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Suddenly realising I put my name on a lease for a mate so he'd get small business rate relief, now realising that as the business can't afford to pay the rent and rates I'm liable for it personally, fork that, who needs enemies when you've got mates like that who don't tell you the whole story, guess I shouldn't have been so naive,  >:(  >:( things will have to be changed  ;)

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Suddenly realising I put my name on a lease for a mate so he'd get small business rate relief, now realising that as the business can't afford to pay the rent and rates I'm liable for it personally, fork that, who needs enemies when you've got mates like that who don't tell you the whole story, guess I shouldn't have been so naive,  >:(  >:( things will have to be changed  ;)

Oooooof!! That's a bit cheeky, I hope it works out for you better than it works out for your 'mate'.

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Oooooof!! That's a bit cheeky, I hope it works out for you better than it works out for your 'mate'.

Sorted thankyou Tris, once he realised that if I no longer have my name on the lease, and I relinqush the tenacy agreement then he won't a) have a business or B) have any where to store his parts, the tenacy agreement is being transfered to another person as we speak  ;):)

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Decided to re-install windows completely on my flaky desktop machine and it failed to complete and rebooted several times.  Now it is totally disconnected and about to go for recycling into cans, bottles, mobile phone cases, fleeces and anything else that needs plastic or metal.  It is certainly no good for anything else!

>:( >:(

Thank goodness I bought a new machine a few months ago  ;D ;D ;D ;D

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Getting a virus on my new laptop claiming to be from Strathclyde and the Metropolitan Police saying it has been locked due to illegal activities including bulk messaging of obscene and illegal material under UK law......it goes on to say if I give my card details and pay £100 it will be automatically unlocked. Anti Virus is working at the minute trying to remove it >:( >:(

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walked into the office(old store room we took over) where we sign on in the mornings, to find one of my so called work mates in the process of removing the lan splitter i bought from its mount on the wall, he went very red, and tried to carry on, however once i had pointed out it was my personal one, bought by me and not claimed back, in a aid to make our lifes easier in the mornings and not his lot in the room opposite, he proceeded to back down, have now grip fixed the thing to the wall, and informed my boss of his actions, the guys notorious for moving stuff as it suits him, and stuff anyone else it buggers up, seems despite numerous warnings not to do it, the 8 guys who use the room oposite still insist on removing their leads each morning, something that the sockets are not designed for, and have buggered all 8 they have up ,just one working, so he decided to try and steal ours, despite the fact we only have 2 sockets between 8, which is why i bought the splitter in the first place

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The staff (or lack of) at the factory I was delivering to in Bromborough, Liverpool. 45 minutes to tip is not a good result >:( . AND they pinched my clipboard :laugh: .

  And to top it all, getting the Sprinter stuck in mud when I got back home. My L200 was spinning on the sodden earth, so out with the bosses dumper and and a strop (I was in ::) )

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The gruesome twosome at work, the 6810 and 6910 >:(

The 6810 currently has no injector pump on it and the front left hub seal has given out while its been standing there depositing the hub oil all over the wheel and floor, this is after it just came back from the dealers having had the rear hitch rebuilt and another injector pump leak fixed. The 6910 crank seal gave out and the same time and as can be seen on here elsewwhere I've just done it, unfortunately as I was looking over it to check it was still dry this morning I noticed that the hub seal has now gone on that tractor as well so yet more work for me to do. Unfortunately unlike the 6810 where its the large easy to get at seal thats gone, on the 6910 both the large one and the small input shaft seal have gone so the whole swivel housing has to come off so while I'm at it I'll change all the bearings as it has 8000hrs on the clock...........getting to the point where we're saying what next although we know that the injector link pipes are leaking on the 6910 as well so guess that answers it >:(

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Diesel Particulate Filters! >:(

Pointless invention and a costly one at that!

Earlier this year the DPF failed on our Peugeot 307SW and together with cleaning the EGR valve it ate a big hole in our monthly budget  :-[ , and ofcourse the budget for models and brochures  :( :( :( .

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our child minder has had to give us and the rest notice as she has had to stop >:( >:(>:( >:(

so cant find anyone to look after Harry or the new one when she is born in February and old enough is September yet :'( :'( :'(

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The gruesome twosome at work, the 6810 and 6910 >:(

The 6810 currently has no injector pump on it and the front left hub seal has given out while its been standing there depositing the hub oil all over the wheel and floor, this is after it just came back from the dealers having had the rear hitch rebuilt and another injector pump leak fixed. The 6910 crank seal gave out and the same time and as can be seen on here elsewwhere I've just done it, unfortunately as I was looking over it to check it was still dry this morning I noticed that the hub seal has now gone on that tractor as well so yet more work for me to do. Unfortunately unlike the 6810 where its the large easy to get at seal thats gone, on the 6910 both the large one and the small input shaft seal have gone so the whole swivel housing has to come off so while I'm at it I'll change all the bearings as it has 8000hrs on the clock...........getting to the point where we're saying what next although we know that the injector link pipes are leaking on the 6910 as well so guess that answers it >:(

Suppose thats the trouble with running higher houred kit least there the reliable deere's gav so just age related not because there poorly built! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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