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What really annoyed you today

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walking down the corridoor coming when school finished this Fruity Fellow boy kept poking me in the back of the head and when i turned round he pretended it wasnt him, i dont even know him!!! and he kept doing it then i stoped in front of him and said ''right what the fcuk you think your doing?!'' funny enough he stopped ::) buck tooth ar$ehole!! >:(

haha matty unlucky for you all the ''Fruity Fellows'' stay away from me

but i know how you feel  :D :D

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gas board digging up a big cable yesterday, and us only finding out today at 12 mid day,  when they calmly annouced to us as we were taking measurements, its under ther mate??? they knew they had done it, they knew the duct was there, and all they would do is laugh, until there boss turned up ,who proceeded to tell us how we will do our jobs, ,fortunaly i walked away, but my test officer who was there put him right and after a 5 min argument, told him to sod off or we will stop work till he does,

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The building firm i work for getting robbed , bust in to 5 vans and nicked 5 k worth of tools last night. they left my van alone , so i had to work today. >:(

:o :o :o that happened to my dad but we got some people that soon sorted them out then he got the tolls back

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The building firm i work for getting robbed , bust in to 5 vans and nicked 5 k worth of tools last night. they left my van alone , so i had to work today. >:(

I'll add that bit to what made me laugh!!!!......Law of the sod i believe! :D :D :D

take it your all insured ;)

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Oh, there's people still doing that are there!! I thought everyone would have learnt by now. It started in the sixties when plastic string first came out. The old sisal would rot down if the dung was maxanned.After years of keeping our farms clean of the stuff (Plastic twine etc) we used to take dung away from neighbouring properties for the sake of clearing it, even chargeing them to do so latterly, until we found plastic waste in with it, even hanks of string that they'd taken off the bales, tied-up and then tossed on the dung lump...how 'kin ignorant can you get? >:(

Still happening i'm afraid Nigel, the big rear discharge spreaders we have, we find normally the best way to get the string off is with a blow torch to melt it off. Otherwise you spend hours covered in dung unwrapping reels of the blinking stuff.

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The amount of bad drivers on the roads.

I was coming up the M74 today and the amount of drivers speeding and carrying out dangerous moves.

I was doing 70 and still people were hammering past me.

One guy undertook me whilst I was was in the middle lane and the outside lane was clear.

And the amount of people using there phones is amazing????

And also do people not understand average speed cameras? 50 mph and people see the camera go past it and the do 70 again crazy???

that is my rant over

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The amount of bad drivers on the roads.

I was coming up the M74 today and the amount of drivers speeding and carrying out dangerous moves.

I was doing 70 and still people were hammering past me.

One guy undertook me whilst I was was in the middle lane and the outside lane was clear.

And the amount of people using there phones is amazing????

And also do people not understand average speed cameras? 50 mph and people see the camera go past it and the do 70 again crazy???

that is my rant over

he was probalbly thinking you should of been in the inside lane  ;) ;) ;):-\ :-\
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The amount of bad drivers on the roads.

I was coming up the M74 today and the amount of drivers speeding and carrying out dangerous moves.

I was doing 70 and still people were hammering past me.

One guy undertook me whilst I was was in the middle lane and the outside lane was clear.

And the amount of people using there phones is amazing????

And also do people not understand average speed cameras? 50 mph and people see the camera go past it and the do 70 again crazy???

that is my rant over

Average speed cameras (Cash opportunity cameras) confuse most motorists. If the speed limit is fifty; they drive in the middle lane at 40, and then wonder why trucks undertake them. We don't have time to sit behind them and aren't allowed to use the centre lane. I think some motorists still think there is a slow , medium and fast lane on the motorways. Grrrrrrrrrrr.  >:( >:(

*Cash opportunity cameras* are erected on the roadside before roadworks commence. Lanes are narrowed and often "Dog legged" as an excuse to reduce the speed limit. Several weeks later, roadworks may commence, taking place between 7:30 am and 4:30 pm. (M25, M4 for example) The cameras are usually left for a week or two until they have earned the greedy grabbing government some extra income before they are removed. Lane repositioning is carried out even when the work is taking place behind the crash barrier, and usually requires about a mile of traffic cones on the approach. Nuf to make ya spit, innit


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I agree with you brian there is one on the m6/ m74 just north of carlise where they are adding a third lane to the motorway and then on the A9 north of perth there is another one but that is 30.I set the cruise control to dead on the speed limit and I know what you mean about lorries as there was a few today who were stuck behind slow cars. But saying that was almost wiped out by a lorry today he started to pull out right in front on me  I managed to slow down before I hit him but I will say that the driver agknowledged  his mistake as I went past

