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What really annoyed you today

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It's in the school rules your hair has to be natural colour and of a normal styling, my hair breaks both of those but it's not noticeable and by far not the worst at all at our school, but if i don't get it cut i'll be externely suspended until it's cut and my hairs not long enough to be cut with the highlights not showing without going under the rules of hair being too short, so im stuffed really   :-\

I bet you were bloody annoyed Nick - this just sounds like a typical little Hitler out on a power trip.  I am sure there are girls in the school who also have highlights in their hair, and I bet they haven't been ordered to have bits cut out of theirs, and besides all that, as the others have said, hows it affecting your work?

Sounds like a violation of Human rights to me - tell the git we'll see him in Strasbourg!

On second thoughts, perhaps you'd better not tell him that, I don't want to get you into any more trouble!

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Right... no flipping way... I am going to HAVE to intervene here Nick...

Follow my instructions to the letter please...


Sneak into the staffroom an pop one full pack of laxative in his tea...


locate the Staff toilet the wan twit uses


Carefully stretch cling film over said toilet... close the poo poo lid.... STEP FOUR

Step back and enjoy the show  ;D

i did that to my mothers toillet mate, was great fun as she went racing up to the bog as she got home in need of a pee pee :D :D :D :D

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i did that to my mothers toillet mate, was great fun as she went racing up to the bog as she got home in need of a pee pee :D :D :D :D

Done this few times myself too, it always seems to be more successful if you remove the lightbulb in the toilet too so they don't see the clingfilm.  ;)

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thats a good idea mate, i do know of a guy at work that inadvertantly super glued him self to the seat to, lined one up as a prank, wandered of to await the persons regular 4  pm visit, and got caught him self 10 mins later rushed in and sat you know where, was very emabrrasing for him it must be saids

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me cutting the front verge beside the road (that i voulenterely cut) on my ride on. all was going well until **BANG**. i ran over a clear plastic bottle, bet you think i wasnt looking but i was! because it was at the edge of the rough grass and it was in the rough grass bit, so it slightly caught the bottle. and when it burst water or liquid (i really hope it wasnt urine) srayed over the road. it scared the sh life out of me! i bet you it was some ar$eh0le towny. they realy have no respect for the countryside! no to mention the dogs crap i went over on the verge! very angry >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( grrrrrrrrr

oh and i checked underneath the deck it looks allright, but it seriously couldnt have been good for it!!

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me cutting the front verge beside the road (that i voulenterely cut) on my ride on. all was going well until **BANG**. i ran over a clear plastic bottle, bet you think i wasnt looking but i was! because it was at the edge of the rough grass and it was in the rough grass bit, so it slightly caught the bottle. and when it burst water or liquid (i really hope it wasnt urine) srayed over the road. it scared the sh life out of me! i bet you it was some ar$eh0le towny. they realy have no respect for the countryside! no to mention the dogs crap i went over on the verge! very angry >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( grrrrrrrrr

oh and i checked underneath the deck it looks allright, but it seriously couldnt have been good for it!!

Yup - I walk my dogs (plastic bags in my pocket) and pick up not only plastic but glass bottles off the verge.  There is also the half-eaten fish & chips, burger takeaways etc all thrown out of the car window having stopped for a "picnic".  I get crisp bags under my hedge and cigarette packets tucked into it!

You have my sympathy

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What annoyed me today  ???

My car going..... click click click Wooooo Woooooo when I turned the key this morning.... and then waiting 2.5 hours for Mr Subaru assistance to fit me a new battery..... 30k miles and 2 years... that's not good for a battery is it really  :-\ >:(

Don't tell me.... they found an owl under your bonnet :D

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Mrs BGU coming back from the car boot sale this morning with smoke coming out from the bonnet of our Zafira. Then realising it is because I overfiled it with oil yesterday. Now have oil spots all over the concrete drive! :-[:-[ :-[:-[ >:( >:(>:(

Hope it just burns off?

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Mrs BGU coming back from the car boot sale this morning with smoke coming out from the bonnet of our Zafira. Then realising it is because I overfiled it with oil yesterday. Now have oil spots all over the concrete drive! :-[:-[ :-[:-[ >:( >:(>:(

Hope it just burns off?

happened us with a visiter few years back but only this was a lot more than a few spots! i think we got the power washer then bushed soap into it then washed it off, try that

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Not worried about the drive really- more about the car it's still smoking!!! :D :D

Kev... drain it off mate... too much oil pressure will blow a few seals if you are not careful... it's as dangerous to be overfilled as it is underfilled mate really  :o :o

Go to Halfords and get a drainer..... or let some out of the drain bung mate

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for me, got a dodgy antivirus program decide to install itself on my PC friday night when some pop ups didnt get blocked....i hit the wrong button!, couldnt get rid of it via various websites so thought sod it i'll re-format the hard drive....in a way the dodgy program made me do what i should have done a few months back when my PC used to restart a few times after i booted it up.....much better now!!!

running smooth now and clear of crap!! ;D ;D ;D

its actually advisable if you use your PC daily to do a system restore/destructive restore every 6+ months and once a year if you use your PC occasionally.....it clears out all the crap form installed programs etc. that get left behind!

only downside is you have to re-install everything! :D :D :D

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Kev... drain it off mate... too much oil pressure will blow a few seals if you are not careful... it's as dangerous to be overfilled as it is underfilled mate really  :o :o

Go to Halfords and get a drainer..... or let some out of the drain bung mate

It get worse!!! My neighbour is a Mechanic and he says it's because I left the filler cap off and it's now missing. Dosen't think any damage has been done, but I can't get a filler cap anywhere. Vauxhall dealers tomorrow!! :-[

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It get worse!!! My neighbour is a Mechanic and he says it's because I left the filler cap off and it's now missing. Dosen't think any damage has been done, but I can't get a filler cap anywhere. Vauxhall dealers tomorrow!! :-[

Most garages sell those "one size fits all" caps Kev... try one of those as a temporary measure.... I'd still drain the excess off if it was my engine  :-\
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