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What really annoyed you today

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It's gone full circle!! I think my first post or so when I started this Topic was along these lines!! :):D

indeed Tris!!!, here it is!! :D :D :D

This is the opposite end of the spectrum to me 'laugh' post. What did you see today while you were out and about, at schoold, or at home that rwally wound you up?

For me, bringing a 44t lorry to a standstill only to find the person not indicating on the roundabout was actually going LEFT!!!!! So I could have gone without stopping!!! Grrrrrrrrr. >:( >:(>:( >:(

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got pulled in by the rozers on my trip out today for a desil test, werid that i drive a petrol bmw, and its not sounding rough enough to be a desil, guy looked very embarased when he spoke to me at the actuall test area, but the dam copper that pointed us in  proceeded instead to inspect  the car as if to cover his error, even the others looked a bit embarrased to say the least,

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yeah that annoys me....as well as people who dont indicate at roundabouts >:(

Walking the dogs in the morning in a narrow lane.  I put dogs and myself on the verge and they drive past with noses in the air because they might have had to slow down.

This morning it was a 4x4 complete with kids driven down the lane by mother - no acknowledgement that I had got off the road for them.  2 mnutes later it drove back - still with the kids aboard and again no acknowledgement. 2 minutes after that it came back again plus kids and I was fuming having mounted a muddy verge for the third time and STILL NO ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.  

Pedestrians do have right of way after all when there is no pavement!

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yea hate that, when your in the tractor and that happens, there's some people you wave to for them pullen in and they look at you as if you've got 2 heads because you waved >:( mostly townies :D

B@gger the cars is what I say. I just tend to keep going and get out the way quicker rather than pulling over. However, I do tend to stop after a hill if I've pulled a load up it, as you can pick up loads of cars in rush hour. But I know know I'm as quick as my school bus and that never pulls over, so why should I? ::):P;)

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got pulled in by the rozers on my trip out today for a desil test, werid that i drive a petrol bmw, and its not sounding rough enough to be a desil, guy looked very embarased when he spoke to me at the actuall test area, but the dam copper that pointed us in  proceeded instead to inspect  the car as if to cover his error, even the others looked a bit embarrased to say the least,

They got my e-mail then Sean! :D :D :D

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They got my e-mail then Sean! :D :D :D

i wouldnt normally mind a mistake, the test vosa guy looked embarraesed to say the least, it was the attitude of mr snotty after he was told that got me, didnt say sorry ,just wandered round the car looking for faults then waved me back out into the traffic,anyone can make a mistake at the end of the day and sorry mate doesnt hurt

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this has made me furious!! mum just told me about another attack a group of youths have done again, well what it is is, this group have been going about a village/quite small town, very close to me in NI (north Down NI) and they have been throwing bricks at cars and before and after christmas they were just throwing at cars parked outside houses, even country houses, but the past month these people have been throwing bricks out of a car at other cars while driving and flashing the lights to blind the drivers... really did make me angry today, this group better pray the police get them before the locals do as there are very angry people about this :o to be honest i would be scared to go near that area :-\

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had some iffy fish while out for a meal last night perfect end to a great eve >:( >:(>:( >:( not feeling very well today after most of last night being spent over the toilet bowl head first >:( >:(>:(

similar to me most of last week....last night was worse for some reason :-\ :-\

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Its only a car mate , that can be replaced , you cant ;)

I know Sean but ive got it almost for 4years now and i bouhgt it new!

There where no damage's on it Untill today :'(

But everything is ok whit me so that's the most important off everything!

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Histon losing 3.1 to Halifax, Cambridge losing 2.1 to Farsley ::)...

then get home to find wife in tears as she had found out her aunt, who already has a cancer (cant remember what one), now has leukaemia >:(:( :'( :'(

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