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What really annoyed you today

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I am really annoyed today as i'm at uni but my classes are all really far apart!  >:( >:(

had a class from 11 - 12 noon and my next class is from 3 - 5 pm!  then i'll have to drive through rush hour traffic to get home so it will probably take me around an hour and a half to get home!

to top it all off i've got a stinking cold - if i was a man it would definitely be classed as man flu!  ;D

Hopefully toyboy will have made the tea by the time i get home though - give me one less thing to complain about!  ;)

I used to have the same problem at University in 1st year. A 9-10 lecture daily and a 4-5 one 3 days of the week. Look on the bright side toygirl it gives you time to study at uni instead of home time ;D

Man flu is a terrible thing don't knock it... it can be a killer for the male race ;D

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I used to have the same problem at University in 1st year. A 9-10 lecture daily and a 4-5 one 3 days of the week. Look on the bright side toygirl it gives you time to study at uni instead of home time ;D

Man flu is a terrible thing don't knock it... it can be a killer for the male race ;D

I know it is fine to have time to study so i can spend time with the hubby when i get home.. especially since i am staying with my sister a couple of nights a week to save on fuel/travelling etc and i am missing him!  ::):-*;D;)

although seem to have finished all my studying and found myself on here instead!  ;D:D

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Jetlag  >:(  >:(

Flew into London Heathrow this morning from JFK and had to wait 5 hours for connecting flight to Dublin, needless to say i passed out on a few seats. am well tired and getting cranky, though i had a great holiday in New York, managed to get upgraded to Business class going over with BA and the World Traveller Plus coming home  :)

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I know it is fine to have time to study so i can spend time with the hubby when i get home.. especially since i am staying with my sister a couple of nights a week to save on fuel/travelling etc and i am missing him!  ::):-*;D;)

although seem to have finished all my studying and found myself on here instead!  ;D:D

No one is safe from this jolly old forum. It would appear that you are already infected with it. It starts off just looking out of idle curiosity or just to pass the time, and eventually you will find yourself leaving it on all day and just having a "Quick squint" just in case anything interesting is going on. The next stage is planning your day so that you can spend some time on here. The "I'll just do that and have a quick look" syndrome. Quick looks for ten minutes become half an hour, then an hour. Then the self loathing sets in when you've been on here for an hour and a half and you walk away disgusted with yourself as you could have done something creative with your time.

    Recognize any of these symptoms.............hmm? You know it's serious when you wake up in the morning and lean across and turn the computer on...........just for a quick look. If you have reached this stage it may be too late to save you. ..............May the Lord have mercy on your soul.  ;):D

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Our ducks. Went to shut them up for the night and they were in the ditch next to us (they never go in there even though they are ducks) anyway left them for a while and went out there a min ago because its dark and they are still in there. cant get them out they are just sitting there. Whilst trying to get them out i slipped on some apples that were on the ground next to our apple tree and slid down the ditch bank very nearly going in (not pleasent, bit scary too :D Hope the ducks get out soon otherwize they will get got by the fox :'( :'(

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Our ducks. Went to shut them up for the night and they were in the ditch next to us (they never go in there even though they are ducks) anyway left them for a while and went out there a min ago because its dark and they are still in there. cant get them out they are just sitting there. Whilst trying to get them out i slipped on some apples that were on the ground next to our apple tree and slid down the ditch bank very nearly going in (not pleasent, bit scary too :D Hope the ducks get out soon otherwize they will get got by the fox :'( :'(

could you not lift one out and the rest will follow  :-\
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Adam can't you just get a long stick with a hook on the end and [i]hook a duck out?

Sorry, I'm not helping am I?! ::)

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D  That would only work if you were 3 feet tall so in your case it would probably be ok...in his case doubt it

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Our ducks. Went to shut them up for the night and they were in the ditch next to us (they never go in there even though they are ducks) anyway left them for a while and went out there a min ago because its dark and they are still in there. cant get them out they are just sitting there. Whilst trying to get them out i slipped on some apples that were on the ground next to our apple tree and slid down the ditch bank very nearly going in (not pleasent, bit scary too :D Hope the ducks get out soon otherwize they will get got by the fox :'( :'(

well its not far off duck season could allways start early and have crispy duck for dinner or roasted on sunday :P :P :P

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Adam can't you just get a long stick with a hook on the end and hook a duck out?

Sorry, I'm not helping am I?! ::)

They are in there now, saddley one has gone missing :'( :'( :'(, no evdince of a fox though, prob just flow off. Good idea tris, i tryed a net, but bloody nearly ended up in the ditch :D :D :D

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The forum being over run with adverts for phones, ipods, game systems >:( >:(

Not for me either - the only adverts are FTF banners.  However some topics I have viewed have tried to put cookies on my machine which I have refused.  My browsers (IE and Firefox) are set to prompt me to allow/disallow cookies. 

I think you should get your machine checked for spyware and viruses

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