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What really annoyed you today

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Yeah, but being and 80s child it did quite suit you darling ;)

You don't think I had a little too much blusher ???

What annoyed me today...

Not a lot yet... Aprat from the fact it's Friday again  >:(

But yesterday

Waiting 6 hours iin a VERY uncomfortable chair up the "Hozzy" with my poor old dad who's got trouble with his "mincers" - nasty old business that... he's in there now having laser surgery on them as we speak  :o :'(

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have come down with a nasty nasty cold, first one proper of the year, i really aint well at all :'( :'(

Take care of yourself there Sean not a nice time to have a cold well actually no time is a nice time......but do drink lots of liquids especially water it will help reduce the amount of time ur feeling bad.............

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when i was feeding my dog today i seen that there was a Sheep Out on the Main Road.

There not my sheep but i thought it was a danger it being on the road :-\ , so i walked up close to it then i went out onto the middle of the road. There was cars coming so i singled to them to slow down.

As I walked closer to the sheep I herd a car coming up close behind me. Just as i was about to put the sheep back thought the fence the car Over Took me and the sheep at speed!!  >:( >:(>:(

This of couse scared the sheep and it took of down the road  :-\ >:( >:(>:(

Then I had to run back down the road to get it again  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

silly Townie Drivers  >:( >:(>:( >:(

Edited for use of swearing....its obvious!

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have come down with a nasty nasty cold, first one proper of the year, i really aint well at all :'( :'(

mmmmm Julie has one too!!, all week, annoying for me as she keeps me up...... >:( >:(>:(

where were you last sunday Mr P ???, were you really at toytrac?, are there any witnesses? ???

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when i was feeding my dog today i seen that there was a Sheep Out on the Main Road.

There not my sheep but i thought it was a danger it being on the road :-\ , so i walked up close to it then i went out onto the middle of the road. There was cars coming so i singled to them to slow down.

As I walked closer to the sheep I herd a car coming up close behind me. Just as i was about to put the sheep back thought the fence the car Over Took me and the sheep at speed!!  >:( >:(>:(

This of couse scared the sheep and it took of down the road  :-\ >:( >:(>:(

Then I had to run back down the road to get it again  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

Flipping Townie Drivers  >:( >:(>:( >:(

Not necessarily townies.  I live in a village with a 30 mph speed limit.  Who generally ignores the limit?  Those from the next village on the road - of the few that actually drive through at less than 30 one is a gentleman with a Lotus [Exige I think] and it must be hard work keeping that at 30!

(Yes it is an high-rated village or at least so the residents think)

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when i was feeding my dog today i seen that there was a Sheep Out on the Main Road.

There not my sheep but i thought it was a danger it being on the road :-\ , so i walked up close to it then i went out onto the middle of the road. There was cars coming so i singled to them to slow down.

As I walked closer to the sheep I herd a car coming up close behind me. Just as i was about to put the sheep back thought the fence the car Over Took me and the sheep at speed!!  >:( >:(>:(

This of couse scared the sheep and it took of down the road  :-\ >:( >:(>:(

Then I had to run back down the road to get it again  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

silly Townie Drivers  >:( >:(>:( >:(

Edited for use of swearing....its obvious!

during all that flooding we had the townies were hoofing it through all the water i there posh 4x4's next to were my dad was filling sand bags(out of the kindness of his heart i was stuck in the oub as i couldnt get home) they were soaking him when the next fast one came allong he walked out into the middle of the road with his long handled shovel and gave them the slow dodn sighn they all slowed down from then on dont know wether it was the shovel or the hand sign but it worked

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dad wouldnt let me go to rugby with him to cheere him on as i had english course work to do... made my point though did it wher he got home so he knew i did have enough time to do both made some models all afternoon

only has my best interests at heart

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Not annoyed but saddened.

Early this morning after milking ended 4 cattle trucks rolled into the village and took the entire dairy herd away from one of the farms.  End of an era - the dairy has closed its doors and the grass fields are being ploughed.  One dairy down and the other may follow according to the owner. 

Very sad

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