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What really annoyed you today

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Thanks everyone for your kind words of support, its very comforting.

Been to seen dad today and he's started to come round a bit and trying to talk, but a lot of it is jibberish, hard to make sense off. All he wanted to know about was his SHEEP ha ha!

My father had a stroke too when he was 50 ish but came out of it unscathed, and went on for another 30 years no problem. It is a worrying time, but it's really a waiting game, so I hope progress is good.

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Thanks everyone for your kind words of support, its very comforting.

Been to seen dad today and he's started to come round a bit and trying to talk, but a lot of it is jibberish, hard to make sense off. All he wanted to know about was his SHEEP ha ha!

That is good news.  Because he cannot talk does not mean he cannot hear or understand it is simply that he knows what he wants to say but is unable to form the correct words.

Keep talking to him and he will improve - my father was in the same situation but time and patient prompting helped him back to normal speech.

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That is good news. Because he cannot talk does not mean he cannot hear or understand it is simply that he knows what he wants to say but is unable to form the correct words. Keep talking to him and he will improve - my father was in the same situation but time and patient prompting helped him back to normal speech.

My Pop too. 20yrs ago this year now.

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job interviews etc.

went to one on Friday, they were looking for a junior >:(

went to one today and wasnt what i could do really!!, but something may come of it?

The last one I went to was for my current job and I thought it was beyond me, though I blagged it a little and am still doing it.  You don't want to (in my opinion) drop into a job that you are comfortable doing otherwise you don't progress....if you know what I mean :-\

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popped into cornwall farmers at launceston today to see what toys they had, and saw a few boxes of ford 7600's which i aint got yet so thought about buying one, picked up 1 and something didnt look right, took a few secs then noticed it was a ford 5000 in there,put that back and looked at another exactly the same infact all 8 out on the shelf were 5000's in 7600 boxes, pointed it out to the girl behind the counter who replied well it aint my prob they were sent that way from the stockiests and we aint had any back yet ,how poor is that and how bad is that from britains, wonder how many people didnt notice

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digger trouble already  :(

seen some (a good bit of) murky watery greasey stuff leaking from around the slewing ring of digger today, took of the inspection plate underneath her and  a nice bit of water came out  :( ive left it off for now to see if it stops once all water is gone otherwise the seal is gone, looking at what came out though id say its gone alright. she was ment to have been fully greased in there too before she left yard but the sh?t in there looks like its been there for ages, defidently no fresh stuff from what i could see. I also think there is dirt in the diesel filters/tank cos i left her go to about a quarter of a tank before filling today, straight after filling she died down completly and conked out 3 times in 15 mins, and has been underpowered all evening. took off filter and sure enough some dirt.  also ive noticed the door over the engine has been buckled a bit since we saw it at the dealers and now isnt closing properly so them 3 things havent helped an already fustrating day!!!!!!

dealer will be getting a call tomorrow thats for sure  >:(

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