no trouble since. Best of all the entire footpath is barely used now as they can't be bothered to do the entire walk. :)

a guy last week , i was coming down the field on the track and i saw a guy with a kid and a dog and i had the roller on the back of the db 1390 when i got to the bottom where i leave the roller, i took it off and went over to the guy and said "excuse me your  not allowed here its private land" he said "go and fcuk off" so i just pulled my phone out of my pocket and pretendid to ring my uncle and i said bring the gun theres sombody tresspassing on the land ,he turned around and said its a public footpath and i said public footpath to were? a 25 acre field  ::) and i told him that the cows will attack his dog if they see it , he turned around picked the dog up and grabbed onto the kids hand and quickly walked out of the field  :D :D

but what realy peed me of is the fact that the gate is tied and he untied it and came in without tieing it up while going of into the field and left the gate open about 3 foot ,enough for the cows to go through  >:(

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God damn heifers that have freshly calved, they have on super kick on them, im going to have some super bruises, got my arm jamed good and proper under the rail by a cows head also, im a hirting tonight

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you want to try taking a britains new ford 5000 cab apart ;) a few choice words was used :D

Just stand on it ....... like we used to do with original 5000 cabs , should do the trick .........................................and cause a few more choice words ;D;)

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Getting a phone call to go cart silage bales today. Went up the road to where my tractor is kept and hitched loader back onto tractor then hooked up to trailer and headed off to farm where I was meant to be carting from.  Only to be told on arrival that they had changed their minds as after looking at the grass and deciding it was too wet to bale. So no job for today. A 12 mile round trip for nothing  >:(

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Getting a phone call to go cart silage bales today. Went up the road to where my tractor is kept and hitched loader back onto tractor then hooked up to trailer and headed off to farm where I was meant to be carting from.  Only to be told on arrival that they had changed their minds as after looking at the grass and deciding it was too wet to bale. So no job for today. A 12 mile round trip for nothing   >:(

Will you add that cost to the next job you do for them or will you not be doing another job for them?

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Will you add that cost to the next job you do for them or will you not be doing another job for them?

Could be back there tomorrow morning for 8am start if it stays dry overnight, but forecast not looking good though  :(  If diesel is supplied by customer I won't complain too much.  I put a 1000 litre fill in my fuel tank the other day, costing an eye watering 40.4 pence per litre plus VAT  :'(
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luck you, havnt seen the boys live since i was 6ish now

although plans are affot for a premiership match thie season before they move grounds

ditto!, although its hard to get tickets :-\

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