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What really annoyed you today

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not aloud to eat or drink because their testing for diabetes an I've got a dodgy liver  ;) if I was a tractor I would be a MF (falling apart and not running right) ;D

If you were a tractor BP you would be a Ford.... if you were an MF you would be David Beckham... on Linford Christie perhaps  :-\ ;D:D :D
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If you were a tractor BP you would be a Ford.... if you were an MF you would be David Beckham... on Linford Christie perhaps  :-\ ;D:D :D

WOT why would I want to be a has been (linford christie) or an over rated p##k, so if they stand for what MF's are then it would be out dated and over rated  :D;D::):D

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Betty >:(

I've only had her a couple of weeks and just checked the oil before I set off this morning.... completely bone dry....

.... would've thought the gararge would've checked the oil before I bought her for goodness sake... and she's not leaking - so I wonder how long she's been like that >:( >:(>:( (and yes I shouldn't have taken it for granted that it had been checked either >:()

And someone pointed out (BM Louise actually)... that Betty Ford is a rehab clinic >:()

(Actually that made me laugh ;D)

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Betty >:(

I've only had her a couple of weeks and just checked the oil before I set off this morning.... completely bone dry....

.... would've thought the gararge would've checked the oil before I bought her for goodness sake... and she's not leaking - so I wonder how long she's been like that >:( >:(>:( (and yes I shouldn't have taken it for granted that it had been checked either >:()

And someone pointed out (BM Louise actually)... that Betty Ford is a rehab clinic >:()

(Actually that made me laugh ;D)

Could have been nasty.  A friend of mine bought a BRAND NEW mini.  Drove it away from the garage, went about 3 miles and it stopped dead.  No water and no oil and the engine seized completely.  Garage wanted to repair it, she said NO, went over their heads and had another car built and delivered.

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The delivery driver from tnt dropping a package from waist height onto the van floor because he was too lazy to bend down!! >:(

The box was covered in tape marked fragile, when i asked him if he could read the abuse started, it's amazing how long it took me to sigin for it when all he wanted to do was go home ;D ;D ;D. Before signing for it i wrote a detailed account of how my parcle was treated on his form.... the pen was snatched out of my hand and he stomped off.

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The delivery driver from tnt dropping a package from waist height onto the van floor because he was too lazy to bend down!! >:(

The box was covered in tape marked fragile, when i asked him if he could read the abuse started, it's amazing how long it took me to sigin for it when all he wanted to do was go home ;D ;D ;D. Before signing for it i wrote a detailed account of how my parcle was treated on his form.... the pen was snatched out of my hand and he stomped off.

your just right boy, give em stick back 8)

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your just right boy, give em stick back 8)

Had a loft ladder delivered and left outside while I was out therefore no signature and no check.  Then had a fight with the supplier because the back board had been smashed by a forklift tine poked through the box.  I did get another eventually. 

Not TNT I hasten to add.

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Had a loft ladder delivered and left outside while I was out therefore no signature and no check.  Then had a fight with the supplier because the back board had been smashed by a forklift tine poked through the box.  I did get another eventually. 

Not TNT I hasten to add.

way to go susan give him hell, i hate guys like that how cant be bothered to do something as simple as handel a parcel with care, especially when its marked fragile, hope hes gets a good going over from his boss

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My husband - telling me yesterday what a long way is is to Spalding, not worth it etc. etc.  Then this morning at 7:30 (I overslept) bringing up coffee and saying "Are you going?"  A bit late to get up, dressed and think about a 3 hour drive as I would have got up a great deal earlier. My normal wake up time is around 5:30

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In order to make up he took me down to Exbury for the Steam Weekend.  Wonderful, 2 Massey 135's - one in showroom condition - 4 Fergies in various states of repair or not and I had my camera on the wrong setting so the pics are out of focus. :'( :'(

Then THAT smoke alarm goes off again when I opened the bathroom door having had a relaxing bath...... >:(

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I was told by my Mum that i should play rugby today because it's an important match instead of playing rugby, however as soon as i got there i was told that i was playing because i was too big, the other team had brought the wrong age group.

Training was pants  >:( Wasn't entitled to a free match hot dog  >:( Then had to sit in hospital all afternoon with my aunty  :-\

Bit gutted, buts thats life eh  :-\

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Oh grief... think my days with FTF are numbered :'( :'( :'(

Andy will never forgive me... one simple task and I messed up ...

.... I volunteered to put the winning raffle ticket numbers on here when I got home last night... and I am really, really, really sorry, Andy but I couldn't find the piece of paper you gave me with the results on it.

I am truly mega sorry guys, and can find no excuse - expect maybe all the excitement of meeting you all got to me  :-[

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Actually... annoyed is quite a strong word and i don't really get annoyed very often... but as you don't have a moderately or tiniest bit cross section this wil have to do:

Rode my Dad's horsey... and it rained persistently... and I got soaked through. >:(

No-one told me it rained in Somerset >:(

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Actually... annoyed is quite a strong word and i don't really get annoyed very often... but as you don't have a moderately or tiniest bit cross section this wil have to do:

Rode my Dad's horsey... and it rained persistently... and I got soaked through. >:(

No-one told me it rained in Somerset >:(

Oh Mandy - apples don't get juicy without rain and Somerset is the CIDER County.

Think on it this way - moisture is extremely good for the skin!

:D :D ;D ;D :D;D

It is POURING in Hatherden

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the flipin rain  >:( >:(>:( :'( :'( and only a week to emtpy the slurry tanks

This week and the 1st week of the "allowed to spread season" the country will be blackened, NO MATTER THE WEATHER the goverment do not see this but they will, the ban is a farce, the rivers will be fuged this week and the 1st in spring rather than being spread out over the winter

there will be tankers tracks in many fields this week no matter if fields are swimminng or not!

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