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Car behind me roll into mine!!!! sittin cruisin in the port and BUMP

Needless to say I openedhis door and grabbed him by the throat, his face turned red meanwile the police ran over and pulled me off him, no damage, he was luck lucky boy,

Worst thing was he done it on purpose, thought it be funny, he'll know not to do it again.

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Car behind me roll into mine!!!! sittin cruisin in the port and BUMP

Needless to say I openedhis door and grabbed him by the throat, his face turned red meanwile the police ran over and pulled me off him, no damage, he was luck lucky boy,

Worst thing was he done it on purpose, thought it be funny, he'll know not to do it again.

You got off lucky,doing that to most ppl would get you a nice black eye.

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This actually happened yesterday.

Moving cattle from a small field to another. One ba**ard tried everything not to come out of the field including turning everywhere on my father and trying to get under the twine he was using. Then when they were out going down to the yard into the crush he decided to turn again. I stopped him but then he decided to jump a twine run around the yard jump another twine - Jump over a gate and bend it in bits and then he and the rest of them ran faster than me down the lane. Had to run across a 4 acre grass field jump a ditch and then run through a 20 acre field of spring barley and then to realise that they were in the neighbour's field after he left his gate open and were up on the ditch at the bottom. Luckily Dad got them back up and we put them into the field.  >:( >:(

Thank God for mobile phones is all I have to say.

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This actually happened yesterday.

Moving cattle from a small field to another. One ba**ard tried everything not to come out of the field including turning everywhere on my father and trying to get under the twine he was using. Then when they were out going down to the yard into the crush he decided to turn again. I stopped him but then he decided to jump a twine run around the yard jump another twine - Jump over a gate and bend it in bits and then he and the rest of them ran faster than me down the lane. Had to run across a 4 acre grass field jump a ditch and then run through a 20 acre field of spring barley and then to realise that they were in the neighbour's field after he left his gate open and were up on the ditch at the bottom. Luckily Dad got them back up and we put them into the field.  >:( >:(

Thank God for mobile phones is all I have to say.

And people always ask me why i stick to working on arable farms  ;D:D :D :D;)

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At least you wouldn't get hardship like this on a Sunday morning  :D

Mine is more likely to soon be  road compressor won't start to blow down the combine, or trailers got a flat, or numerous electronic faults on the combine computer  >:(:D :D

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Think it was a sewer one in Edgbaston. A right posh old close it was aswell, electric gates, solar powered houses, posh shrubs with them really long names, ya know, like Lavender and stuff. Well it now has a chrome topped manhole cover and a two WWII trenhes across the green.. . .. .  to make things worse the sods never wanted the 6 pallets I had so I had to return to Cirencester with them!!! All that for nothing.

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Think there may be a few sub-surface flag stones now too!!! None repairable Marky I am afraid. Got a gert kink in it just where the bar spits in two on the drivers side. May just salvage the LED's, bin the bar and get some grill infill lights. New to me but saw tham at Truckfest and they look pukka!! Shame though, the LoBar is my favourite of the lot.

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Think there may be a few sub-surface flag stones now too!!! None repairable Marky I am afraid. Got a gert kink in it just where the bar spits in two on the drivers side. May just salvage the LED's, bin the bar and get some grill infill lights. New to me but saw tham at Truckfest and they look pukka!! Shame though, the LoBar is my favourite of the lot.

Isn't that always the way though, the best bits are the ones that get damaged if any, sods law

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Gutted... I think those low bars make the lorry look really mate... is a new one much money  ???

?380 I think, a replacement will only get done again. Not really the thing to have on site work I suppose. Best I get some pics of her all skew whiff tomorrow!!!

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very true tris given they usally dont finish the roads of till last,near as all covers are raised then some by to much,damaged the exhaust on my car at my old deers place when they were bing done,on a cover that was high

Same in my town here, one housing estate that was started 10+ years ago still has raised manhole covers on all the roads, like a slalom course if anyone has to go down there

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