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Sod you Gav i'm the best sparky come tractor driver in my area  :P :P

Well i tried everything and took it to a old framer boy who is a wiss on tractor's a real knowledgeable bloke and he had the same problems on his JD 2040 but he overcome it by putting the return back into the oil inlet so he tried some stuff and we still couldn't get in working phoned up a ex JD engineer and he was fresh out of ideas so i gave up and swapped it  :'( :'( :'(

Thats how mine is piped Simon (returns straight into the backend)... either way (closed or open circuit) you should be able to get it sorted... you can make your own 'open circuit' by putting a large return straight into the back end anyhow... just lock your spool in 'out' and you'll have a circuit running in 'constant pumping' - then the spool on the splitter will just 'divert' the flow to the ram when you hit it  :-\
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Sod you Gav i'm the best sparky come tractor driver in my area  :P :P

Well i tried everything and took it to a old framer boy who is a wiss on tractor's a real knowledgeable bloke and he had the same problems on his JD 2040 but he overcome it by putting the return back into the oil inlet so he tried some stuff and we still couldn't get in working phoned up a ex JD engineer and he was fresh out of ideas so i gave up and swapped it  :'( :'( :'(

We had a similar problem with a Post Driver we borrowed.

It wouldn't work on the Fiat 160-90, so we put it on the Fiat 88-84 and hey presto it worked.

Its something to do with the return flow as someone else metioned.

Sorry i can't pin point the problem  :-\

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It does all seem a little odd but i'm not to brotherd about it apart from the stick on here and in church  :D :D :D  it was tipping a 16 ton dump tralier last week with ease  :-\ :-\ ::)

get the return piped straight into the back end mate - that will cure it
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Bit upset rather than annoyed. Got two emails from customers cos my shipping's been a bit slow this week.... just struggling to turn stuff around in 48 hours now with my other work committments... bad feedback on it's way I reckon :'( :'( :'(

I shouldnt think so, they are a bit silly if they leave bad feedback , i dont always post my stuff in 48hours at all. I think they are being unfair if they do  ;):)

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Bit upset rather than annoyed. Got two emails from customers cos my shipping's been a bit slow this week.... just struggling to turn stuff around in 48 hours now with my other work committments... bad feedback on it's way I reckon :'( :'( :'(

maybe a little disclaimer on the site Mandy saying ' items will be posted within 7 days of payment or on certain days, gives you some more time then!'....or something? :-\ :-\ ???, i notice it on stuff i buy on eBay etc., but i dont hassle the sellers anyway so whats wrong with people!,  >:( >:(

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Having to admit to defeat that the log spiltter wouldn't work on my JD and swapping it round for a mf 690  >:( >:(>:(::) ::)::)

Scooze me pokin' me nose in. Many moons ago; when I worked for Sussex Tractors, we had problems fitting Bomford hedge cutters to John Deeres because the hydraulics on Fords were open centre and John Deeres were Closed. We had to change the end plates on the spool valve on the hedge cutter to one suited to closed centre hydraulics as they just wouldn't work with a normal one. I think it is because if a JD doesn't have some resistance in the flow; the hydraulics wont pump. The difference being that open centre pumps all the time, whereas JD's pumps only work on "Demand", and if it can't sense a hydraulic requirement, the pump wont work, or only works slowly. Trailer tip pipes work ok because there is an immediate load on the hydraulic system, which keeps the pump working.

    Hope that is of some help.  :)

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maybe a little disclaimer on the site Mandy saying ' items will be posted within 7 days of payment or on certain days, gives you some more time then!'....or something? :-\ :-\ ???, i notice it on stuff i buy on eBay etc., but i dont hassle the sellers anyway so whats wrong with people!,  >:( >:(

Just what I was about to write.  I bought something of ebay the other week and there was a large notice on the item saying "It will be approx 7 days before despatch due to work commitments"  so I was happy to wait.  I did get a message immediately on payment saying the same thing (along with thanks for the prompt payment, etc.)  A lot of ebay sellers do not promise immediate despatch

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Bit upset rather than annoyed. Got two emails from customers cos my shipping's been a bit slow this week.... just struggling to turn stuff around in 48 hours now with my other work committments... bad feedback on it's way I reckon :'( :'( :'(

I bought and paid for a new model on 13th May and I have just had an email saying that it will be posted next Wednesday (28th) and it should be with me for Thursday or Friday  :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ Now that is a long delay, 48hours... yes please....... more than reasonable


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Just email the buyers Mandy, put them in the know. I bought a Fendt Baler set about three weeks ago, nothing here yet. Emailed him after one week and he told me he had forgotten all about it. Emailed again this week, no response as yet. :(

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Just email the buyers Mandy, put them in the know. I bought a Fendt Baler set about three weeks ago, nothing here yet. Emailed him after one week and he told me he had forgotten all about it. Emailed again this week, no response as yet. :(

I did email them saying there would be a delay, but actually one has emailed me backt his morning saying he understands and will leave good feedback - so that's made me feel better.

I will change my turnaround time to 7 days though - that's a good idea.

What else annoyed me... just moving a model tractor from a shelf and hit my funnybone on the door handle... mega ouch :'(

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Something annoyed me yesterday.

I turned my phone off before I went to sleep on Friday night, then woke up at about 11, turned it on, 2 missed calls from work, I ring them up and my boss says they needed help hauling trailers, but got enough peole now so not to worry.

Turns out the whole team turn up in the fields right outside my house  ::)

Just wanted to be out there myself with them!

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Well having had the job i had in dorset fall through due to the so called mate not turning up to take me to new employer for meeting so he's given it to someone else but that was few weeks back now so got over it.  But been looking round here and local conny said would need me come september to take over from one tempory drivers so was excited about that but now thats fallen through due to tempory driver is now staying :D :D

So if anyone needs someone come september when i loose my current job please let me know or can help will move anywere in country but would prefer south from essex down to cornwall :D :D  Have experience on large kit doing range arable jobs competant on most modern tillage kit on tractors from 120-300hp done range haulage jobs and some silage but always up for learning ;D ;D  so in simple terms help will always be appreciated  :D :D

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Car insurance price comparison websites. They're all crap and don't save you any time or money. Phonecall to the local broker in the good old dyas was far more effective.

But with motorists being public enemy No1 these days you can't risk driving without insurance til Tuesday  ::)

Still legal now .... [see what pleased you topic!]

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