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What really annoyed you today

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Well yesterday when I got a ticket from postie saying postage underpaid on an A4 envelope they tried to deliver to me £ 1.57 to pay and £ 1 is the handling fee.

Left £2 in coins in a jar for the postie and phoned to get them to deliver. Mind you if I think what the envelope is I wont be so annoyed as I was last night. well i would becarefull bill as kia cars did it to me luckly my mate was behind the desk that day and did the right thing (binedit) ;D ;D  saved me £1.57 :P :P :P

Turned out to be the Dobies seed catalogue form the Royal Horticultural Society of Aberdeen Steve so wasn't too annoyed since I'll still be better off since you get around 55% discount which is a big big saving.

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My junior has gone off sick for two weeks with stress!!! >:(

I can't understand how when ive been working 10hr days plus weekends for the last 2 weeks and she only works 6 hours 5 days a week! Means now my work load has doubled and im suppose to have 3 days off next week, but that looks like its going to be down to 1..useless, don't know why my boss employed her >:(

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My 3yr old son has been to the hospital 3times this this week with a chest infection only to be let out every time after a couple if hour then admitted today with pneumonia.

My missus' friend went down with that over Christmas, she is only 26. You just don't expect it with healthy people in this day and age. I hope your nipper comes through it and no lasting damage is done.

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Seem a bit better tonight still on a drip for another night to get the fluids up and to get his kidneys working proper again. It all the other medicine for the fluid on his lungs.

Thats good news Ben that he seems a bit better, at least he is now recieving treatment for it before it got any worse. From personal experience I know how bad pneumonia can make you feel when you have it.

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Good news that he's on the mend, terrifies me that mine could get ill and I couldn't do anything for them....

And me? I had some bacon stuck in a tooth this morning which wouldn't come out, assumed I'd chipped my tooth.

Called in at home after brekky and took a toothpick to it and the whole ruddy filling came out leaving a big hole in a back tooth which felt pretty thin on the outside.... Anyway, I ate a crisp and the outside of the tooth broke off too, so now I have a sharp broken tooth scratching the inside of my cheek...  >:(

Fortunately, no pain.... yet....

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Good news that he's on the mend, terrifies me that mine could get ill and I couldn't do anything for them....

And me? I had some bacon stuck in a tooth this morning which wouldn't come out, assumed I'd chipped my tooth.

Called in at home after brekky and took a toothpick to it and the whole ruddy filling came out leaving a big hole in a back tooth which felt pretty thin on the outside.... Anyway, I ate a crisp and the outside of the tooth broke off too, so now I have a sharp broken tooth scratching the inside of my cheek...  >:(

Fortunately, no pain.... yet....

And your tongue keep find the broken tooth to annoy you even more
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The state of the roads in Aberdeen. When into town and over the ring road and out to Dyce this morning. The main road to the airport was not even ploughed at 5.15 am. It may be the oil capital of Europe but we have a shocking council. And no doubt this years Council will rise yat again >:(

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BRITISH GAS >:( >:(  yet another demand letter for eletricity when they know we're not with them and to top it off they rang up demanding payment, after telling them yet again we're not with you they go onto the gas bill (we're with BG for gas) sorry I'm not paying a gas bill that is dated for period June to December when we moved here in Septermber. The landlord took the meter reading when we moved and said he'd pay whats owed on the gas which he hasn't. BG atitude tough you've got to pay for the three months we wasn't even living here, so I've told them tough we're not paying for three months gas that we dont owe for and will be reporting them to trading standards >:( >:(

There should be a complaints procedure in place with BG Mark which you should be able to find on their website, the next step is the ombudsman... http://www.energy-ombudsman.org.uk/ Before you go through the BG complaints procedure it's worth speaking to them to get their advice... I went into something similar with BT via Otelo which is the Office of the Telecommunications Ombudsman... very helpful if a little slow once it gets underway....  :-\

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Inkjet printer - ignoring all attempts to 'head clean'  >:(

Go buy a new one - once an inkjet stop taking commands it is a sign it is about to fail totally which is what happened with mine.  First no head clean, awful print quality and then it just stopped working.  They are not expensive after all.

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everything today, if i was close to marky, i would jack my job in and do his lorry driving thing, at least i wouldnt be called a liar by my manager, and his assistant, and would get some respect for what i do, instead of being beaten by their big stick, in 23 years doing my job this is the first time i have actually really seriously considered leaving it, its got that bad

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