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rite what you need to get tm is a bulmers glass so, its what magners is called here....... think about it ud be the envy of all your friends ill see what i can do for you in turn you can send me on a trailer for free ;)

i used drink that too but its not the best for the teeth and boy god if you get a hang over from it it can be rough

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It would abit hard to sod off with a glass from the pub unless your wife put it in her bag I would have thought.

na easy,the trick is to buy several in a short time,then loose one as you finish,usually in her shopping bag/handbag,then they loose cout as the collect,easy really

rite what you need to get tm is a bulmers glass so, its what magners is called here....... think about it ud be the envy of all your friends ill see what i can do for you in turn you can send me on a trailer for free ;)

i used drink that too but its not the best for the teeth and boy god if you get a hang over from it it can be rough

not got a hangover from it yet,but it can be hellish on another end the folowing day,cleared the office yesterday after 2 pints the night before,, ::) ::) if theres a galss going i will have one,but may be coming over to dublin soon anyway,so can aquire one there

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some snotty 17 year old insisting that my wireless router was fine it was my broadband connection thats faulty,,until i showed him my id card and assured him that the broadband worked perfect on the voyger router >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(

nearly an hour wasted down there,

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came very close,shouldn't use the id card for things like that,but the dam thing has been wrong  for a week now,would lose the signal even when the pc wasn't on,the old one didn't,wouldn't have been back there without checking everything first,,had a job not calling him zitty to,little geek

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