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What really annoyed you today

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That doesn't sound like you Matty, I can't imagine you ever arguing with anyone ::);D:D :D ;)

Several of my mates started smoking at that age, some have given up, others who said they would give up easily after GCSE's have never been able to. I don't know what its like where everyone else is but around here it seems more and more girls are taking the habit up and I have seen kids (lets face it that they are) as young as 12 smoking in town. If they'd seen someone die of cancer it would be enough to put them off I would imagine

Wish it were true my dad saw his grandad die of lung cancer through smoking. My dad has told my nanna it was the worst day of his life yet he still smokes.  ??? ??? ???:(:-[

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Two things, the head gasket went on tamsins car....bad.....but worse I brought 2 Britains models from Vectis auctions a 1976 unimog and a 1978 deutz 110 both in mint boxes they sent them via parceline tried to deliver them while I was at work on Wednsday then rather than trying to re deliver the next day they put a note in the post box to say they had left the parcel in the BIN ??? ??? and guess what.... yes they were emptied before I got home.

I am open mouthed with amazement not to mention ?100 down, with nothing to show for it :-\ :-\

And its raining!

Ahhhhh deep breath, rant over, do I feel better, possibly ;)

I have sent things sold on ebay recently that have been misplaced. If you go to the royal mail and get a claim form should recieve comp. Takes weeks though ???>:(???:(

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The f***ing bin?!!!!!! I'd be flipping fuming at that. What an absolute t***pot of a delivery person. Seriously, that beggars belief anyone could be such an idiot. I dare say they arn't at the tip either and will show up on ebay somewhen soon!!

Mental, that's really got my goat that has.  >:(

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well if any one has a manitou you know the the strap at the bottom of the door to only let it swing so far i jumped out of the manitou today and never shut the door right and the wind took the door and put that strap in bits  :(

but least the door opens further now  :D

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Two things, the head gasket went on tamsins car....bad.....but worse I brought 2 Britains models from Vectis auctions a 1976 unimog and a 1978 deutz 110 both in mint boxes they sent them via parceline tried to deliver them while I was at work on Wednsday then rather than trying to re deliver the next day they put a note in the post box to say they had left the parcel in the BIN ??? ??? and guess what.... yes they were emptied before I got home.

I am open mouthed with amazement not to mention ?100 down, with nothing to show for it :-\ :-\

And its raining!

Ahhhhh deep breath, rant over, do I feel better, possibly ;)

That's absolutely unbelievable - you must be able to claim from Parceline cos that's just sheer stupidity and incompetence... as Tris said, I'd be absolutel furious >:(

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that driver must be a total idiot :o>:(, you should put him in the bin the next he trys to deliver something. i thought parcelforce were bad but they must be worse.

what annoyed me, i was just over at the farm to find the bales of straw in the dutch barn have been blowen in by the strong winds in the bales are lying on top of the baler, one of the hedge trimmers and the hay turner, just hope theres no damage >:( >:(>:(

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that driver must be a total idiot :o>:(, you should put him in the bin the next he trys to deliver something. i thought parcelforce were bad but they must be worse.

what annoyed me, i was just over at the farm to find the bales of straw in the dutch barn have been blowen in by the strong winds in the bales are lying on top of the baler, one of the hedge trimmers and the hay turner, just hope theres no damage >:( >:(>:(

i whent in to aberdeen today and the sea looked well chopey
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that driver must be a total idiot :o>:(, you should put him in the bin the next he trys to deliver something. i thought parcelforce were bad but they must be worse.

what annoyed me, i was just over at the farm to find the bales of straw in the dutch barn have been blowen in by the strong winds in the bales are lying on top of the baler, one of the hedge trimmers and the hay turner, just hope theres no damage >:( >:(>:(

unlucky hope everything is ok

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.....but worse I brought 2 Britains models from Vectis auctions a 1976 unimog and a 1978 deutz 110 both in mint boxes they sent them via parceline tried to deliver them while I was at work on Wednsday then rather than trying to re deliver the next day they put a note in the post box to say they had left the parcel in the BIN ??? ??? and guess what.... yes they were emptied before I got home.

I am open mouthed with amazement not to mention ?100 down, with nothing to show for it :-\ :-\


I would be in tears if it was my parcel that was binned.

Claim against them.  First tell Vectis - there should be some form of insurance within the shipping charges and Vectis need to know in any case as Parceline are their chosen carriers.  They may even instigate the claim. 

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. . . . the time of day! It was 3am when I went to bed. . . . Sozzled. I'm only up coz my mate had to go to the builders merchants the git. Im sat herd with stinging eyes in need of orange Lucozade. (other orange flavoured energy drnks are available) ;)

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Fact i woke an hour ago on my day off so was bored and decided to come here but real reason was other day yesterday i think someone had reported my bebo for inapproriate images so in due course it got deleted but the thing is i only had pics of me and work on there and i know im not exactly good looking but still thats harsh so got new email address while I was at start a fresh :D :D

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That we have no snow!!!1 got the capri 2.8 out of moth balls yesterday to spend the morning going sideway down country lanes 8) 8) oh well just take her for a mild spin ;D ;D

Which one of the professionals are you Bodie or Doyle :D :D :D :D

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. . . . the time of day! It was 3am when I went to bed. . . . Sozzled. I'm only up coz my mate had to go to the builders merchants the git. Im sat herd with stinging eyes in need of orange Lucozade. (other orange flavoured energy drnks are available) ;)

Nothing today, had such a good night on the razz last night, woke up this morning with NO hangover, going by how much I drank I thought i'd have a headache for a week! Now off to do something constructive with some models.

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I have actually turned down a date with a girl because she smoked, I can't stand it, it's like snogging an ash tray >:(

I lost my Dad to cancer when I was 17, my sister was only 16. He was diagnosed with bowel cancer in autumn 1997, the treatment didn't work and was stopped just after Christmas that year, the cancer was too far advanced. He was given 12-18 months but died in May 1998, he'd smoked since he was 12-13 but no one knows if it was that that caused it, the pesticides of the 60's and 70's when he was farming or just in the genes. His sister has since died of the same thing. It's certainly enough to put anyone off the habit seeing someone suffer like that

sorry to here that gav very sad

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