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What really annoyed you today

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What really annoyed me was going into my shed and finding something has smashed part of my barn to pieces :'(

But hey all i can do is salvage whats ok and rebuild the rest :-[

At least the dutch barn roof survived    So it aint all bad :-\

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>:( Rescheduled an appointment for today because I was told my office furniture was being delivered either today or tomorrow.  So I cleared the office except for the one desk I am working on and got everything ready.  Mid after-noon I get a telephone call - they are delivering on Tuesday!  Tuesday I shall be up to my ears in support calls with two computers working, two telephones ringing and no way can I disconnect everything.

I am well cheesed off!  >:( >:(>:(

Good news is they are making me the VERY FIRST DELIVERY.    ???

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>:( Rescheduled an appointment for today because I was told my office furniture was being delivered either today or tomorrow.  So I cleared the office except for the one desk I am working on and got everything ready.  Mid after-noon I get a telephone call - they are delivering on Tuesday!  Tuesday I shall be up to my ears in support calls with two computers working, two telephones ringing and no way can I disconnect everything.

I am well cheesed off!  >:( >:(>:(

Good news is they are making me the VERY FIRST DELIVERY.    ???

Oh goodness Susan... think you're entitled to be very cross indeed... in fact I'm cross for you >:(

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Oh goodness Susan... think you're entitled to be very cross indeed... in fact I'm cross for you >:(

Thank you for your crossness, Mandy

I was extremely cross and then to crown it all my appointment for Wednesday was also rescheduled so I could have asked them to deliver Wed.  Never mind my best beloved colleagues have come up trumps and are taking over support on Tuesday and I will take over second line support on Wednesday which will give me Friday free to go to the Wednesday appointment.

Confused?  I have only once got my diary dates mixed up. (so far)

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Oh goodness Susan... think you're entitled to be very cross indeed... in fact I'm cross for you >:(

Me too... I am savage about the whole debarcle for you.... Dash jolly bad show that - the blighters had better turn up on Tuesday in a timely fashion - just you let me know if they don't - they get a piece of my mind and I can be jolly horrid when one puts ones mind to it  >:(

Now don't you go and get all uppity with my Marky, Pops... you know how sensitive he is >:(  ;):-*

What have I done now you silly old git  ???

Pwwwttthhhhhh  :P

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Me too... I am savage about the whole debarcle for you.... Dash jolly bad show that - the blighters had better turn up on Tuesday in a timely fashion - just you let me know if they don't - they get a piece of my mind and I can be jolly horrid when one puts ones mind to it  >:(

See Marky... I knew those elocution lessons I've giving you would work eventually  :-*:-* :-*:-* :-*

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