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i am unwell :( :( :( :( iam nearly puked up in enlish at school and was really wosy went down to the m.i and they said i was really pale and sent me home so i got a pain were my apendix is a head ack and feel really wosy ans sick :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

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Boss having a go at me for aparently taking too long to load up grain lorrys he said take around hour a lorry i did 5 in 6 hours including turn around time with sortin elevator out each time etc and last bin was a little slow as couldnt run two as rest were empty >:( >:(  Then blames me when we didnt make our quota not my effing fault is it :'(

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Boss having a go at me for aparently taking too long to load up grain lorrys he said take around hour a lorry i did 5 in 6 hours including turn around time with sortin elevator out each time etc and last bin was a little slow as couldnt run two as rest were empty >:( >:(  Then blames me when we didnt make our quota not my effing fault is it :'(

Tell the boss to get with it Phil. Grain lorry loading should be done off the floor only. As a both a loader and a driver in the past I can vouch for both sides and say it is the best way. If I can load 29t with an MF390T and a 1t bucket in 35mins then so should your boss. Pics of the Manitou loading my Volvo back in the early autumn, that was 20mins to wait for him to load. Elevators? Pah!!

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Tell the boss to get with it Phil. Grain lorry loading should be done off the floor only. As a both a loader and a driver in the past I can vouch for both sides and say it is the best way. If I can load 29t with an MF390T and a 1t bucket in 35mins then so should your boss. Pics of the Manitou loading my Volvo back in the early autumn, that was 20mins to wait for him to load. Elevators? Pah!!

Yeah - but with elevators with weighing equipment on the hopper prevents the sort of fraud perpetrated several years ago by a grain merchant.  They managed to book 26 tonnes regularly to a VW Golf (or similar).  Farms weighing at loading did not get short weighed at the merchants.

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what they came round to your garage mate :D :D :D :D hope you cleaned that spilt resin of the carpet, improper material handling and all that :D :D :D

No, came round the oil company I deliver for, they're serving us with improvement notices and even talk of prosecution due to negligence by head office, the inspectors words were "Its as if they've forgotten about you here". Didn't help when a light tube leaning against the wall fell over and hit her on the head ::):D

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Yeah - but with elevators with weighing equipment on the hopper prevents the sort of fraud perpetrated several years ago by a grain merchant.  They managed to book 26 tonnes regularly to a VW Golf (or similar).  Farms weighing at loading did not get short weighed at the merchants.

I know a lot more farmers are monitoring wieghts for the benefit of there yield records now with wieghers on the trailers tipping in the store then on the loaders loading the lorries (which also have wieghers). As for the VW Golf. .. . there is life in Ben's old motor yet. . . . and he need's a job!!  :D :D

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I know a lot more farmers are monitoring wieghts for the benefit of there yield records now with wieghers on the trailers tipping in the store then on the loaders loading the lorries (which also have wieghers). As for the VW Golf. .. . there is life in Ben's old motor yet. . . . and he need's a job!!  :D :D

sounds good Tris! :D :D :D

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