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Falling backwards off a chuffin workmate bench; landing on my back (Hard) on top of an electric drill. Caught me just on the lower edge of my rib cage and rattled one of my kidneys. It's bl**dy painful, and I keep getting spasms in the muscles now. Sorry folks, but I don't think I'll die just yet.  ;):D

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Falling backwards off a chuffin workmate bench; landing on my back (Hard) on top of an electric drill. Caught me just on the lower edge of my rib cage and rattled one of my kidneys. It's bl**dy painful, and I keep getting spasms in the muscles now. Sorry folks, but I don't think I'll die just yet.  ;):D

I won't ask what you were doing on the workmate 'cos they are designed to be stood on but you really should take care. 

I hope Mrs Will is rubbing in the liniment gently.

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Bio-fuels!!!! now there saying there bad for the environment, they put too much pressure on land used to grow them and they are now causing food shortages!! what next! bio-fuel was once pushed as an answer to pollution and fuel shortages. As of from today all petrol and diesel will contain 2% of bio-fuel  >:( >:( so what do we do? maybe walk everywhere

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Bio-fuels!!!! now there saying there bad for the environment, they put too much pressure on land used to grow them and they are now causing food shortages!! what next! bio-fuel was once pushed as an answer to pollution and fuel shortages. As of from today all petrol and diesel will contain 2% of bio-fuel  >:( >:( so what do we do? maybe walk everywhere

Was that one of the stupid politicians on TV yesterday??

I saw one on one of the political shows yesterday saying just the same, the reason there are food shortages and we are importing hops etc is all down to last years bad harvests......Maybe soon, all the land stood idle will be used again!

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My tosspot neighbour annoyed me today. Again, as he does everyday.

I was stood by my wife's car talking to her this morning and he shouted hello to her and ignored me!!  :D what a berk.

Like it's not her extension too  ???  ???:D  :D  :D

When you get old you get simple too apparently  ;):D

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Bio-fuels!!!! now there saying there bad for the environment, they put too much pressure on land used to grow them and they are now causing food shortages!! what next! bio-fuel was once pushed as an answer to pollution and fuel shortages. As of from today all petrol and diesel will contain 2% of bio-fuel  >:( >:( so what do we do? maybe walk everywhere

Right..........that's it..............now I'm really angry. What absolute crap.  >:( It's just another government scam to introduce yet another tax hike. Their main income comes from fuel, and lacking sincerity as they do, they are worried that if everyone jumps on the bandwagon and says fossil fuels are becoming horrendously expensive and we should use more bio fuels; they are worried about a backlash from the general public wanting tax cuts.

    They know bl**dy well that fossil fuels will run out if we don't conserve stocks, so we should be using as much bio fuel as possible. We are doing our bit by using it to protect the environment. It's said that the cause of global warming (Bull**it) is carbon dioxide emissions. Oil seed rape is a good source of good quality bio fuels as is sugar beet (Ethanol). So far the EU has decided to restrict the production of both, regardless of the fact that OSR is carbon neutral, ie it absorbs more CO2 when it's growing than it produces when used in an engine. OSR is a leguminous crop and naturally fertilizes the ground in which it is grown, by producing nitrogen.  There are hundreds of thousands of hectares of land on setaside which could be used to grow plants for fuel production; so for them to say that over growth of bio fuel plants will cause a food shortage is crap. How much food do we grow here; very little I would imagine, looking at the shelves in Tesco's etc. They are just worried that high volume production of bio fuels will cause them to lose tax revenue and a public uprising against the taxes they are already proposing to introduce.

    The only fact that isn't made too public about bio diesel is that the Nitrus Oxide gas emissions are slightly higher than normal diesel. NO2 is generally known as "Laughing gas". Now that can't be too bad; can it. I don't see what harm nitrus oxide does anyway. It is one atom of nitrogen and two atoms of oxygen. Bear in mind that 79% of the earth's atmosphere is nitrogen, 20% oxygen and 1% other inert gases. Bio diesel doesn't produce soot particles, and engine noise is reduced slightly. Producing bio diesel is a cold process with no harmful emissions during production, and the main by-product of production is glycerin in an unrefined state.

          What we need more than anything is some real independant and honest "Experts" advising the general public, rather than the government "Puppets" who are paid to manipulate the truth for the sake of government incomes. The only concern of our government is finding more ways to squeeze the last few pennies out of the public with their "Dual layer" taxation systems, environmental charges, and fines for anything they can think of, and many things they are paying their "Spin doctors" to dream up.  ???

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