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What really annoyed you today

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yesterday for me, those horrible things called caravans, why the hell cant we have a rule that says they shouldnt be on the road till after 6pm and off again by 6am, the dam drivers cant drive for **** got stuck in an almighty jam yesterday because one wouldnt go any where near the bank on the road to dartmouth, instead forcing a tractor and bale trailer(empty fortunatly for the driver) to reverse against the traffic he had behind him, he was not impressed, to say the least,the caravan guy only had to use some of the 4ft he had between him and the bank and the tractor would have breezed past , seen two artics get through the same space in the past ok, caravaners of the world, blow up thats all i can say, top gear dont destroy enough of ya in my eyes,dam hemmits >:( >:(>:(:D :D :D :D

you should all be made to take a proper driving test to use those things,like lorry drivers and tractor drivers  ,would stop 99% of the things then, most of ya couldnt pass on a race track could ya

I have a good way of dealing with drivers that won't pull over for me, it's a finally honed practice from 5 years of driving a combine on the road. I keep a flask or a bottle of drink down beside the seat (along with some sort of iron bar/spanner/hammer just in case it turns nasty) and when they wont go backwards I knock it into neutral pour myself a drink and just sit there until they decide that they will move, works a treat everytime, it has also been known for me to keep edging the combine forward as it was hydrostatic until it's inches off their bonnet ;D::) there is just no way that I would attempt to back a machine that size towing the header on a road, it isn't safe to do so as there is no way of warning any following traffic what I'm about to do and even with a reversing camera it's hard to see what the header is doing :-\

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yesterday for me, those horrible things called caravans, why the hell cant we have a rule that says they shouldnt be on the road till after 6pm and off again by 6am, the dam drivers cant drive for **** got stuck in an almighty jam yesterday because one wouldnt go any where near the bank on the road to dartmouth, instead forcing a tractor and bale trailer(empty fortunatly for the driver) to reverse against the traffic he had behind him, he was not impressed, to say the least,the caravan guy only had to use some of the 4ft he had between him and the bank and the tractor would have breezed past , seen two artics get through the same space in the past ok, caravaners of the world, blow up thats all i can say, top gear dont destroy enough of ya in my eyes,dam hemmits >:( >:(>:(:D :D :D :D

you should all be made to take a proper driving test to use those things,like lorry drivers and tractor drivers  ,would stop 99% of the things then, most of ya couldnt pass on a race track could ya

Don't even go there..... caravans.... grrrr >:(

Travelling back on the A30 yesterday, one pulled out to pass a tractor and trailer just as I was about to pass it at 70mph (well near enough anyway :-[) - I had to slam on the brakes as the thing slew out into the road.... I was sooooooo angry >:(

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a muppet at a carboot sale trying to tell me what britains and siku models are worth, he soon shut up when I told him what they was realy worth ;D

when ever i go to carboot sales there is never any farm models  :(

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when ever i go to carboot sales there is never any farm models  :(

normanly not very many britains around this way just the plastic newray tractors, was just at the right place at the right time ;) normanly get britains bargins at Hemswell carboot with I goto once a month (next week I'm going there) The muppet wanted ?5 a britains blue 3 furrow revesible plough because it has 1974 on it he thought it was made then until I pointed out it was a way later one and the early ones was green ;D

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I have a good way of dealing with drivers that won't pull over for me, it's a finally honed practice from 5 years of driving a combine on the road. I keep a flask or a bottle of drink down beside the seat (along with some sort of iron bar/spanner/hammer just in case it turns nasty) and when they wont go backwards I knock it into neutral pour myself a drink and just sit there until they decide that they will move, works a treat everytime, it has also been known for me to keep edging the combine forward as it was hydrostatic until it's inches off their bonnet ;D::) there is just no way that I would attempt to back a machine that size towing the header on a road, it isn't safe to do so as there is no way of warning any following traffic what I'm about to do and even with a reversing camera it's hard to see what the header is doing :-\

have done that in my van before gav, much to the guys amazement,

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have done that in my van before gav, much to the guys amazement,

Even if the traffic behind knew what you were doing it is a good chance none of them would think of backing up anyway.  I have lost track of the number of times I have put my car into reverse ('cos the car in front needs to come back) but those behind me do not attampt to move until I lean out the window and wave them back or actually start reversing IF there is space to do so.  Even then some take convincing to let go of the piece of road they have conquered.

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i had a trourist reveres back one time in a lovley sawn nect formation, ,male to, decided to reverese into the gate way about 100m behind him ,took 5 mins to do, and when he finally reached the gate he went smack bang into the granite post  :D :D :D :D had the nerve to blame me for it, despite i was coming down hill with 3 cars behind me, and no where to go ,which i had pointed out to him when he iniatily refused to move

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A smoke alarm going off when there was no smoke.

In the bathroom, put the Whirlpool bath cleaner in the bath and proceeded to dry myself off.  Opened the window, opened the door 'cos it is a bit fumey and off goes the smoke alarm.

All 5' 2" of Me, in the altogether, on a chair, on the landing, in front of the window trying to pull the flaming battery out.

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A smoke alarm going off when there was no smoke.

In the bathroom, put the Whirlpool bath cleaner in the bath and proceeded to dry myself off.  Opened the window, opened the door 'cos it is a bit fumey and off goes the smoke alarm.

All 5' 2" of Me, in the altogether, on a chair, on the landing, in front of the window trying to pull the flaming battery out.

:D :D :D :D - I hope the window cleaner doesn't work on a Bank Holiday Monday Susan  :o
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Teach you smoke in the bath Susan ;)

I wasn't!!!  It was the chlorine fumes from the bath cleaner!




Cross my Heart!

Good NEWS  ;D  ;D  :D  My office furniture arrived at 8:50 this morning.  Assembled and men were out of the door before 11:00.  I have just wound up the computer having re-assembled all the wires, plugs, cables, jacks and sorted out the tangle.  Then No Internet - think my phone jacks had been tugged a bit.  Never mind I am here now.  All I now have to do is empty the dining room, connect all the other peripherals, get the stuff out of the drawers of the old desk and into the new, remove the drawers to the hobby house (where the old desks have now gone), Put all the stuff into the new bookcase/cupboard, have some lunch, vacuum the floors, tidy up and start to do some work - well tomorrow I will start to do some work.

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Couple days ago but aint had day off to be on here really :D :D Having to reverse for nearly half a mile down a road to a passing bit all because a bloke towing a tiddly carvan literally the size of small ifor williams trailer wudnt reverse 20ft i sat there for 5-10 mins no movement in end i knew was needed by combine so reversed fully loaded up hill was fun :D>:( >:(

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