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What really annoyed you today

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since being with Virgin half the programs wont work on my pc, I've even reloaded the disc for uploading photos but it still wont have it >:(

whats virgin got to do with the PC?, sounds like theres more to it to be honest? :-\ :-\, i cant see how an internet connection will mess up your PC, i have virginmedia broadband on 2 PCs and the WII, just plugged in and it worked fine, never had any problems with anything on them

try using the restore to a day command thing and take it back to before you had the new connection, :-\ :-\

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went to the new Indian resturant friday night for my late birthday meal, hence my non apperance over the weekend, had food poisioning from them, still aint well, but  got bored in bed so up for ten mins, trying to find out how to report sick for work tommorrow, as i still cant keep anything in or down

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since being with Virgin half the programs wont work on my pc, I've even reloaded the disc for uploading photos but it still wont have it >:(

Virgin set up may have changed your internet settings.  Some ISP programs re-install IE and change the security settings to very tight.  Have a look at those first.

The other thing could be antivirus settings.  Did Virgin give you a virus checker/anti-spyware as part of the deal?  If so check the setting on that too.

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Photobucket.........45 mins and counting to upload 2 pictures and 2 videos ::)

I was trying to upload pictures myself and for some reson they kepy having an ad for a movie pop up and play thorugh and the darn thing slowed down my up-load speed. Only when im in a rush it seems to take it's time. Another thing that annoyed me is that I remembered that there is no mail tomorrow and I have  a silage blade that was suppose to be here tomorrow  >:( Well it will be here sooner than my toy order im placing tomorrow.  :D

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went to the new Indian resturant friday night for my late birthday meal, hence my non apperance over the weekend, had food poisioning from them, still aint well, but  got bored in bed so up for ten mins, trying to find out how to report sick for work tommorrow, as i still cant keep anything in or down

I know how you feel, I ended up with salmonella from eating improperly cooked meat hear at work, was bad for over a week.

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We got an electric bill this morning for over a thousand pounds for March to September.. :o... how can that possibly be justified.. ???.. I don't care how much the price of nutural resources has gone up.... that's just greed.... >:(

Robbing ba$tard utility companies  >:( >:(>:(

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Turning up for a job this morning which the plasterers where meant to start on Friday and work Saturday and finish yesterday got there no sign of the plasterers  >:( they haven't even turned up yet and no one bothered to tell me so i'm told them i'm still gonna book them a day got a little job to do after dinner  ::) ::):D :D :D

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We got an electric bill this morning for over a thousand pounds for March to September.. :o... how can that possibly be justified.. ???.. I don't care how much the price of nutural resources has gone up.... that's just greed.... >:(

Robbing ba$tard utility companies  >:( >:(>:(

Bl@#dy hell simon that is extortion we had ours for May to september and it was 150 quid are you supplying a small village off your supply??

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We got an electric bill this morning for over a thousand pounds for March to September.. :o... how can that possibly be justified.. ???.. I don't care how much the price of nutural resources has gone up.... that's just greed.... >:(

Robbing ba$tard utility companies  >:( >:(>:(

Ere Simon, sounds like your friendly pensioner buddy next door has tapped into your supply, you'd better go and check for hidden wires across the garden :D;)

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work rang today, didnt ask how i was, just would i be in tommorrow  as i was ment to be on a half day course, so they can cancle it and get the dosh back >:( >:( no you feeling ok ect, after 20 years and 2 times sick you would have thought a how are you mate would start the convo off

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