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What really annoyed you today

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How very dare you... I am sitting here... in my underpants... that I bought from Woolies sale in 1976.. (I can't afford clothes in these tough times)... my fingerless gloves all ripped and torn and badly in need of replacement... as I type Mrs F is outside looking through the bins to see if anyone has left anything worth having for my tea.. and YOU have the bare faced cheek (oops... slipped out of my pants then sorry  :-[ )... to make a comment like that...

Well I can't say I'm not hurt... that's cut me deep roboplops... you just wait until Aunty Jo reads this most recent ATTACK (yes.. that's all it can be called quitye frankly) on poor, sweet, innocent Marky and Sean

Roboplops... PAH.. you are nothing but the FTF bully boy  :'( >:(

Dearest Aunty Jo.. can you please 'open up a can' on him (as our American Cousins would say)  ;D:-*

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Marky - what we would we say to the younger forum members if they were experiencing this type of abuse? Just ignore it if you can.

This could get serious if you are not careful. Try and turn it into something positive -  keep on about your underpants and he will probably send you a pair of his old ones - just think of how many new pairs you could then make for yourself?

However, I am worried that since his health scare he has become more vindictive - I have heard that colonic irrigation can help in cases like Ricks?

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Thanks Aunty Jo...

Sean.. we've drawn straws in the mod room... while you were out and your advanced spelling lessons for 5's and under ... er.. you were having a ***... sadly you lost - you've got a short stumpy one (so said the lady at the Plymouth bowling alley... but that's a different story).. sorry.. straw I meant  :-[

Anyway... it's time for Pop's colonic... Bens marigolds are in the cleaning cupboard... he's cut the fingers off the left hand so be careful....

While we are on the subject... Ben... I've done your poster you wanted... '5 condoms for a pound' -

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Come on get a grip ya'll Marky would wee on your shoes and tell you it's raining outside and then nick your umbrella unless it was a john Deere one.......I double dare dog anyone here to go back and not find the word "I'm skint" at least 4 times within the last 3 months.  If I'm wrong, I will take a double dare dog numpty and not say a word......It has nothing to do with my colon or any other dfysfunctional part of my broken down old body........nor my brain cells pppppppppppppwwwwwwwwwwwwtttth sean.....

Tattle tail Marky got to run to Aunty Jo everytime the truth comes out.....big sissy........Aunty jo always got to stick up for her limey boys.........big mommy hen.......... :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Us Yanks don't fudge the facts 8) 8) 8)

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phone call and letter from the cruise company we are going with in sept today, they have cancleed the sales contract they have with the travel agents that we booked through,due to ???? but suspect they are going bust, as of 25th may all payments ect must go direct to them, we paid our holiday in full last saturday, via debit card to, which means at this moment in time,we now have to provide the cruise company with the recipt from the travel agents, plus a proper signed by manager bank statment ( will cost me 40 quid >:( >:(>:( )  and then they might be able to get our 3 grands worth of money back from the agent, they are abta backed so it shouldnt be a prob, however if it gets to within 2 weeks of the trip and its still in limbo, we may be asked to pay the sum again, then get the cash back once they sort the issues between them and the agent?? not quite sure where we will find 3 k from having just bought the car to. sure we are dammed to not go on holiday this year, this could be the second one we have lost not down to our fault so far >:( >:(>:( >:( 

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Flippin heck what a deal...............damn hope you get money back if this falls through.....or be nice if they shifted the flight to Seattle to board the ship then I can come over to meet you........I guess if worst gets to worst you could drive around with the top down on the new Beemer during a snow storm and pretend your in Alaska......"Oh dear look a polor bear", Sean: Nah thats just Mrs. weeks puddle out for a wee", wife: Use your imagination Sean"....I can't it frozen  :D :D :D :D :D :D

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when i jumped into the tractor that my cuzin has been using to cart silage with  >:( hes been cartin with the back window open and side windows so the cab is full of silage and dust  ::) told him loads of times to keep them shut , i wouldnt care so much its just i got to use that tractor to roll the clamp every night  ::) he doesnt belive in using air con  ::) mine doesnt have air con but still im chilled with just the blower on and windows shut  :D::)

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I  did my black and white shoot for Photography, Mum paid a bit more that £4 for the film, developed it at school today, and the film came out clear!! >:(  So now i have to take the shoot all over again and spend another half an hour developing it >:( >:(

i also asked her if i should bin it and she said 'no keep it we will stick it in your book, to show you have made a mistake'  ??? ???

I mean seriously whats the point ::) but she always asks us to keep things like that to show progress and understanding  :D



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I  did my black and white shoot for Photography, Mum paid a bit more that £4 for the film, developed it at school today, and the film came out clear!! >:(  So now i have to take the shoot all over again and spend another half an hour developing it >:( >:(

i also asked her if i should bin it and she said 'no keep it we will stick it in your book, to show you have made a mistake'  ??? ???

I mean seriously whats the point ::) but she always asks us to keep things like that to show progress and understanding  :D



wow ,  you have photography lessons at school ?

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